• 713-524-4CEC (4232)
  • info@cechouston.org

Coalition Notes 04-06-2011

  1. Texas Container Recycling Initiative. The Texas Bottle Bill, which establishes a deposit/refund program to decrease the volume of aluminum, glass & plastic beverage containers in the environment, may have its hearing on April 13th. Therefore, citizens still have time to contact their representatives. To learn more, visit http://www.texasbottlebill.com/.
  2. No Impact Man Film. On April 12th at 6:30pm, Greener Living in Houston will be showing the No Impact Man Film at the Rice University Media Center. No Impact Man is about the difference no-impact living can have on your quality of life. Following the film there will be a panel discussion by people who participated in the first No Impact Week last October. To learn more about the film, visit http://noimpactproject.org/experiment/.
  3. Environmental Education Summit. The Environmental Education Summit will be happening on April 9th at the University of Houston-Clear Lake. The summit will include workshops and presentations on greening your community and living a sustainable lifestyle. For more information, visit http://houstoneesummit.wordpress.com/ or contact Marya Fowler, fowler@nwf.org.