• 713-524-4CEC (4232)
  • info@cechouston.org


Aurora Picture Show, 800 Aurora Street, is screening the film “Everything’s Cool” on Saturday, March 8, at 8 pm; and on Sunday, March 9, at 3 pm. The film is about America finally “getting” global warming in the wake of the most dangerous chasm ever to emerge between scientific understanding and political action. The first fifty patrons at each show who bike, walk, carpool, drive a hybrid vehicle, or use public transit will receive a gifts bags with eco-friendly rewards. Chris Powers, from Houston Biodeisel, will speak on Sunday after the movie. For details, see Aurora Picture Show’s website.“Oil On Ice” will be shown on Wednesday, March 12th at 7 pm, at the Rice Media Center, as part CLEAN’s film series. The film is an award-winning documentary that connects the conflict over drilling for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to America’s decisions about energy and transportation. Stunning footage and in-depth interviews link energy independence, global warming, Native American rights, and wildlife and wild lands protection. After the movie, Terrel Dixon, of the University of Houston, will lead a discussion on issues related in the film. The film is free.

Robert Redford will be in Houston on Thursday, March 27 for the Houston premier of “Fighting Goliath: Texas Coal Wars”. Redford narrates this 30-minute documentary about how a coalition of Texas cities, ranchers, business leaders, and private citizens, opposed the permitting of 18 coal-burning power plants. After the screening, Redford will join in a panel discussion. The event is sponsored by the Progressive Forum. Order tickets at the Forum’s website.