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83rd Texas Legislature Regular Session, March 19, 2013

Texas StarCEC is sharing information during the session about what bills our member groups and readers are tracking. More information is available at cechouston.org/category/texas-legislature/.

Let us know what you think about the senate bills that have been filed! Take a quick survey to let us know which senate bills are important to you–and why! We’ll let you know what our readers think. Next week, we’ll have a similar poll for house bills.

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The last day to file bills was March 8, 2013. Learn more at http://www.capitol.state.tx.us/Reports/General.aspx. Other helpful links:

The following are bills (SB=Senate Bill, HB=House Bill, and HJR=House Joint Resolution) which may be of interest to the region’s environmental community and which were filed before the deadline.

  • HB 1903: Relating to the appropriation of amounts deposited into the oyster sales accountand the abolishment of the oyster advisory committee.
  • HB 1912: Relating to public improvement districts designated by a municipalityor county; authorizing assessments.
  • HB 1932: Relating to regulating faulty on-site sewage disposal systems in theunincorporated areas of a county as a public nuisance; providing a criminal penalty.
  • HB 1935: Relating to authorizing general infrastructure projects to beundertaken by economic development corporations.
  • HB 1937: Relating to exempting residents who are at least 65 years of age frompaying certain parks and wildlife fees.
  • HB 1963: Relating to the election of a commissioner of the Public UtilityCommission of Texas.
  • HB 1964: Relating to the authority of the Texas Department of Transportation toparticipate in certain federal transportation programs.
  • HB 1966: Relating to a project that may be undertaken by certain developmentcorporations in connection with infrastructure improvements necessary for municipal area development and revitalization.
  • HB 1973: Relating to the provision of water by a public utility or water supplyor sewer service corporation for use in fire suppression.
  • HB 1985: Relating to the use of the state highway fund for rail relocation andimprovement.
  • HB 1986: Relating to the effect of rules and standards adopted by the RailroadCommission of Texas relating to the liquefied petroleum gas industry on ordinances, orders, or rules adopted by political subdivisions relatingto that industry.
  • HB 1998: Relating to the eligibility of land for appraisal for ad valorem taxpurposes as qualified open-space land on the basis of its use for wildlife management.
  • HB 2026: Relating to the legislature’s goals for renewable electric generating capacity.
  • HB 2043:  Relating to the Texas Mobility Fund.
  • HB 2047: Relating to a sales and use tax exemption for certain tangible personalproperty and services related to mineral exploration and production.
  • HB 2049: Relating to a qualifying cogeneration facility’s ability to sellelectric energy to multiple purchasers.
  • HB 2068: Relating to establishment and functions of certain urban land bankprograms.
  • HB 2074: Relating to a franchise tax deduction for certain energy-generatingequipment.
  • HB 2077: Relating to municipal fees in certain populous municipalities.
  • HB 2082: Relating to the procedure for action by the Texas Commission onEnvironmental Quality on applications for certain environmental permits and administrative and judicial review of the commission’s action.
  • HB 2092: Relating to the transfer of responsibility for regulating deer breedingfrom the Parks and Wildlife Department to the Texas Animal Health Commission.
  • HB 2105: Relating to municipally owned utility systems.
  • HB 2113: Relating to the regulation of cottage food products and cottage foodproduction operations.
  • HB 2120: Relating to permits to construct reservoirs for the storage of statewater.
  • HB 2121: Relating to interbasin transfers of state water.
  • HB 2122: Relating to the posting by the Railroad Commission of Texas on itsInternet website of certain enforcement information.
  • HB 2133: Relating to the public policy for the use of innovative and alternativewater treatment technologies for water development purposes.
  • HB 2139: Relating to the authority of the Near Northside Management District toundertake tax increment financing.
  • HB 2142: Relating to the report by the Water Conservation Advisory Council onprogress made in water conservation in this state.
  • HB 2143: Relating to the evaluation by the Water Conservation Advisory Councilof water conservation technologies for possible inclusion in the best management practices guide developed by the water conservationimplementation task force.
  • HB 2146: Relating to limits on mining of marl, sand, gravel, shell, or mudshellin certain protected freshwater areas.
  • HB 2148: Relating to the motor fuel tax on compressed natural gas and liquefiednatural gas; providing penalties.
  • HB 2152: Relating to fees for certain recreational vehicle parks.
  • HB 2154: Relating to the applicability of the law governing innovative programsfor environmental regulation administered by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.
  • HB 2156: Relating to the ability of a municipality to regulate or limit a retailpublic utility’s extension of service or operation of facilities.
  • HB 2157: Relating to the offense of maintaining and repairing an irrigationsystem without a license.
  • HB 2166: Relating to the continuation, functions, and name of the RailroadCommission of Texas; providing for the imposition of fees, the repeal of provisions for the suspension of the collection of fees, and theelimination of a fee..
  • HB 2169: Relating to the authority of the Texas Commission on EnvironmentalQuality to create a groundwater conservation district in certain counties.
