2011 Coastal Resiliency Workshop
Title: 2011 Coastal Resiliency Workshop
Location: Texas A&M Galveston Campus
Link out: Click here
Description: The workshop will look to the year 2035 to ask:
1. Can your community house its share of 410,000 new residents?
2. How will growth impact disaster preparation and response? What difference will your choices make?
3. What will this mean for municipal services and public safety?
To get answers, please come to the 2011 Coastal Resiliency Workshop, a unique visioning exercise with limited seating for local officials and citizens. Coastal resiliency is about adapting to the new reality of coastal hazards- planning for growth and recovering from storms quicker, safer, and better. This year, there will be local officials, municipal staff, and citizens to a hands-on workshop to explore the implications of the next 25 years of growth along the western shores of Galveston Bay. The Workshop will facilitate a discussion on development and growth using the latest visioning technology and new interactive mapping tools. The Workshop will take a birds-eye view of the next 25-years and examine through different growth scenarios what policies people can put in place today for creating tomorrow’s resilient communities. In an age of sea level rise and intense coastal storms, resilient communities will have to take stock of where and how development takes place along our shores.
Start Time: 09:00
Date: 2011-05-26