Houston Environmental News Update September 26, 2018

Harris County Candidate Forum: Equity & Resiliency in Housing & Environment
On Sept. 27, 2018, from 6:30-8 p.m., the HOME coalition and the Coalition for Environment, Equity and Resilience (CEER) will co-host a candidate forum for the Harris County Commissioner Court elections in November, focusing on equitable, transparent, and resilient recovery after Hurricane Harvey. The forum will be held at the Barbara Jordan-Mickey Leland School of Public Affairs at Texas Southern University. CEC, in its roll as a member of CEER, will be hosting a live stream of the event on Facebook. For more information and to RSVP, visit eventbrite.com.
Wild About Houston: A Green Film Festival
Please join CEC, the Houston Green Film Series, Rice Media Center, and additional partners on Oct. 17, 2018, for “Wild About Houston: A Green Film Festival,” to showcase local short films telling environmental stories. Email rachel@cechouston.org if you have a film to submit.
Workplace Giving & EarthShare of Texas
Please consider us in your workplace giving program! The Citizens’ Environmental Coalition, along with many other organizations doing environmental work in the Houston/Gulf Coast region, is represented in federal, state, and local campaigns by EarthShare of Texas. To make a donation, you can use the following codes in the following campaigns to contribute to EarthShare of Texas and CEC, respectively:
- State Employee Charitable Campaign (SECC): 35500 and 35569
- Combined Federal Campaign (CFC): 51966 and 26482
- Houston Independent School District (HISD): 100 and 185
- City of Houston Combined Municipal Campaign (HCMC): 1400 and 1413
We are represented in many more campaigns; please contact us if you need more information or would like a representative to exhibit or speak at an open enrollment or workplace giving event. And, if your employer or business does not yet have a workplace giving campaign, EarthShare of Texas would be happy to help you set up such a campaign. EarthShare of Texas is a 501(c)3 non-profit foundation committed to making environmental support as easy as possible by giving working people the ability to donate through workplace payroll contribution campaigns.
If you already support CEC, EarthShare of Texas, and and its member charities, please know we are grateful for your support.
We have tried to confirm the events listed below, but not all organizations have updated their websites. Please consider confirming directly with the hosts.
- Draft State Flood Assessment Comment Period open through Oct. 3
The public review and comment period for the Texas Water Development Board’s Draft State Flood Assessment is open through Oct. 3, 2018. The public is invited to participate in the final opportunity to contribute to the flood assessment. For more information, visit texasfloodassessment.com.
- 2018 Prairies & Pollinators: A Regional Celebration
From late September through early November, the Coastal Prairie Partnership is sponsoring “2018 Prairies & Pollinators: A Regional Celebration,” a set of events allowing attendees to learn about and help plant pollinating plants in prairies across the region. Events in the coming week include HNPAT’s Fall Prairie Day at Lawther Deer Park Prairie on Sep. 29, a talk on Prairie Plants for Pollinators in the Urban Garden, also on Sept. 29, and a virtual Monarchs on the Move field trip at the award-winning MD Anderson Prairie in Houston on Oct. 3. For a full listing of the planned events, visit prairiepartner.org.
- Street Safety Summit
On Sept. 27, 2018, LINK Houston and the Kinder Institute for Urban Research will co-host a summit on pedestrian and bicyclist on Houston’s streets, with a focus on providing practical examples of how walkability and biking can be improved. Local and national experts will share ideas and best practices on a variety of topics including campaigns, local government budgeting, public-private partnerships, coalition building and design implementation. For more information and to register, visit linkhouston.org.
- Houston Dialogue on Renewable Energy
On Sept. 27, 2018, from noon-5 p.m., the Consulate General of Germany, the Houston Advanced Research Center (HARC), and Ecologic Institute will co-host a “Houston Dialogue on Renewable Energy,” focusing on renewable energy’s role in the future energy system with particular focus on resilience, equity, and economic impacts. For more information and to register (by Sept. 21), visit eventbrite.com.
- “Galveston Bay Report Card: How’d We Do Last Year”
On September 27, 2018, from 1:30-3 p.m., the Water Efficiency Network of the Lone Star Groundwater Conservation District will hold its monthly meeting at the Houston-Galveston Area Council, 3555 Timmons Lane. Guest speaker T’Noya Thompson, report coordinator for the Galveston Bay Foundation, will give a presentation titled “Galveston Bay Report Card: How’d We Do Last Year?”.
