• 713-524-4CEC (4232)
  • info@cechouston.org

Community Notes 10-06-2010

GreenWeek Houston. GreenWeek Houston is taking place from October 10th to the 17th. It celebrates community service, climate awareness, sustainable choices and the merits of mindful, sustainable living while educating and encouraging Houstonians to preserve, conserve and enhance the city. More information on the free celebration can be found at http://www.greenweekhouston.com/. 2011 Texas Environmental Excellence Awards. TCEQ has extended the…

Community Notes 9-29-2010

Take Me Outdoors Houston. TPWD’s Take Me Outdoors Houston is set for Saturday, October 2, 2010, at Discovery Green. This is a family-oriented festival of the outdoors that will provide hands-on activities, booths, and opportunities to engage audiences who haven’t ever or don’t often get exposure to the great outdoors. For more information, visit the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department…

Community Notes 9-22-2010

EarthShare Week. This week is Earthshare Week from September 18th to the 26th. This is the kick-off of the fall workplace giving campaign season. There are event across the state, so check out http://www.earthshare-texas.org/2010/08/earthshare-of-texas-week-september-1826-2010.html for more information. DEA Drug Take Back Day. The federal Drug Enforcement Administration is holding a drug take-back day September 25. Many people throw away old…

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