Houston Environmental News Update June 14, 2017
Scroll down to read notes from our member organizations and the community, or view the emailed version of the newsletter, which includes a green job listing.
Until Houston (and all of Texas) experienced severe drought a few years ago, I didn’t ascribe any local significance to the United Nation’s World Day to Combat Desertification on Saturday. I still have difficulty envisioning Houston as a desert, but the thought of water shortage in the Houston region is no longer unimaginable.
If you worry about water shortages at a smaller scale you might be interested in an upcoming event being hosted by the Native Plant Society of Texas Houston Chapter: “Water U Doing? Houston?“Â This program, in partnership with Texas A&M AgriLife’s Water University, will address the critical need for conservation in the Houston area with a whole systems approach to water budgeting, incorporating practical solutions to manage water during flood or drought. A focus on Native Plant Selection, Indoor and Outdoor Water Conservation, Rainwater Harvesting, Rain Gardens, Drip Irrigation, and New Water Conserving Technologies adaptable to the gulf coast region. A meet/greet begins at 6:45 pm, followed by a speaker at 7:30pm at the Houston Arboretum & Nature Center.
NPSOT Houston is also a great resource for next week’s National Pollinator Week. Finally, tickets are now on sale for their Wildscapes Workshop on Saturday, September 9, 2017. This event will sell out, so take advantage of this opportunity to purchase tickets.
The banner photo for this post is from the NPSOT Houston facebook page.
Saturday is also Global Garbage Man Day–talk about celebrating environmental heroes!
Halfway through each year (and again at the end of the year), we like asking our readers to tell us what they might put on a top-ten list of the most important things impacting the environment in the Houston region this year. Help us compile the list by making a suggestion (or more) on this online form. We’ll be sharing the results!
Greater Houston Environmental Summit & Environmental Education Expo
Annually, CEC hosts a networking and learning event for the extraordinary people who work at or are interested in the work of environmental organizations in the greater Houston region. In 2017, CEC will be hosting the Greater Houston Environmental Summit on Friday, August 4, 2017, from 8:30 am to 3:00 pm at the Community Resource Center at the United Way of Greater Houston. In addition to excellent keynote presentations and panels, we will again offer small-format table talks. We will feature a panel in conjunction with EarthShare of Texas, which is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year. We are partnering with a variety of environmental education collaboratives to offer an Environmental Education Expo for teachers and informal educators. If you are interested in exhibiting at the EE Expo, please contact Marina@cechouston.org. We’re taking suggestions & proposals for the table talks, so if you have an issue you’d like to learn about or share with the environmental community, drop us a line at rachel@cechouston.org.
Save the Date: Houston Green Film Series
The next screening by the Houston Green Film Series will be on Wednesday, June 21, 2017, at the Rice Media Center.

Earth Day Houston 2018
Thank you to everyone who joined us to discuss Earth Day Houston 2018. The next meeting will be on Tuesday, June 20, 2017, from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm at the Community Resource Center of the United Way of Greater Houston. To learn more or be added to the mailing list, please contact marina@cechouston.org.