- Talanoa Dialogue on Hurricane Harvey Recovery
Texas Impact is hosting a series of Talanoa Dialogues on recovery from Hurricane Harvey at faith institutions in the Houston area. The dialogues will use a framework based on the questions: “Where are we? Where do we want to go? How do we get there?” The next event will be held Sept. 27, 2018, beginning at 6 p.m., at First Unitarian-Universalist Church, 5200 Fannin St. The next one scheduled will be a Temple Sinai, 13875 Brimhurst St. on Oct. 16. For more information, visit texasimpact.org.
- “Hurricane Harvey: In the Eye of the Storm” discussion
On Sept. 27, 2018, from 6-8 p.m., the Houston Methodist Hospital Research Institute will host a discussion on lessons for Houston’s leadership arising from Hurricane Harvey, including addressing infectious diseases, chemical exposures and mental trauma on residents. The event will feature David E. Persse, M.D., of the City of Houston Public Health Authority, and Joshua M. Sharfstein, M.D., vice dean of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. For more information and to register, visit globalhealthnow.org.
- “After the Flood: Lessons from Hurricane Harvey” course begins
Beginning Sept. 27, 2018, the Glasscock School for Continuing Studies at Rice University is offering an 8-week course called “After the Flood: Lessons from Hurricane Harvey,” in which experts from a variety of fields from will explore the region’s vulnerability to extreme weather and the extraordinary efforts that have taken place to rebuild lives and communities in Harvey’s wake. For more information and to register, visit glasscock.rice.edu.
- UH Energy Symposium: Future of the Electric Grid
On Sept. 27, 2018, from 6-7:30 p.m., UH Energy will host the first in its 2018-19 Energy Symposium Series, “Future of the Electric Grid: Renewed or Gridlocked?”. A panel of experts will discuss adoption of distributed renewable energy resources, the potential electrification of the transportation sector, and cyber challenges faced by the grid. For more information and to register, visit eventbrite.com.
- Certified Sustainability Practitioner Program, Advanced Edition 2018
On Sept. 27-28, 2018, the Centre for Sustainability and Excellence, an accredited provider of Sustainability (CSR) Training Programs, will present a course providing advanced certified education on Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility for professionals who want to maximize their company’s impact and become qualified in the sustainability field.
When registering online, use the discount code “CSE10” to receive a 10 percent discount. For more information to register, visit cse-net.org. - Energy Efficiency for Business Workshop
On Sept. 28, 2018, from 11 a.m.-1 p.m., the Houston Advanced Research Center (HARC) will hold the second of its free Energy Efficiency for Business workshops, titled “Energy Efficiency Tools and Resources.” Attendees will learn about resources for planning and implementing energy efficiency projects including funding strategies, technology options, energy management best practices, workforce training, and development options. For more information and to register, visit eventbrite.com.
- 2019 Texas Environmental Excellence Awards applications due Sept. 28
The Texas Environmental Excellence Awards honor achievements in environmental preservation and protection. As the state’s highest environmental honor, the Office of the Governor and commissioners from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality recognize outstanding projects from ten diverse categories. The last day to apply is Sept. 28, 2018. For more information, visit tceq.texas.gov.
- H-GAC Parks and Natural Areas Awards applications due Sept. 28
The Houston-Galveston Area Council is accepting applications for the 2018 Parks and Natural Areas Awards, which recognize projects that expand parks and natural areas for improved quality of life, habitat, and water quality. Winning projects, which exhibit efficiency, effectiveness, and innovation, serve as models to be replicated throughout the region. The deadline for applications is Sept. 28, 2018. For more information, visit h-gac.com .
- Public Lands Day at Hermann Park
On Sept. 29, 2018, from 9 a.m.-noon, the Hermann Park Conservancy will mark National Public Lands Day with an opportunity for volunteers to help remove invasive plants from one of the natural areas in Hermann Park’s Bayou Parkland, which hosts a unique environment with a diversity of trees For more information, email dkerr@hermannpark.org.
