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Press Event at Hearing on Proposed New EPA Ozone Limits

Title: Press Event at Hearing on Proposed New EPA Ozone Limits
Location: Hobby Hilton, Houston, Texas (exact room tba) 8181 Airport Boulevard, Houston, TX 77061
Description: American Lung Association, Health Professionals for Clean Air, Sierra Club, Environmental Defense Fund, Galveston-Houston Association for the Prevention of Smog, Public Citizen, and Environment Texas are hosting a press event to endorse Proposed Ozone Rule at EPA Hearing.

The press event is at 11 AM. A second rally will be at 7 pm.

Houston ranks in every list as one of the smoggiest cities in the U.S., with millions of our neighbors and families suffering from that burden every year. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently announced their proposal to strengthen the official limits—called the National Ambient Air Quality Standard—for ozone “smog” pollution. EPA has selected Houston as one of only 3 places in the nation where they are actively listening to public opinion about this move. If EPA strengthens that standard, Houston’s air will get much, much cleaner making it a healthier place to live. But opponents are weighing in with the same tired arguments. We want to share the facts with you at a press conference the day of the hearing.

Come learn more about why the EPA decided to “do over” the decision they reached in 2008 and now proposes a tighter national air quality standard. Come learn why the stories you are hearing from opponents are wrong.

For more Information, Contact: Eva Hernandez, Sierra Club, 512-299-1550, Chris Smith, Environmental Defense Fund, 512-659-9264, Susannah Fuchs, American Lung Association, 314-645-5505 ext 1007, or Matthew Tejada, Galveston-Houston Association for Smog Prevention, 713-528-3779

Start Time: 11:00 am
Date: 2010-02-02