• 713-524-4CEC (4232)
  • info@cechouston.org

Green Jobs

(Tell them you heard about it from us!)

  1. The Texas Water Resources Institute has a Project Manager position available located in College Station, TX. For more information or to apply for the position, visit the Website, http://greatjobs.tamu.edu, click on ‘search postings’ and look under the hiring unit, Texas Water Resources Institute or search by the NOV number listed. Duties include: Assist Texas Water Resources Institute administration with project management, planning, development and implementation of new research and education projects; establish and maintain collaborations with Texas A&M University administration and faculty, federal and state agencies and personnel with other universities, centers and institutes; provide evaluation and reporting for TWRI sponsored projects and other activities assigned by the Director and Associate Director. Have excellent communication and interpersonal skills. Manage a variety of projects as assigned including planning, implementing budgets, managing accounts, establishing faculty liaison and reporting. Work with state and federal agency personnel and others to plan, implement, and report regarding partnerships and projects and participate with research and Extension personnel in preparation of grant proposals to obtain external funding.
  2. The Student Conservation Association is currently recruiting part-time Crew Leaders of the Conservation Leadership Corps (CLC) program. Commitment is 1 weekend/month December-April. If you are over 21 years old, please contact JuliaBitterly at jbitterly@thesca.org or 713-520-1835.To browse the list of all SCA internships go to http://www.thesca.org/serve/internships/browse.
  3. Coastal Conservation Association seeks President and COO. The President and Chief Operating Officer will report to the CEO and Board of Directors and have charge and general control of the affairs, properties and operations of the Corporation in the ordinary course of its business. Send comprehensive resume and salary history to:  Search@joincca.org OR Search, 6919 Portwest Drive, Suite 100, Houston, TX 77024. More information at http://online.wsj.com/public/page/news-career-jobs.html and search “coastal conservation” in keywords.
  4. The Woods Project, Inc., a 501 (c ) (3) headquartered in Houston,  is seeking to employ on a contract basis one or two individuals with a passion for working with high school kids,  a teaching background, and an interest in environmental/ecology/wilderness programming to work up to five hours per week as the leader of after school Outdoor/Ecology Clubs at up to  three of our Partner Schools in Houston. The position will include co-developing and administering a hands-on active curriculum to up to 30 high school youth meeting after school at school sanctioned clubs on a weekly basis throughout the school year.  There will be significant latitude on the type of programming offered. Pay is competitive and reflects our desire to have the right person for the job. To learn more, visit http://www.thewoodsproject.org.  Interested parties should contact Steve Rosencranz at Srosencranz@sbcglobal.net