- Deer Park Fall Prairie Day
On Sept. 29, 2018, from 9:30 a.m.-2 p.m., the Houston chapter of the Native Prairies Association of Texas will host a Fall Prairie Day at the Lawther Deer Park Prairie, 1222 E. Purdue Lane. Visitors can learn about prairie plants that can be used to in gardens to attract pollinators, and collect seeds for garden use. For a complete schedule, visit houstonprairie.org.
- The Progressive Forum presents John Kerry
On Sept. 29, 2018, beginning at 7:30 p.m., The Progressive Forum will present former U.S. Senator and Secretary of State John Kerry, one of the leading proponents of the Paris climate accord, in a talk based on his newly published memoir “Every Day is Extra.” Kerry will discuss the importance of diplomacy and American leadership in an increasingly uncertain world. The event will be held at Congregation Emanu El, 1500 Sunset Blvd. For more information and to register, visit progressiveforumhouston.org.
- “China’s National Sword Policy & Its Impact on Recycling” webinar
On Sept. 30, from 6-7 p.m., Christ the King Evangelical Lutheran Church will preset a Stewardship webinar featuring Jordan Fengel, executive director of STAR (State of Texas Alliance for Recycling), who will discuss how a recent policy change by the Chinese government banning the importation of many recyclable materials has created a conundrum in the global recycling industry. For more information and to register, visit eventbrite.com.
- “Flooding and the Future of Houston” discussion
On Oct. 2, 2018, from 6:30-8:30 p.m., FotoFest International and the Houston Chronicle will present a discussion with Jim Blackburn, co-director of the Severe Storm Prevention, Education, and Evacuation from Disaster (SSPEED) Center at Rice University and director of the Bayou City Initiative; Dr. Stephen Klineberg, founding director of the Kinder Institute for Urban Research at Rice University; and award-winning photojournalist Wendy Watriss in conversation with Houston Chronicle photojournalists. For more information and to register, visit eventbrite.com.
- Galveston Bay Foundation Fall Membership Meeting
On Oct. 3, 2018, from 5:30-8 p.m., the Galveston Bay Foundation will hold its fall membership meeting featuring a presentation by Dr. Samuel Brody of Texas A&M University titled “The Flooded City: Adapting to the New Reality of Extreme Water Events in Texas.” The talk will trace the causes, consequences, and policy implications of flood losses from Harvey and other flood events in the United States. The event will be held at the Lone Star Flight Museum, 11551 Aerospace Avenue, Houston. For more information and to register, visit galvbay.org.
- “The Smart and Resilient City” at Rice University
On Oct. 4, 2018, from 8:30 a.m.-6:30 p.m., Rice University will host “Lloyd’s Day at Rice” with the theme “The Smart and Resilient City,” exploring challenges, opportunities, and solutions at the intersection of smart cities development, hazard resilience, and insurance. For more information and to register, visit lloydsday.rice.edu.
- Mayor’s Proud Partners Awards applications due Oct. 5
On November 13, 2018, Keep Houston Beautiful will present the 34th Annual Mayor’s Proud Partners Awards, recognizing individuals, civic groups and businesses who demonstrate exceptional civic pride in a variety of measures, including environmental stewardship, beautification, and sustainability. Applications are due Oct. 5 by 5 p.m. For more information, visit houstonbeautiful.org.
- Rice Engagement and Recovery Effort (HERE) Symposium
On Oct. 5, 2018, from 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m., the Rice Engagement and Recovery Effort (HERE) Symposium will be held at the BioSciences Research Consortium. This symposium will showcase ongoing research related to Hurricane Harvey and aimed at making the Houston region stronger and more sustainable. For more information and to register, visit heresymposium.rice.edu.
- Texas Association for Environmental Educators Conference
From Oct. 5-7, 2018, the Texas Association for Environmental Educators will hold its 2018 Conference. with the theme “Communicating and Connecting Our Diverse Natures,” at the Lakeview Methodist Conference Center in Palestine, Texas. The conference is for all those who consider themselves environmental educators; whether in a classroom, at a nature center or as a passion you share with others. For more information and to register, visit taee.org.
