Houston Environmental News Update November 15, 2017

H-GAC’s Water Resources Program is a great place to start if you are curious about which waterways in the region do not meet state standards. You can find maps of sampling locations and contaminated waterways, as well as planning efforts to address poor water quality.

- City of Houston’s Corral the Grease program
- Galveston Bay Cease the Grease (including used grease drop-off locations)
- San Jacinto River Authority’s Patty Potty Potty Patrol
Next week, we’ll talk about turkeys and other birds.
Scroll down to read notes from our member organizations and the community, or view the emailed version of the newsletter, which includes a green job listing.

On November 28, 2017, CEC and many other local nonprofits are participating in #BigGiveHouston and #GivingTuesday. Mark your calendars and plan to support us!

Wild & Scenic Film Festival On Tour: Tickets now on sale!
Following our wildly successful 2017 showing, the Citizens’ Environmental Coalition is proud to bring the Wild & Scenic Film Festival on Tour, one of the largest environmental film festivals in North America, back to Houston for the fourth year for two nights: January 24 & 25, 2018!
We invite you to join us at the  2018 W&SFF On Tour to be held at the historic River Oaks Theatre, where up to 450 patrons each night will enjoy about 10 different films each night highlighting the latest environmental issues. We selected films that showcase the links between beauty, environment, adventure, quality of life, and action. By showing these films, CEC is working to connect individuals and organizations to create a stronger Gulf Coast environmental community.
Early bird tickets available until January 10, 2018 on Eventbrite.
We have tried to confirm the events listed below, but not all organizations have updated their websites. Please consider confirming directly with the hosts.
SPARK’s Fall 2017 Dedications
Ten new SPARK Parks in five school districts are being dedicated this fall. Please join SPARK School Park Program for one or more of the celebrations:- 11/16: Clifton Middle School in Houston ISD
- 11/16: Jessup Elementary in Pasadena ISD
- 11/17: Mark Twain Elementary in Houston ISD
- 11/17: Hartsfield Elementary
- Cohousing Houston: Getting-It-Built Workshop and Public Presentation
Do you want to live in cohousing in Houston, TX?Cohousing Houston will be hosting a Public Presentation with Katie McCamant & Chuck Durrett on November 17, 2017, and Getting It Built Workshop on November 18-19, 2017. This intensive two-day workshop will be led by Katie McCamant and Chuck Durrett, the architect team who brought cohousing to the U.S. and have designed, developed, or consulted on over 50 cohousing communities. For more information and to register, visit www.cohousinghouston.com.
- NPSOTÂ Annual Native Texas Plant & Seed Swap & Potluck Dinner
November 16, 2017, 6:15 pm Open to members and the public; 6:45 pm Potluck Dinner; 7:20 pm Meeting; 7:45 pm Plant & Seed Presentations & Swap; 8:40 pm Clean up. Houston Arboretum Nature Center, 4501 Woodway Dr. Learn more at npsot.org. - Twilight Gala – “A Wild Night for Wild Lifeâ€
The 23rd annual Twilight Gala, on November 17, 2017, benefits the Nature Discovery Center’s work to provide nature education year-round to Greater Houston. Expect a sold-out crowd of nearly 300 business leaders, nature lovers, corporate sponsors and community partners for an evening of dinner, drinks, dancing, and bidding. Learn more and purchase tickets at naturediscoverycenter.org. Mornings in the Country
Take a self-guided tour of the farm, enjoy a delicious lunch with ingredients from our gardens, take a class with our Farm Director, and much more. November 18, 2017, and December 16, 2017, from 10 am to 2 pm. For more information and to purchase tickets, visit blackwoodland.org.- Exploration Green Tree Planting
Exploration Green Conservancy and partner organizations invite volunteers Saturday, November 18, 2017, 8 am-12 pm (or until all trees are planted) to plant native trees on the new habitat island situated in the middle of the first lake at Exploration Green in Clear Lake City, creating a refuge for migratory birds and waterbirds. Access to the island itself will be by boat, and will be limited to 50 people. However, there will be volunteer activities on shore as well. Children with a parent present are welcome to do work onshore. Wear clothes and shoes that can get wet and muddy. Tools will be provided. Parking will be along the street near the entrance to the park at 1800 Reseda Rd, Houston TX 77062. In the event of inclement weather, the rain date will be November 25, 2017. Learn more at explorationgreen.org. - Hurricane Harvey’s Environmental Impacts
Hurricane Harvey brought record rainfall to Houston; the resulting flooding led to regional devastation, impacting lives, homes and livelihoods. The storm also had numerous environmental impacts. The Houston Advanced Research Center (HARC) mobilized swiftly to acquire and process data and information about the flooding and related environmental impacts, such as storm-related spills, pollutants, Superfund site impacts, water quality, air quality, and power generation. The resulting analysis is shown through narrative summaries, maps, and infographics in the story map, “Summarizing Hurricane Harvey’s Environmental Impactsâ€.
