• 713-524-4CEC (4232)
  • info@cechouston.org

Community Notes 04-16-2012

  1. National Mayor’s Conservation Challenge. From March 31 –April 30, the City of Houston is joining cities from across the country to compete in the National Mayor’s Challenge. Mayors nationwide will challenge their residents to conserve water, energy, and other precious natural resources through simple, easy-to-use online pledge. Cities will compete to see who can gain the most participation. Perhaps more importantly, participants will see real results based on simple actions they can do to save water and energy at no cost the city, and with little or no additional demands on city resources or staff. They will also learn about great resources in their area to take their commitment of conservation even further, from regional water and energy resource issues to cost-saving tips at home. Visit http://www.mywaterpledge.com to take the pledge and support your city. The challenge will conclude during the City of Houston’s Water Week Event. Information about participating and exhibiting cabe be found at www.houstonwaterweek.org.The deadline to register as an exhibitor is April 13, 2012.
  2. Sea Turtle Monitor Training. The Sea Turtle Monitor Training Program consists of 2-day workshops conducted from Sabine Pass to Padre Island, Texas that involve 16 hours of in-class lectures and on-beach, practical training to equip monitors with:
    • sea turtle species identification
    • on-beach signs of nesting activity
    • foot- and ATV-facilitated patrol techniques & patroller safety
    • nesting response & reporting requirements
    • marking a nest
    • prevention of project-related impact to nesters, nests & eggs/hatchlings
    • signage requirements of on-going monitoring within a project site
    • stranded sea turtle & marine mammal response & reporting requirements
    • daily monitoring log requirements.

    Attendees will receive a certificate acknowledging successful completion of the training program. Galveston training dates include April 18-19 , April 25-26, May 8-9, May 30-31, June 13-14, July 18-19, July 25-26, Sept TBA, and Nov TBA. Additional dates and locations TBA. More at www.seaturtlemtp.com.

