• 713-524-4CEC (4232)
  • info@cechouston.org

The Evolution of Vehicles: Electric Vehicles and Houston

Title: The Evolution of Vehicles: Electric Vehicles and Houston
Location: 5601 West Loop South, Houston, TX 77081 (HCC West Loop Campus)
Link out: Click here
Description: Houston is a leader in the development and deployment of electric vehicles
(EV) with big successes: first Nissan roll-out in Texas, GM Volt launch, EV
Readiness city, state and Federal funding support. The City’s existing fleet of hybrids demonstrates its early leadership with clean and efficient
vehicle technologies. CEN invites you to join as they showcase EV solutions,
hear from leading experts, and explore Houston’s expanding role in the next
evolution in energy!
Start Time: 15:00
Date: 2011-05-24
End Time: 19:00

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