City of Houston Planning Commission – Public Meeting
Title: City of Houston Planning Commission – Public Meeting
Location: Sharpstown Community Center, 6600 Harbor Town Drive
Link out: Click here
Description: The City of Houston Planning Commission is holding four public meetings on
the proposed changes to the City’s Land Development Ordinance, Chapter 42.
The public is invited to attend any of the meetings, learn what these
changes will mean for their community as well as comment on the proposal.
One key provision in the proposed amendments is to extend the urban
designation out to Beltway 8. The primary reasons are to allow for obsolete
commercial and multi-family areas to be redeveloped and to provide a variety
of housing styles and prices for close-in housing. Neighborhoods with deed
restrictions that prevent the further subdividing of lots, establish minimum
lot size and restrict to single family residential uses are not impacted by
this provision. In addition, communities without such deed restrictions can
apply to establish a minimum lot size and special building line in order to
preserve the character.
Start Time: 18:30
Date: 2012-03-01
End Time: 20:00