• 713-524-4CEC (4232)
  • info@cechouston.org


Space City Style, the 20th annual Rice Design Alliance Gala, will celebrate Houston’s architecture of the 1960s and the Houston architects who defined it as bold, sleek, and cool. The event is Saturday, Nov 11, at 7 pm at Hilton Americas-Houston. The gala will honor the firms whose work began to give the city its own look in the 1960s: Caudill Rowlett Scott; Golemon & Rolfe; Irving R. Klein & Associates; Lloyd, Morgan & Jones; Neuhaus & Taylor; George Pierce-Abel B. Pierce; and Wilson, Morris, Crain & Anderson. These firms were responsible for such projects as Jesse H. Jones Hall, Houston Intercontinental Airport, the Astrodome, and the Houston Independent School District administration building, which gave Houston’s architectural landscape its distinctive character in the sixties. For information, contact Rice Design Alliance at (713) 348-4876 or rda@rice.edu.