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  • info@cechouston.org

Speak to the Metro Board

Title: Speak to the Metro Board
Link out: Click here
Description: “The Metro Board is currently considering language for a referendum and may
be asking for a return of the full penny they were supposed to get. It is
no surprise in a city where we spend 61.3% of money on roads and only 22.7
on alternate forms of transit that in 1988 there was a move to take 1/4 of
that penny and give it to the City of Houston and other entities. It does
not sound like a lot of money, however over the years it has amounted to 2.5
BILLION dollars and that amount could have been leveraged by Metro into 5
billion, which could have meant we would not be more than 20 years behind
other major cities in our light rail.

If Metro does not get the 1/4 cent back we can count on not having any other
lines developed for another 20 or 30 years.

To me this is unacceptable, the Metro Board needs to hear from people who
believe that Light Rail is more important to them than building more roads.
I am asking you to consider going to speak to the Metro Board on Thursday
March 26th at 9:00 am in support of Metro receiving the full 1/4 cent. If
you decide you will go, it is necessary to call the Metro Board Office and
register to speak. The number to call is 7.739.4834. Registering must be
done 48 hours prior to the Board meeting so the latest time to call would be
9:00 am on Tuesday.”
Start Time: 09:00
Date: 2012-04-26