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Progressive Forum with William McDonough

Title: Progressive Forum with William McDonough
Location: Wortham Center, Cullen Theater
Link out: Click here
Description: William McDonough
Founding Partner, William McDonough + Partners
Co-Author: Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things

Tuesday, April 24, 2012 at 7:30
Wortham Center, Cullen Theater

Associate Presenter: Architecture Center Houston Foundation

A preeminent leader of the sustainability movement, William McDonough is an architect, designer, and pioneer. He co-authored the landmark classic, Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things, a manifesto calling for the transformation of industry towards ecologically intelligent design. He designed the city-size Ford Motor Rouge River Plant which installed the world’s largest green roof, saving the company millions a year in utility costs. His designs call for solar and energy efficiency, as he provided for Brad Pitts’ houses of the Make It Right Foundation New Orleans. Currently under construction is the NASA Ames Research Sustainability Base in Moffett Field, California, designed to be a net positive energy building. In 1999, Time magazine recognized him as a “Hero for the Planet.” He’s received three Presidential awards, the Presidential Award for Sustainable Development (1996), the Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Award (2003), and the U.S. National Design Award (2004). He and his partners are calling for “The next industrial revolution.” McDonough will sign books and greet fans at the end of the evening.
Start Time: 19:30
Date: 2012-04-24