Houston City Council Agenda – August 18, 2020

The City will consider the following agenda items at the Houston City Council meeting scheduled for Tuesday, August 18, 2020, and will be hosted virtually via Microsoft Teams at 1:40 PM. In addition, public comment will be allowed on Tuesday, August 18, 2020, via teleconference at (936) 755-1521. The agenda includes items related to contracts regarding Wastewater Collection and Sewer Systems, funding or services via Hurricane Harvey Disaster Services Recovery, Flood Mitigation Projects, guide plan for Richfield Ranch Management District creation, Brays Bayou Flood Damage Reduction Plan, and others.Â
- Agenda Item 2 is a recommendation from the Director of Houston Public Works for acceptance of work on a $2.5M contract with GRAVA LLC. for Wastewater Collection System Rehabilitation and Renewal and approval of a final contract amount.  Â
- Agenda Item 3 is a recommendation from the Director of Houston Public Works for acceptance of work on a $3.4M contract with HUFF & MITCHELL, INC. for Neighborhood Sewer System Improvements and approval of a final contract amount.Â
- Agenda Item 4 is a recommendation from the Director of Houston Public Works for acceptance of work on a $400,000 contract with HORSESHOE CONSTRUCTION, INC. for Wastewater System/Substitute Service and approval of a final contract amount.Â
- Agenda Item 18 is an ordinance amending authorizing a contract amendment between the City of Houston and ICF INCORPORATED, L.L.C., to reduce the funding for Hurricane Harvey Disaster Services Recovery e.g. Outreach, Intake, and Case Management Services from $36M to $23M.Â
- Agenda Item 32 is an ordinance regarding the City’s consent to the creation of 514.99 acres as Richfield Ranch Water Control and Improvement district.Â
- Agenda Item 33 is an ordinance regarding the City’s consent to the creation of the Richfield Ranch Management District in the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City as well as the inclusion of additional land within the local area.Â
- Agenda Item 36 is an ordinance approving and authorizing agreement for completion for the Flood Mitigation Assistance Home Elevation Project between the City and Property Owner(s) at 4419 Breakwood Drive, Houston, Texas.Â
- Agenda Item 37 is an ordinance approving and authorizing a contract for the Flood Mitigation Assistance Home Elevation Project between the City and Property Owner(s) at 4806 Braesvalley Drive, Houston, Texas.Â
- Agenda Item 38 is an ordinance approving and authorizing an agreement between the City and Generation Park Management District for Wastewater Treatment Services in the amount of $5.4 M over 10 years. Â
- Agenda Item 39 is an ordinance approving and authorizing a selected fund amount for an interlocal agreement between the City and Harris County Flood District for Brays Bayou Flood Damage Reduction Plan for Almeda Road Bridge.Â
- Agenda Item 40 is an ordinance approving and authorizing a selected fund amount for an interlocal agreement between the City and Harris County Flood District for Brays Bayou Flood Damage Reduction Plan for the Hillcroft Bridge.Â
- Agenda Item 41 is an ordinance approving and authorizing a selected fund amount for a contract between the City and DL GLOVER, INC for Local Drainage Program Contract #2.Â
- Agenda Item 42 is an ordinance approving and authorizing a selected fund amount for a contract to Harper Brothers Construction LLC for North Corridor Consolidation Package #1. Â