86th Texas Legislature: Senate Bills–January 31, 2019
The 86th Texas Legislature convened on January 8, 2019. The Senate began assigning bills to committees on the 16th.
Legislators began pre-filing bills on November 12, 2018. The deadline for the unrestricted filing of bills and joint resolutions–other than local bills, emergency appropriations, and emergency matters submitted by the governor–is March 8, 2019.
So far, the Senate has filed the following bills concerning environmental issues throughout the state, including bills related to oil and gas well accidents, Jones State Forest, flood control infratructure in Harris County, the border wall, clean air, and the Texas Emissions Reduction Plan:
- SB 116:Â Relating to industrial hemp; requiring an occupational license; authorizing fees.
- SB 179:Â Relating to the establishment of a task force to conduct a comprehensive study on flood control infrastructure for Harris County.
- SB 180:Â Relating to applications for permits issued by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality for certain new or expanded facilities in certain low-income and minority communities.
- SB 185:Â Relating to the response to certain oil or gas well accidents by state agencies and responsible parties.
- SB 236:Â Relating to the use of certain state property for community food gardens.
- SB 345:Â Relating to the use of land in the William Goodrich Jones State Forest.
- SB 515: Relating to a study by the Texas Water Development Board and the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality regarding the effects of the construction of a border wall on storm drainage and other environmental matters in this state.
- SB 520:Â Relating to the storage and recovery of water in a portion of the Edwards Aquifer.
- SB 531: Relating to sources of funding for the Texas emissions reduction plan.
- SB 534: Relating to the notice of a hearing to adopt a proposed rule under the Texas Clean Air Act.
- SCR 13:Â Urging Congress to oppose construction of a border wall through Bentsen-Rio Grande Valley State Park.
More information about the 86th Texas Legislature session can be found on their website: https://capitol.texas.gov/Home.aspx