77011 » Environmental Resource Guide
Purpose: To achieve sustainable community improvement by providing programs that educate the public, combat blight, prevent litter, minimize waste and beautify Houston’s public spaces.
Programs: Adopt-A-Block and Adopt-A-Ditch Program; weekend cleanups and tool lending library; community beautification and edible community garden projects; civic leader and teacher training workshops. Teacher worksheets are available on the website for classroom use.…
Purpose:Â To celebrate, protect and restore the natural richness of all our bayous and streams. Founded in 1966 to protect and restore the richness and diversity of our waterways through activism, advocacy, collaboration and education. BPA monitors water quality, plans clean-ups for bayous, restores habitat, reviews permit applications and sponsors seminars on flood reduction.…
Purpose:Â To plant, protect and promote trees in the greater Houston region.
Programs: Tree Planting; Trees for Schools; Urban Forest Tree Keeper classes in September (adult). Tribute Trees and Tree Giveaways.
Major Events: Arbor Day Awards, Jan.; Root Ball, April; Annual Meeting, May, Sporting Clays Tournament, October.
Children’s Activities: School presentations for all grade levels.…
Purpose: American YouthWorks provides young people with opportunities to build careers, strengthen communities, and improve the environment through education, on-the-job training, and service to others.
- YouthBuild Austin is a youth services program that combines academics with career training, leadership development, and community service. For more information visit http://americanyouthworks.org/programs/youthbuild/
- Texas Conservation Corps (TxCC) is a 21st Century Conservation Service Corps accredited program that empowers young people through AmeriCorps service, conservation, education, and jobs training.
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