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ECONOTES 2011-04-20: Environmental Headlines for the Houston Region


  1. May be years before we know oil spill’s environmental toll (Matthew Tresaugue – Fuel Fix, 04/18/2011)
    It has been a year since the BP oil spill and although the oil is still there, life can still be found amid the bay. Scientists argue about the lasting impact of the 5 million barrels of oil. Some suggest that it is mostly gone, whereas others find elevated levels of methane up to 40 miles from the source of the spill. Either way, most would agree that the ecosystems are not the same as they were before the spill.
  2. Wetland system to offer outdoor lab for students (Hayley Kappes – The Galveston County Daily News, 04/18/2011)
    Clear Creek Independent School District will be building its first outdoor science lab at an 11-acre storm water detention pond south of Mossman Elementary School. Students will be involved from the beginning with planting, and the wetlands will be incorporated in science curriculum from kindergarten through 12th grades. This project will teach students as well as improving water quality in the community.
  3. How Far Can It Go? Energy Efficient Vehicles (Pat Hernandez – KUHF News, 04/18/2011)
    The Shell Eco Marathon took place in Houston for the second year in a row, drawing high school and college teams from around the world. The contest calls for participants to find innovative ways to get more out of a tank of energy. All different types of fuel and power sources can be used.
