• 713-524-4CEC (4232)
  • info@cechouston.org


There will be a conference about stopping coal usage for power plants on Wednesday, February 27th, from to 2 to 9 pm and Thursday February 28th, from 10 am to 3 pm at Bering Memorial United Methodist Church, 1440 Harold Street. Wednesday’s program includes: state legislative issues; congressional issues; presidential contenders’ positions on climate change, a coal plant moratorium, and sustainable economic development, and efficiency alternatives to coal and progress on efficiency initiatives. On Wednesday evening at 7, the documentary “Burning the Future”, will be shown. David Novack, the film’s producer, will speak afterward.On Thursday, out-of state activists will talk about their projects and final preparations for the Coal Moratorium NOW! Rally will be made.

There will be a demonstration outside the George R. Brown Convention Center from 4:30 till 7 pm.

For details about the conference contact wedell@fanninelectric.com or (903) 640-3868 or go online. For rally information, contact Nan Hildreth at (713) 842-6643 or NanHildreth@riseup.net.