Texas Sea Grant seeks Community Engaged Interns

A summer internship opportunity for undergraduate students in any field of study with an interest in coastal and marine sciences and who may be in a community that may be underserved and/or underrepresented.
This opportunity is currently open.
Undergraduate student who is currently enrolled at a 2- to 4-year college or institution in Texas.
The goal of the Community Engaged Internship Program is to broaden the reach of participation in coastal and marine professions by providing training and mentorship to undergraduate students. Texas Sea Grant welcomes all fields of study. Program goals are to seek applicants of diversity, equity and inclusion for those who may be underserved and/or underrepresented. The National Sea Grant Program’s DEI Vision is a future where all communities that Sea Grant serves, can equitably participate in and benefit from an environmentally sound and socially responsible local economy.
Link to funding opportunity: Texas Sea Grant Community Engaged Internship Funding Opportunity
Submit ONE compiled application PDF by email to Mia Zwolinski, Texas Sea Grant Research Coordinator, at mzwolinski@tamu.edu.
Applications due:Â 5 p.m. March 20;
Decisions released: late April, 2023;
Internship start date: June 1, 2023.
Application Content
ONE compiled PDF consisting of the following 3 elements compiled in the following order:
1. CV – (2-page limit) detailed education and work experience;
2. Goal Statement – (1-page-limit) emphasize your interest, self-identify your fit with the internship, if applicable, as being underrepresented or underserved, and how opportunity will further your career goals; and
3. One Letter of Recommendation – (1-page-limit) from a previous employer, current academic mentor, or a professor/instructor. Letter must be on referee’s letterhead stationery, dated, and signed.
More Info
CEI https://seagrant.noaa.gov/Community-Engaged-Internship
Sea Grant https://seagrant.noaa.gov/
For more information specific to the TXSG-CEI program, please contact Mia Zwolinski, Texas Sea Grant Research Coordinator, at mzwolinski@tamu.edu.
This year’s Texas Sea Grant CEI internship locations:
1-2 interns will work in the Galveston county and surrounding area, focusing on exploring how Texas Sea Grant connects the coastal sciences to communities; and
1 intern will work in the Corpus Christi area, focusing on the Je’Sani Smith Foundation work on beach safety and rip current awareness.