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ECONOTES 2011-04-13: Environmental Headlines for the Houston Region


  1. Gov. Perry: Innovators Need Freedom to Solve Our Energy Challenges (Office of the Governor News, 04/08/2011)
    Despite disagreements with Washington, Rick Perry applauded Texas’ approach to diversifying its energy portfolio and cleaning its air. Perry reiterated his disapproval of the federal one-size-fits-all approach to improving the environment, which he believes results in job losses.
  2. Port Arthur activist wins $150,000 environmental prize (Matthew Tresaugue – Houston Chronicle, 04/11/2011)
    Hilton Kelley has taken major steps to improving the air quality in one of the nation’s most polluted communities. Port Arthur has two major refineries that constantly emit toxic chemicals into the air. Kelley’s goal is to make refineries and chemical plants cleaner.
  3. Geosciences Professor Develops System To Predict Droughts (Texas A&M News & Information, 04/11/2011)
    A Texas A&M University geography professor, Steven Quiring, was granted $486,000 to develop a drought-prediction system. He says that the content of moisture in soil plays a critical role in prediction as well as compactness, vegetation, and the angle of slopes and subsequent run-off.
