• 713-524-4CEC (4232)
  • info@cechouston.org

Request for examples: Smart Growth, LID, Green Infrastructure

EPA Region 6, which includes the Houston area, would appreciate your help in generating a list of  Smart Growth (SG), Low Impact Development (LID), and/or Green Infrastructure (GI) projects or practices that have been or are being implemented in the  region. This information will highlight the sites, communities, and states that are utilizing these practices on the EPA Region 6 Green Infrastructure website. The information will also be sent to the U.S. EPA Office of Policy, Economics and Innovation as they are collecting sites of projects in preparation of a possible future Partnership tour to Region 6 by Administrator Lisa Jackson. To learn more about the Sustainable Communtities Partnership between HUD, DOT, and EPA, read the press releases found at http://www.sustainablebusiness.com/index.cfm/go/news.display/id/18402 and http://www.epa.gov/smartgrowth/2009-0616-epahuddot.htm. If you have any question or comments, contact Suzanna Perea at 214-665-7217 or Perea.Suzanna@epamail.epa.gov.