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Houston City Council Agenda – May 15, 2018

This city considered the following agenda items at the May 15, 2018, Houston Council Meeting. The agenda items include contracts with BASF for chemicals to treat waste sludge from wastewater, Q Environmental for proper disposal of oils, and Redzone Robotics for robotic technology for sewer system repair.

15: BASF was awarded a 5 year contract for supplying liquid polymer flocculent chemicals, valuing at over $11.7 million. The polymer is used during waste sludge treatment of wastewater. This is a necessary measure to protect the public health of the city’s residents.

31: Over $1.4 million was awarded to Q Environmental for the proper disposal of used oil filter, antifreeze, absorbents, and contaminated and non-contaminated oil from cars, trucks, tractors, and other heavy equipment from the city’s Fleet Management personnel.

35: Over $1.9 million from the Water & Sewer System Consolidated Construction Fund was awarded to Redzone Robotics Inc, to use robotic technology to identify sewers that need repair.

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