- Regional Transportation Policy Council Meeting
The Transportation Policy Council (TPC) provides policy guidance and overall coordination of the transportation planning activities within the region. The TPC consists of 28 members representing cities and counties, the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), the Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County (METRO) one at-large member appointed by the H-GAC Board of Directors representing cities with a population greater than 50,000, one at-large member representing Other Transportation Interests, and one position for the Gulf Coast Rail District. Each of the 28 members has an alternate who is also a voting member in the absence of their voting primary representative. To find out more about their November 17, 2017 agenda, visit www.h-gac.com/taq/transportation-committees.
- BikeHouston’s Cranksgiving HTX
Want to have fun and help people?! Come out and join the party! The Cranksgiving party! November 18, 2017, Cranksgiving HTX is a scavenger hunt and food drive on bikes. The event started in New York and is now a nationwide pre-Thanksgiving tradition. The scavenger hunt participation is free but expects purchases between $12-$15 per participant. You are welcome to be as generous as possible. Everyone wins just by participating! For more information, visit bikehouston.org/upcoming-events.
- Volunteer Workday at Don Green Nature Park
Saturday, November 18, 2017, at 9 am. The Friends of Don Greene is a non-profit dedicated to restoring the property to it’s original glory from the days when Don and his brother grew up at 6009 Cypress and when Don ran his business at 6005 Cypress, Whitewater Experience, from the mid 1990’s until his death. The work days at the park include planting trees and starting a pocket prairie. There may be some additional work to clear non natives growing in the warm weather. Bring a light breakfast snack to share; coffee will be provided. Bring a wheelbarrow, if you have one, garden gloves and shovel. For more information, visit Facebook event page.
- Exploration Green Conservancy’s Planting Event
Calling volunteers: Come plant the Habitat Island at Exploration Green! The island situated in Exploration Green’s Phase 1 lake will be ready for native trees and wetland species, creating a refuge for migratory birds and waterbirds. Planting will take place over two Saturdays. The trees will be planted on Saturday, November 18, 2017. The wetland planting is Saturday, November 25, 2017. For more information and to RSVP visit eventbrite.com/e/fall-planting-events.
- Bird Banding at GCBO
November 18, 2017. The purpose of the project is to establish baseline data for the GCBO property on both resident and migratory bird populations. About half of the 34-acre headquarters tract is old growth Columbia Bottomland hardwood forest. The remaining acreage is partially cleared woodland with the larger trees remaining, the new constructed wetland, and the edges of Buffalo Camp Bayou. The public is invited to attend the regular banding sessions which are scheduled for the third Saturday in each month. For more information, visit www.gcbo.org/avian-research-and-monitoring.
- Interfaith Environmental Stewardship Event
Calling people of all faiths, or no faith at all, to join in caring for our shared environment on Sunday, November 19, 2017, from 1:30 – 4:30 pm. This event will offer activities for all ages and skill levels, so bring the whole family, your neighbors and your friends. For more information and to register, visit their eventbrite page.
- Fall Break Day Camps
Nature Discovery Center is offering day long camps from Monday, November 20, 2017, through Wednesday, November 22, 2017, of Fall Break 2017 for kids ages 5 – 10. Day camps meet from 9 am – 3:30 pm each day. Kids bring a lunch; snacks and water are provided. For more information and to register, visit naturediscoverycenter.org/event/fall-break-day-camps.
- Houston’s oldest organic Co-Op
Central City Co-Op is Houston’s oldest organic co-op. For over 15 years, they have supported sustainable agriculture by providing farm fresh, local, organic produce and nationally certified organic produce to our members at affordable prices. Each Wednesday, they have preordered shares of fresh fruits and vegetables available for members to pick up. There is also a small open market featuring a selection of sustainably produced farm-fresh produce, free range eggs, local dairy, local meat, bread, and other locally produced delicacies. For more information visit centralcityco-op.com.
Additional Upcoming Events
- 11/27/17: DOEÂ SBIR/STTR Funding Program Application Opens
- 11/28/17:Â History in Print featuring “Architecture That Speaks“
- 11/28/17: Clean Waters Initiative: Freshwater Inflows
- 11/29/17:Â Prairie Stampede – Holiday Dinner & Awards Celebration
- 11/30/17: The Woodlands GREEN lecture: The Air We Breathe
- 12/2/17: The Woodlands G.R.E.E.N.’s Pathway Clean-Up
- 12/9/17: The Early Bird Special at Sheldon Lake State Park
- 12/9/17: Holiday with the Cranes
- 12/9/17: White Oak Bayou Clean-Up
- 12/9/17:Â AIA Gingerbread Build-Off
- 12/9/17:Â Farm-to-Table Experience
- 12/11/17: NOAA Planet Stewards Webinar: Not Just Talking Trash
- 02/17/18:Â Turtle Patrol Training
- 03/24/18:Â River, Lakes, Bays ‘N Bayous Trash Bash