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First Annual Coastal Bend Branch Greenbee Awards

Title: First Annual Coastal Bend Branch Greenbee Awards
Location: Texas A&M University CC Business Innovation Center
Link out: Click here
Description: First Annual Greenbee Awards Banquet Thursday, March 29, 2012 The US Green Building Council Coastal Bend Branch wishes to recognize certain individuals in the community who have encouraged the growth of green building in the Coastal Bend with a Community Greenbee Award. The Coastal Bend Branch is also going to award a Project Greenbee Award to a significant and successful LEED project constructed in our area that has greatly contributed to the green building movement in the community. Please join us for a fun evening and contribute to the organization and this premier event by participating as a sponsor. See to the left for Sponsorship levels and ticket prices. Where & When Texas A&M University CC Business Innovation Center March 29, 2012 6:30 PM Cocktails 7:00 PM Dinner and Awards Presentation Dress Attire: Business Casual RSVP: Go to and click on “First Annual Coastal Bend Branch Greenbee Awards” under Upcoming Events to RSVP and pay for your tickets/tables/sponsorships online. Please feel free to contact the Texas Gulf Coast Chapter Office for assistance if necessary at 281-506-3867 or the Coastal Bend Branch at Individual Tickets $75 for nonmembers $50 for members Sponsorship Levels Table of 8 $450 each Platinum $2000 Premier Event Sponsorship and 4 seats Gold $1000 3 seats Silver $500 2 seats Bronze $200 1 seat

Member Price: $75.00/person
Non-Member Price: $50.00/person
Start Time: 18:30
Date: 2012-03-29