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ECONOTES 2010-12-15: Environmental Headlines for the Houston Region


  1. Environmental Groups Take On Oil Giant (Laurie Johnson – KUHF News, 12/14/2010)
    Environment Texas and the Sierra Club filed a lawsuit against ExxonMobil Corporation for violating the clean air act by releasing illegal amounts of pollutants into the air. Luke Metzger, the director of Environment Texas, says more than 15,000 people live within a three mile radius of the refinery and millions more live within range of the emissions.
  2. Galveston to plant 25,000 trees over the next five years (Holly Huffman – Texas Forest Service)
    The Galveston City Council has announced a plan to reforest the island by planting 25,000 trees over the next five years. Hurricane Ike caused Galveston to lose more than 13,000 trees. The salty water that was blown on shore ultimately poisoned a large portion of the Island’s trees.
  3. Christmas Bird Count serves a worthy purpose (Gary Clark – Houston Chronicle, 12/03/2010)
    More than 60,000 volunteers are expected to take part in the National Audubon Society’s Christmas Bird Count, which started on Dec. 14. The counts provide critical information about changes in the winter distribution and population status of birds. These changes may be a result of environmental factors or habitat alterations.
