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Park supporters will be taking a bus to Austin on Thursday, March 8 to meet with state senators and representatives about park legislation. Bills that will remove the limitation on spending all the revenue from the sporting goods tax on parks seem headed toward passage, however, that is no guarantee that these funds will be appropriated. Diane Schenke, of the Park People, reports legislators are beginning to “nickel and dime” the budget request that Texas Parks and Wildlife made and question whether parks “need all that money.” Legislators need to be told that their constituents care about adequate funding for Texas parks. There is still room on the bus, but if you are unable to join the bus, consider meeting with the Houston staff of your local state senator or representative that day.The bus will leave 3015 Richmond at 8 am, and return by 7 pm. It will cost $30 per rider. Joe Turner, director, Houston Parks and Recreation Department, will provide legislative training on the bus. To reserve a seat on the bus or to find out what to say when you visit your legislator’s office, contact Diane Schenke (713) 942-7275 or dschenke@parkpeople.org.