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ECONOTES 2011-03-30: Environmental Headlines for the Houston Region


  1. Al Armendariz: Regional administrator, Environmental Protection Agency (Texas Climate News, 03/29/2011)
    Al Armendariz, as the regional administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency’s five-state Region 6, is in the center of the controversy involving environmental initiatives. Texas, alone, has refused to implement the new climate rules or even cooperate with the EPA. Al Armendariz was interviewed about the situation.
  2. EPA, Texas asked to bury hatchet (Matthew Tresaugue – My SA News, 03/25/2011)
    There has been a bipartisan push to have the differences between Texas and the EPA resolved. Most of the disagreement is centered around state’s use of so-called flexible permits for refineries, chemical and plastics makers and other facilities. The issues need to be resolved, with overall focus on improvement of air quality.
  3. Texas could become 1st to disclose fracking fluids (Houston Chronicle, 03/28/2011)
    A bill is being considered in Texas that would demand that the chemicals used to shatter and permeate rock formations be made public. As of now, gas drillers have usually kept the mix of water, sand, and chemicals hidden.
