• 713-524-4CEC (4232)
  • info@cechouston.org


The Sierra Club is hosting TPWD’s Kevin Good on Wednesday, February 11, 2009 at 6:30 pm for refreshments, 7 pm presentation on “Texas State Parks Priorities in the 81st Legislature: What You Need To Know”. Mr. Good will discuss the priorities of the Parks Division in this time of tight budgets. Park funding made great progress during the 80th Legislature and we can’t afford to lose that momentum now. The need for assured funds to complete repairs and maintenance, retain professional staff, acquire and develop state parks, and fund local park grant programs is just as great as two years ago. And then Hurricane Ike took two major state Parks serving Houston out of service. Please join us at the Houston Garden Center to learn the facts so you can be an effective voice this session! For information, please contact Evelyn Merz, 713-644-8228, elmerz@hal-pc.org.With your new knowledge, head to Austin to talk parks with the legislature on Tuesday, February 24, 2009. The Park People advocates will join park professionals from across the state to meet with our elected officials about park needs. Contact Diane Schenke at 713-942-7275 to coordinate transportation and legislative appointments.