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Houston — Environmental Resource Guide

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Photo of Friends of Don Greene Friends of Don Greene

Purpose:  Engage. Educate. Empower. Providing opportunities for young people to learn about our environment and 21st Century Stewardship through engaging them, and providing knowledge and skills that empower them.  

Programs: Conservation projects, scout merit badges, science teacher training, afternoon story time, hands-on student ecosystem lessons in the one-acre Don Greene Nature Park.…

Photo of Rice Design Alliance Rice Design Alliance
(713) 348-5924

Purpose: Dedicated to the advancement of architecture, urban design, and the built environment in the Houston region through educational programs, the publication of Cite, and active programs to initiate physical improvements. By sponsoring lectures, seminars, symposia, exhibits, and tours, RDA seeks to involve the public.

Volunteer Opportunities: Docents needed for house tour, gala, and other events.…

Photo of Wildlife Center of Texas Wildlife Center of Texas
(713) 861-WILD (9453)

Purpose: WCT was formed to care for injured, ill and orphaned wildlife through rehabilitation, public education and release in the Greater Houston / Upper Gulf Coast region. Each year the WCT cares for over 10,000 thousand injured or orphaned wild animals including over 300 different species. The WCT is Houston’s first trauma hospital that accepts all native injured, ill and orphaned wildlife.…

Photo of Houston Climate Protection Alliance Houston Climate Protection Alliance
(713) 662-2879

Purpose: Houston Climate Protection Alliance connects residents of the greater Houston-Galveston region concerned about global warming so we can learn and act together.

Meetings: First Sundays of each month at First Unitarian Universalist Church, 5200 Fannin at Southmore. Time is usually 1:15 p.m., but please call to confirm and for topic information.…

Photo of Houston Community ToolBank Houston Community ToolBank
(713) 674-0262

Purpose: The Houston Community ToolBank is a nonprofit tool lending program that stewards an inventory of tools for lending to charitable organizations to increase the impact of their mission-related efforts in the community. With year-round access to an inventory of tools for use in volunteer projects and facility and grounds maintenance, the ToolBank provide resources to enhance the charitable sector’s capacity to serve, facilitating hands-on volunteerism in the greater Houston area.…

Photo of Last Organic Outpost Last Organic Outpost
(832) 422-8407

Purpose: The Last Organic Outpost generates healthy communities and establishes a local food economy in Houston’s under-served neighborhoods through urban farming and farm-based art & education. They empower communities through sustainable agriculture that teaches residents to produce safe, healthy and accessible food for all. They envision growing ‘Food Everywhere’ and seeding an Urban Agricultural District that cultivates our region’s food and supports local farmers to thrive despite economic, environmental, health and social challenges.…

Photo of KPFT 90.1 FM KPFT 90.1 FM
(713) 526-4000 offices

Purpose: To establish a foundation organized and operated exclusively for educational purposes, in which no part of the net earnings inures to the benefit of any member of the Foundation. We promote and aid other creative activities which will serve the cultural welfare of the community, and offer performance facilities to amateur musical performers, choral groups, orchestral groups and music students.…

Photo of White Oak Bayou Association White Oak Bayou Association

Purpose: To promote greater public awareness, appreciation, and enjoyment of White Oak Bayou, its tributaries and environs by advocating the preservation, restoration, and maintenance of the natural wildlife habitats thereof, while promoting compatible educational and recreational opportunities within the area. White Oak Bayou Association was founded in May 1986.

Meetings: Monthly: 2nd Tuesday, 7:00 p.m.…

Photo of University of Houston: Office of Sustainability University of Houston: Office of Sustainability

Purpose: The University of Houston Office of Sustainability serves as the hub for campus sustainability efforts. Engaging the campus and community, the office fosters collaboration and educates individuals about social, economic and environmental factors that impact today’s society and generations to come. On-campus sustainability initiatives include academic programs and research, educational events, the campus community garden, single-stream recycling, water bottle refill stations, renewable energy use, sustainable transportation, green building and more.…

Photo of BikeHouston, Inc. BikeHouston, Inc.

Purpose: The mission of BikeHouston is to promote safe bicycling and to improve the quality of life in the Houston area.  Goals -secure equitable access to regional facilities, lands and roads -educate the public about rights and responsibilities of bicyclists -promote public awareness of the personal and community benefits of cycling Meeting Time: Varies, see website.

