• 713-524-4CEC (4232)
  • info@cechouston.org


There will be a meeting on Wednesday, January 23 at 8 pm at Rice University’s Student Center to talk about the Say No To New Coal Campaign. 

From smog to mercury to carbon dioxide, coal-fired power plants are one of the largest sources of dangerous pollution in the United States. Plans are on the table to build dozens of new polluting coal-fired power plants across the country, increasing the health threats for both nearby communities and those downwind. Dynegy, based in Houston, is the company with the greatest number of plant proposals in the country (including one near Waco). This campaign is to raise awareness about this issue so that Dynegy’s economic bottom line is not determining our public health and environmental future. There are better, cleaner solutions. By focusing on increasing efficiency and investing in renewable energy we can make these proposed new plants unnecessary. For more information, contact Susannah at (713) 524-3000, (303) 919-3296, or Susannah@greencorps.org. For more information, see the Sierra Club website.