  • HB 2179: Relating to the regulation of backflow prevention assembly testers bythe Texas State Board of Plumbing Examiners; authorizing a fee.
  • HB 2193: Relating to powers of the West Harris County Regional Water Authorityrelating to certain wells.
  • HB 2194: Relating to demand-side electric energy resources in the competitiveelectric market.
  • HB 2195: Relating to a franchise tax credit for building new single-family homesor duplexes that meet certain energy efficiency standards.
  • HB 2196: Relating to compensation for surplus electricity generated bydistributed renewable generation.
  • HB 2202: Relating to the disposition of fees collected by or on behalf of theTexas Department of Motor Vehicles; authorizing fees.
  • HB 2225: Relating to the operation of a motor vehicle in the vicinity of anunprotected road user; providing penalties.
  • HB 2231: Relating to the additional tax imposed on land appraised for ad valoremtax purposes as open space land if a change in use of the land occurs.
  • HB 2237: Relating to the recovery of rate case expenses by a water and sewerutility.
  • HB 2252: Relating to eligibility of charitable organizations to participate in astate employee charitable campaign.
  • HB 2277: Relating to the regulation of certain pits used to store flowback orproduced water from an oil or gas well on which a hydraulic fracturing treatment has been performed.
  • HB 2278: Relating to the state highway fund.
  • HB 2290: Relating to the retention of a portion of money received by a localgovernment to implement a supplemental environmental project.
  • HB 2292: Relating to the notice requirements for the issuance, renewal, oramendment of certain environmental permits issued by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.
  • HB 2316: Relating to the imposition of an additional motor vehicle registrationfee to be deposited into the Texas Mobility Fund.
  • HB 2334: Relating to the regulation, development, and treatment of brackish and marine water.
  • HB 2338: Relating to the enforcement of restrictive covenants regarding solar panels.
  • HB 2362: Relating to the audit and review of river authorities.
  • HB 2368: Relating to a study on waste reduction and a statewide waste reduction plan.
  • HB 2379: Relating to the amount of money authorized to be used for Clean Air Act local initiative projects related to vehicles.
  • HB 2386: Relating to the operation of all-terrain vehicles on public highways; providing a penalty; authorizing fees.
  • HB 2406: Relating to the installation, maintenance, operation, and relocation of saltwater pipeline facilities.
  • HB 2416: Relating to the provision of bags to customers of a business at the point of sale.
  • HB 2433: Relating to the periods during which breeder deer may be transferred for release.
  • HB 2434: Relating to prohibiting the production or distribution of certain records of field trials or the process of hunting or catching wildlife; providing a civil remedy and creating an offense.
  • HB 2438: Relating to the authority of a county to assess the costs of abatement of a nuisance on real property against certain persons.
  • HB 2446: Relating to the qualifications of certain electric generation projects for programs designed to encourage the capture and utilization of carbon dioxide for use in enhanced oil recovery.
  • HB 2452: Relating to the appointment of a watermaster for the Brazos River Basin.
  • HB 2469: Relating to deer breeding in this state and to procedures regarding certain deer permits.
  • HB 2486: Relating to the sale or disposal of scrap tires; providing a civil penalty; creating an offense.
  • HB 2492: Relating to the allocation of certain revenue from the taxes imposed on the sale, rental, or use of motor vehicles to the state highway fund.
  • HB 2499: Relating to the use of Texas emissions reduction plan funds for a drayage truck purchase incentive program.
  • HB 2500: Relating to the appraisal for ad valorem tax purposes of solar energy property.
  • HB 2502: Relating to the authority of a municipality to require owners of real property to keep the property free of certain conditions.
  • HB 2510: Relating to the continuation and functions of the state employee charitable campaign.
  • HB 2516: Relating to fines paid for the violation of a county regulation prohibiting or restricting outdoor burning.
  • HB 2517: Relating to the authority of counties to require a person to notify a local fire department before starting an outdoor fire; creating a criminal penalty.
  • HB 2571: Relating to the inspection of certain information regarding the production, transportation, sale, and marketing of oil and gas from state land; imposing an administrative penalty.
  • HB 2577: Relating to water well recordkeeping and reporting requirements, including the production, use, and withdrawal of groundwater.
  • HB 2578: Relating to the development of brackish groundwater.
  • HB 2580: Relating to the authority of municipalities to create freight rail districts that have the powers of rural rail transportation districts; granting the power of eminent domain.
  • HB 2590: Relating to the foreclosure sale of property subject to certain agreements related to the production or sale of oil or gas.
  • HB 2592: Relating to the liability of certain special-purpose districts or authorities providing water to a purchaser for the generation of electricity.
  • HB 2615: Relating to reporting and information availability requirements for persons impounding, diverting, or otherwise using state water; providing a penalty.
  • HB 2616: Relating to the authority of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality to establish uniform restrictions on the use of water during a drought.
  • HB 2623: Relating to the authority of certain counties and the General Land Office to temporarily close a beach or a beach access point.