- Texas Adopt-a-Beach cleanups (rescheduled from Sept. 15)
On Oct. 6, 2018, the Texas General Land Office is hosting a set of seasonal beach cleanups along the Gulf Coast, including several in the Houston-Galveston region. Among them: Quintana Beach, Surfside Beach, Bolivar Peninsula/Crystal Beach, Galveston Island, Morgan’s Point, McFaddin Beach/Sabine Pass, Sea Rim State Park, Matagorda Beach, Port Aransas, and Texas City Prairie Preserve. Find more information and register at eventbrite.com.
- Back the Bayous Family Fun Nature 5K Walk (rescheduled)
On Oct. 6, 2018, from 10 a.m.-2 p.m., the Armand Bayou Nature Center will host the Waterkeeper Alliance SPLASH Back the Bayous, including an interactive nature 5K walk, live music, wildlife exhibitions, and nonprofit information booths. All proceeds benefit Bayou City Waterkeeper‘s conservation, advocacy, and education programs. For more information and to register, visit bayoucitywaterkeeper.salsalabs.org.
- TV: Texas Parks & Wildlife
Broadcast on KUHT Channel 8 at 3 p.m. each Saturday and on municipal access cable channels in Baytown, Deer Park, Houston, Texas City, Galveston, Nassau Bay, Pasadena, Seabrook, Sugar Land, and on HCC TV. More info on the TPWD website (* indicates a segment about the Houston area). For a preview, visit TPWD’s YouTube Page.- Restoring the Eastern Wild Turkey to Texas
- Old Tunnel State Park provides a home to millions of bats
- Returning the Guadalupe Bass to the South Llano River
- Additional Upcoming Events
- 10/9/18: Deadline to register to vote in the November election
- 10/9/18: UH Sustainability Meetup: Air Alliance Houston
- 10/9-11/18: Renewable Energy Markets (REM) 2018
- 10/10/18: AIA Houston Annual Meeting
- 10/11/18: 11th Annual Wildlife Conservation Gala
- 10/11/18: Harris County Presentation: One Year After Harvey
- 10/13/18: 2018 KBR Kids Day
- 10/13/18:Â Greens Bayou Regatta
- 10/15/18: Deepwater Horizon Texas Trustees Public Meeting
- 10/18/18: 2018 Bayou Preservation Association Symposium
- 10/19/18:Â 15th Annual Plant Thyme Fall Luncheon
- 10/20/18: Energy Day Festival
- 10/20/18 Prairie Pandemonium at Armand Bayou Nature Center
- 10/20/18: Nature Heritage Society Hill Hike
- 10/20/18: Greens Bayou Inaugural Gala
- 10/22/18: Houston Green Roof & Wall Symposium
- 10/23/18: Clean Cities Technology Conference
- 10/23/18 BIG Fall Meeting
- 10/26/18: Future-Proofing Design Game Workshop
- 10/27/18: Repair Café Houston
- 10/27/18:Â BikeHouston Moonlight Ramble
- 10/28-31/18: Texas Recycling Summit 2018 (Galveston)
- 10/30/18: State of Texas Alliance for Recycling Annual Meeting (Galveston)
- 10/30/18: Texas Plastic Pollution Symposium (Corpus Christi)
- 10/30/18: “Building the Business Case for Energy Efficiency” workshop
- 10/30-11/2/18: 2018 National Coastal Conference
- 11/1/18: Armand Bayou Nature Center Award Luncheon
- 11/2/18: Change Happens! Fall Luncheon
- 11/3/18: Blackwood Harvest Hoedown
- 11/8/18: Buffalo Bayou Partnership Gala: Color Outside the Lines
- 11/9/18: Guardian of the Bay Awards Celebration
- 11/10/18: Bayou Land Conservancy’s Land Lover Annual Gala
- 11/13/18: Mayor’s Proud Partners Awards
- 11/13-15: Clean Gulf Conference (New Orleans)
- 11/14/18: Houston Reimagined: Building a Resilient City and Best Practices from Asia
- 11/15/18 America Recycles Day
- 11/15/18: H-GACÂ Regional Recycling Roundtable
- 11/17/18: Rice Design Alliance Gala Honoring Judge Ed Emmett
- 11/18/18: Transition to Renewables
- 11/27/18: Giving Tuesday & Big Give Houston
- 11/29/18:Â Rothko Chapel presents Elizabeth Yeampierre
- 12/8/18: AIA Houston’s Gingerbread Build Off
- 12/14/18 (Deadline): Take Care of Texas Video Contest