  3. Host ‘The Big Fix’ for Earth Day Weekend. It’s not too late to sign up to host a screening of ‘The Big Fix’ for Earth Day weekend (April 20th, 21st and 22nd). Screenings are taking place from Hawaii to Florida and everywhere in between. ‘The Big Fix’ is a film that explores America’s current energy situation and its “All of the Above” energy strategy. There will be three free live Q & A’s the evenings of Friday April 20th, Saturday April 21st and Sunday April 22nd (one for each major time zone) via phone and web for the screening participants. The Q & A’s will be timed to coincide with screenings that begin at 7pm in each time zone. The screening will begin at 7pm. If interested, visit http://www.thebigfixmovie.com/earthdayscreenings/.
  4. The Progressive Forum: William McDonough. William McDonough, a preeminent leader of the sustainability movement, is an architect, designer, and pioneer. McDonough designed city-size Ford Motor Rouge River Plant which installed the world’s largest green roof. He also co-authored the landmark classic, Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things, a manifesto calling for the transformation of industry towards ecologically intelligent design. McDonough will be presenting at the Wortham Center, Cullen Theater on April 24th at 7:30pm. Visit http://www.progressiveforumhouston.org/ to learn more and to purchase tickets.
  5. Healthy School Environments Across Texas Conference. The Healthy School Environments Across Texas Conference will take place on April 23rd, 12-7pm, at the Garland Special Events Center, 4999 Naaman Forest Boulevard, Garland, TX. This free conference will address how districts can make green and healthy school buildings a priority; what school districts across Texas doing to save money, improve health, and decrease student and staff absenteeism through simple, low-cost actions; and how to work together with facility and maintenance staff, nurses, teachers, administrators, etc. as a team to create green and healthy schools. Learn more at http://usgbctexasgulfcoast.org/.
  6. Marsha Hill Classic Golf Tournament . The 2nd Annual Marsha Hill Classic Golf Tournament will be held on Friday, April 27 at the Gus Wortham Golf Course. This tournament is held to raise money for the Marsha Hill memorial Scholarship program, which is administered through the Air and Waste Management Association-Gulf Coast Chapter. The link to the event website is www.marshahillclassic.org.
  7. Trinity River National Wildlife seeks Input. The Trinity River National Wildlife Refuge (Refuge) is seeking public comment on a draft Comprehensive Conservation Plan (CCP) and Environmental Assessment (EA). The final plan will guide management decisions and set forth goals, objectives and strategies needed to accomplish refuge purposes and establish the Service’s best estimate of future needs for the next 15 years. Public comments on the draft CCP/EA will be considered for the formulation of the final plan. The CCP/EA is available at:http://southwest.fws.gov/refuges/texas/trinityriver. Comments will be accepted up to 4:30pm (Mountain Standard Time), Friday, May 4, 2012.
  8. Public Input Sought on Marine Efforts. The Texas Sea Grant College Program is encouraging Texans to participate in an online survey to help chart the program’s course in the areas of coastal and marine research, outreach and education. The survey takes just a few minutes to complete and gauges participants’ interest in issues concerning coastal community growth and development, jobs and the economy, coastal and marine education, and coastal health, safety and beauty. All responses are anonymous. Learn more and access the survey at http://texas-sea-grant.tamu.edu/.
  9. Dr. John Jacob Earns Terry Hershey Award. Dr. John Jacob is a coastal development specialist whose work has included integrating conservation and sustainable community development. He has promoted “Smart Growth,” which is an urban planning and transportation model that concentrates growth in compact, walkable urban centers to avoid sprawl. Dr. Jacob recently earned the Terry Hershey Award for Excellence from the Department of Recreation, Park and Tourism Sciences (RPTS) at Texas A&M University. Learn more at http://texas-sea-grant.tamu.edu/.
  10. USDA Finalizes Rule for National Forest System Land Management Planning. The U.S. Department of Agriculture has finalized a planning rule that sets forth process and content requirements to guide the development, amendment, and revision of land management plans to maintain and restore NFS land and water ecosystems while providing for ecosystem services and multiple uses. The planning rule is designed to ensure that plans provide for the sustainability of ecosystems and resources; meet the need for forest restoration and conservation, watershed protection, and species diversity and conservation; and assist the Agency in providing a sustainable flow of benefits, services, and uses of NFS lands that provide jobs and contribute to the economic and social sustainability of communities. Learn more at http://www.fs.usda.gov/.
  11. NOAA Ocean Discovery Day Attracts Record Crowd on Galveston Island. NOAA’s Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary collaborated with the NOAA Fisheries Service Galveston Lab to host the 5th Annual NOAA Ocean Discovery Day on March 25. This is the only day each year when NOAA’s Galveston facility is open to the general public to tour the facility and see examples of the science, resource management and products produced by local NOAA offices. Record-breaking crowds of more than 1,400 residents and visitors to Galveston Island attended the event this year, representing a 40-percent increase in attendance over the 2011 event. Participants engaged in hands-on activities illustrating ocean science, resource management and conservation.
  12. TCEQ Announces Computer Equipment Recycling Program 2011 Results. In 2011, computer manufacturers reported they collected almost 16 million pounds of computer equipment with 95 percent of that recycled and 5 percent reused. In addition, manufacturers voluntarily reported that they freely collected almost 700,000 pounds of electronics not covered by the program. The total weight of computer equipment collected in 2011 is lower than the amount reported in 2010. This may be, in part, because Texans participate in other opportunities to recycle their computers and electronics outside of this program—through collection events, local nonprofit groups, private recyclers, and community-oriented businesses. Also, as technology advances, electronics are becoming more compact and weighing less. Visit TexasRecyclesTVs.org for updates on the television recycling program rules, adopted March 28, 2012.
  13. Texas Nonprofit Salary Survey. The Texas Association of Nonprofits is asking for participants in a survey regarding nonprofit salary information. Environmental organizations are encouraged to participate to ensure their representation in the data collection. Access the survey at http://tano.org/2012-nonprofit-salary-survey/.
  14. TV: Texas Parks & Wildlife. Broadcast on KUHT Channel 8 at 3:00 PM each Saturday and on cable channels in Baytown, Deer Park, Seabrook, and on HCC. More info on the TPWD website (* indicates a segment about the Houston area). This week’s broadcast will include:
    • Warden of the County – Jim Daniels
    • Colorado Bend Bike Trails
    • Guarding the Nest – Rookery Islands
    • A Fuentes Family Fourth
  15. Air Quality Forecast. http://www.tceq.texas.gov/airquality/monops/forecast_today.html
    • April 17: Green–Good–moderate winds and cool temperatures should help to keep air quality in the “Good” range.
    • April 18: Yellow–Moderate–Winds may be light enough and afternoon temperatures warm enough for ozone to reach “Moderate” or possibly higher levels on the south and southwest side of the Houston area with highest concentrations in the afternoon and early evening.
    • April 19: Yellow–Moderate–Winds may be light enough and afternoon temperatures warm enough for ozone to reach “Moderate” or possibly higher levels on the northeast and north side of the Houston area with highest concentrations in the afternoon and early evening.
    • On April 10, TCEQ issued an Air Pollution Warnings – Level Orange for unhealthy levels of ozone in the Houston-Galveston-Brazoria areas. During a Level Orange warning, active children and adults as well as people with respiratory disease, such as asthma, should limit prolonged outdoor exposure.