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ECONOTES 2011-09-07: Environmental Headlines for the Houston Region


  1. Reusing Air Conditioning Condensation To Save Water (Pat Hernandez – KUHF News, 09/01/2011)
    Rice University has found a new way to save water. The University’s Department of Facilities, Engineering and Planning is capturing the condensate that forms when warm air is cooled by an air conditioning system. On a nice humid day, one building on campus can collect about 15 gallons per minute of water. The collected water is already pure, distilled, and cold.
  2. Aquifer an option for water in county (Nicklaus Lovelady – Houston Chronicle, 09/07/2011)
    Montgomery County may be able to soon rely on the Catahoula Aquifer as the newest groundwater source, which could reduce the demand on Lake Conroe. The Lone Star Groundwater Conservation District has been conducting a study on the Catahoula Aquifer to determine if it was a viable water source. Early indications seem to be positive.
  3. Businesses join push to conserve water (Ronnie Crocker – Houston Chronicle, 09/03/2011)
    Many businesses across the state are changing their habits to help conserve water. The Houston-based Bubbles car-wash chain has begun equipping its express locations with new machinery that mixes and sprays soap and water more efficiently so that less falls unused to the floor. The 5-star Four Seasons Hotel recently began furnishing rooms with a ceramic boot that guests place on their beds if they are willing to forgo having the linens changed for up to three days to save water for laundry. Many more steps are being taken as small efforts in conservation add up quickly.