Photo of Preservation Houston Preservation Houston
(713) 510-3990

Purpose: To promote the preservation and appreciation of Houston’s architectural and cultural historic resources through advocacy, education, and committed action; thereby creating economic value and developing a stronger sense of community. Regular Meetings: Walking tours, second Sunday of each month. Programs: Preservation advocacy, Historic Neighborhoods Council, Realtor programs, heritage education program, heritage tourism promotion, Museum of Houston digital archive and online museum.

Photo of Houston Urban Gardeners Houston Urban Gardeners

Purpose: Houston Urban Gardeners’ mission is to create an informed active gardening community of people growing their own vegetables, fruits, and herbs year-round in Metro Houston. They do this through programs on all aspects of growing food. 

Programs:  Monthly meetings on topics such as:

  • leaving a legacy of better soil
  • eating organic wholesome food with a known history
  • getting more production with less time and having more fun
  • getting to know like-minded people and sharing what you know with others
  • restoring respect for the earth and the environment
  • forming a gardening support network/community
  • feeling good because you can share food with hungry people
  • supporting our local Houston economy by buying supplies from local vendors

Meetings: HUG meets on the second Monday of the month at 6:30pm at the West Gray Metropolitan Multi-Service Center (1475 W Gray St, Houston, TX 77019) in the Montrose/River Oaks area near Waugh Drive.…

Photo of Levy Park Conservancy Levy Park Conservancy
(713) 522-7275

Purpose: Levy Park is a six acre public green space in the Upper Kirby District which recently reopened after a $15 million renovation for the purpose of creating an entertainment and recreation destination for the immediate community and for the people of Greater Houston. The Upper Kirby Redevelopment Authority in partnership with the Upper Kirby District Foundation, funded the renovation and Levy Park’s many public amenities.…

Photo of Citizens’ Environmental Coalition Citizens’ Environmental Coalition

Purpose: CEC works to connect our environmental community. Our mission is to foster education, dialogue, and collaboration on environmental issues in the Houston/Gulf Coast region.

Photo of Native Plant Society of TX – Hou Chapter Native Plant Society of TX – Hou Chapter

Purpose: The mission of The Native Plant Society of Texas (NPSOT) is to promote research, conservation and utilization of native plants and plant habitats of Texas through education, outreach, and example.

Meetings: 7:00 p.m., program at 7:30 p.m., the 3rd Thurs. of each month, Nov. Social & Seed & Plant Swap, Dec. holiday dinner, Jan.…

Photo of Friends of Woodland Park Friends of Woodland Park
(713) 862-1520

Purpose: The Friends of Woodland Park, Inc. (FWP) is dedicated to preserving the park’s natural habitat along with its unique historical significance to the City of Houston, and to providing for the enjoyment and education of all who visit.

Publications: Subscribe to email newsletter.

Programs: Trails at Twilight Gala,

Bird watching monthly.…

Photo of Planned Parenthood of Houston & SE Texas Planned Parenthood of Houston & SE Texas
(713) 522-6363

Purpose: To ensure the right and ability of all individuals to manage their sexual and reproductive health by providing health services, education, and advocacy. Founded in 1936.

Programs: Teen and Family/Community Education on sexuality and relationships. HIV education and medical services: affordable, preventive reproductive health services provided at 10 health centers in Houston and SE Texas; call (800) 230-PLAN or visit

Photo of TWRC Wildlife Center TWRC Wildlife Center
(713) 468-TWRC (8972)

Purpose: The TWRC Wildlife Center provides an emergency room for injured, ill, and orphaned wildlife, as well as a help-line;  both the emergency room and the help-line operate 7 days a week. A veterinarian is on staff to assist with training and emergencies and experienced volunteers and staff facilitate initial triage, rehabilitation, release, and education.…

Photo of Katy Prairie Conservancy Katy Prairie Conservancy
Houston Office: (713) 523-6135

Purpose: To preserve the coastal prairie for people and wildlife. KPC now protects over 24,000 acres of coastal prairie in Texas. On the Katy Prairie in Harris, Ft. Bend, and Waller counties, KPC owns nearly 13,500 acres and protects nearly 5,000 acres through conservation agreements with private landowners. KPC is also working to protect coastal prairie in other Texas counties.…

Photo of City of Houston Green Building Resource Center City of Houston Green Building Resource Center
(832) 394-9050

Purpose: To enable the public to experience and learn more about healthy and energy, water, and material conserving design and construction; also known as Green Building.

Steven M. Stelzer, AIA, LEED AP, Program Director

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