  • HB 2624: Relating to the regulation of water wells under the jurisdiction of the Texas Commission of Licensing and Regulation to prevent groundwater pollution.
  • HB 2633: Relating to the compensation of an owner of the surface estate in land for damages associated with mineral exploration and production operations.
  • HB 2649: Relating to the punishment for violating certain rules or permit terms under a permit to trap, transport, and transplant certain animals.
  • HB 2659: Relating to mule deer management permits.
  • HB 2677: Relating to municipal standards for retail public utilities that provide water service in the municipality.
  • HB 2691: Relating to audible warning devices on motor vehicles.
  • HB 2692: Relating to the authority of certain municipalities to establish an economic development program to promote the construction of small-scale electric generating facilities.
  • HB 2695: Relating to municipal authority to regulate wind turbines in the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the municipality.
  • HB 2708: Relating to the imposition of a tax on water consumption by certain residential water customers and the use of the revenue generated by the tax to finance water projects; providing for penalties; authorizing a fee.
  • HB 2712: Relating to the exemption from ad valorem taxation of energy storage systems used for the control of air pollution in a nonattainment area.
  • HB 2720: Relating to the applicability of the law governing emergency authorizations by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality for the use of state water to certain emergency orders concerning water rights issued by the executive director of the commission.
  • HB 2739: Relating to permitting requirements of groundwater conservation districts, including permits to transfer water.
  • HB 2740: Relating to the renewal or amendment of permits issued by groundwater conservation districts.
  • HB 2742: Relating to the operation of a golf cart or utility vehicle on a public highway.
  • HB 2743: Relating to the powers and jurisdiction of a regional mobility authority.
  • HB 2744: Relating to the applicability of certain provisions concerning the transfer of exotic species to certain transfers of water that supply populous areas.
  • HB 2746: Relating to exemptions from the sales and use tax for certain energy-efficient products.
  • HB 2747: Relating to an exemption from ad valorem taxation of the portion of the appraised value of a person’s property that is attributable to the installation on the property of a rainwater harvesting system.
  • HB 2752: Relating to the development and operation of advanced brackish desalination projects.
  • HB 2761: Relating to the protection of stray bison.
  • HB 2767: Relating to treating and recycling for beneficial use certain liquid or semiliquid waste arising out of or incidental to drilling for or producing oil or gas.
  • HB 2768: Relating to the administration and judicial review of a suit involving a groundwater conservation district.
  • HB 2769: Relating to the process for appealing the desired future conditions adopted by a groundwater conservation district for an aquifer.
  • HB 2779: Relating to the taxation and titling of certain off-road vehicles; providing penalties.
  • HB 2781: Relating to rainwater harvesting and other water conservation initiatives.
  • HB 2799: Relating to the transfer from the state to a county of a portion of the revenue derived from oil and gas leases of land owned by the county to be used by the county for road maintenance purposes.
  • HB 2800: Relating to funding for certain county transportation infrastructure projects.
  • HB 2814: Relating to the use of utility usage information by governmental entities.
  • HB 2828: Relating to the effect of rules and standards adopted by the Railroad Commission of Texas relating to the gas pipeline industry on ordinances, orders or rules adopted by political subdivisions.
  • HB 2840: Relating to the urban land bank demonstration program in certain municipalities.
  • HB 2859: Relating to the amount of money authorized to be used for Clean Air Act local initiative projects related to vehicles.
  • HB 2894: Relating to reports on energy use at buildings of certain governmental entities and energy efficiency projects for those buildings.
  • HB 2908: Relating to authority of a municipality to adopt certain ordinances.
  • HB 2922: Relating to the eligibility of land for appraisal for ad valorem tax purposes as qualified open-space land on the basis of its use for wildlife management.
  • HB 2923: Relating to the establishment of a program for the collection, transportation, and recycling of architectural paint.
  • HB 2949: Relating to a performance-based program for permits issued by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.
  • HB 2982: Relating to the power of the Railroad Commission of Texas to adopt and enforce safety standards and practices applicable to the transportation by pipeline of certain substances and to certain pipeline facilities.
  • HB 2987: Relating to certain water districts that do not provide water and sanitary sewer service to certain users in the districts’ territory.
  • HB 2992: Relating to the reuse, discharge, or disposal of fluid produced from certain oil or gas wells on which a hydraulic fracturing treatment has been performed.
  • HB 2993: Relating to the creation of a game animal meat safety task force.
  • HB 2996: Relating to regulation by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality of the land application of Class B sludge.
  • HB 2997: Relating to regulation by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality of the land application of Class B sludge.
  • HB 2998: Relating to the insurance requirement concerning a permit application for applying Class B sludge on a land application unit.
  • There are about 900 more house bills to review; we’ll post our picks on the website soon.