Texas Water Conservation Association Mid-Year Conference
The 2017 TWCA Mid-Year Conference will be held June 14-16, 2017 at the Moody Gardens Hotel in Galveston, Texas. As in previous years, they will offer Public Funds Investment Act training on Wednesday and have speaker sessions on Thursday afternoon and Friday morning. There will also be panel and committee meetings and a Board of Directors meeting, in addition to multiple networking opportunities throughout the program including the 11th Annual Jim Adams Memorial Golf Tournament on Wednesday afternoon, a Membership and Services Committee reception on Wednesday evening, and a Conference Reception with hors d’oeuvres Thursday evening. The Membership and Services Committee is planning a beach cleanup service project on Wednesday from 9:30am to Noon at Galveston Island State Park. To RSVP, please visit https://www.twca.org.The Woods Project Summer Gear Packout Day
For 41 years, Volunteer Houston has been the city’s sole referral service connecting volunteers to a broad spectrum of diverse nonprofit organizations. Volunteer with The Woods Project to help prepare for their summer program. The Woods Project runs weekend trips at different sites near Houston and a 2-week summer trip at national parks around the country. Today, June 14, 2017, from 4:00 to 8:00 PM they will be taking all of the camping equipment, organizing it into backpack groups, and then stuffing it into 26 gear bags that will be shipped across the country so their students can use the camping equipment during their summer trips. We hope you can be there to help out the Woods Project for their summer kids! Visit  http://www.volunteerhou.org/ for more details.Houston Community ToolBank Warehouse Tour
The ToolBank lends tools (hammers, shovels, saws, etc.) and items (tents, tables, chairs, safety gear, etc.) to nonprofits, community groups and corporate volunteers for charitable projects. Access to ToolBank tools eliminates the need for agencies and groups to incur the expense of purchasing, renting, repairing, insuring and storing tools, therefore reducing the costs associated with service projects and allowing these organizations to focus more of their resources on their mission. Come take a warehouse tour and see what the organization is all about on Thursday, June 15, 2017, from 9:00 to 10:00 AM at 1215 Gazin St.- H-GAC Pedestrian and Bicycle Subcommittee
In addition to the very informative Basin Highlights Report, H-GAC coordinates programs and projects that improve mobility and safety for pedestrians and bicyclists throughout the region. Come join their meeting on Thursday, June 15, 2017 from 9:30 to 10:30 AM at their offices, 3555 Timmons Lane and help their vision of making Houston more bicycle-friendly and efficient! Learn more about the meeting here. Daylight Hour
Daylight Hour is an annual social media campaign organized by the Building Energy Exchange to raise awareness about using natural daylight in lieu of electric lighting in offices. Launched in 2014, this simple and engaging campaign asks participating offices to turn off their lights in day-lit spaces for one hour on the Friday before the summer solstice. Leading up to and during this hour, offices around the world share their involvement on social media, engaging their communities and showcasing their environmental commitment. It’s free to participate and is as easy as flipping a switch just for one hour from 11:00 am to noon on Friday, June 16, 2017. Register as an individual or a group and learn more about the impact of one hour at http://be-exchange.org.NPSOT Houston Chapter Meeting
Houston is one of the fastest growing cities in the country and has one of the most complex water systems. In order to meet the demands of a growing population, a quarter of Texas’ future water needs is planned to be met through conservation. The Native Plant Society of Texas would like you to attend their Houston Chapter Meeting at the Houston Arboretum tomorrow night, June 15, 2017, at 6:45 PM to address the critical need for conservation in the Houston area with a whole systems approach to water budgeting, incorporating practical solutions to manage water during flood or drought. The presentation will focus on Native Plant Selection, Indoor and Outdoor Water Conservation, Rainwater Harvesting, and more. Visit their website for more details at http://npsot.org.- Bird Banding at GCBOÂ
On Saturday, June 17, 2017 from 8:00 AM to noon, attendees joined the Gulf Coast Bird Observatory at Lake Jackson Sanctuary to collect baseline data on bird populations at their sanctuary by helping them out with banding their birds, a process which helps identify certain species without harming the bird. If you missed today’s banding opportunity, the Observatory hosts this event every third Saturday of each month so plan ahead and put it on your calendars! It’s free of charge and no reservations are necessary. For more details on the Observatory and their events, visit http://www.gcbo.org/. -
Annual VegFest Houston Vegan Community ExpoÂ
The 5th Annual Vegfest will be held on Saturday, June 17, 2017 from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM, featuring great, free activities for kids and adults alike, from superb vegan restaurants, to exciting vegan and abolitionist animal rights organizations, ‘Kids Zone’ and crafts, vegan food demos, “Ask a Vegan” Booth and Panels, free product samples, yoga and meditation, like-minded community booths and green businesses, and even raffle prize giveaways! Save the date and get more information here. -
Houston Arboretum’s BBQ, Beer, Bingo Night
The mission of the Houston Arboretum & Nature Center is to provide education about the natural environment to people of all ages and to protect and enhance the Arboretum as a haven and as a sanctuary for native plants and animals. On Saturday, June 17, 2017, from 6:00 to 8:30 PM you can enjoy a fun evening in nature with delicious barbecue and ice cold beer while playing everyone’s favorite game, Bingo. There will be five rounds of Bingo and nature-themed trivia questions to win prizes. Barbecue and sides from Pappas Bar-B-Q, adult beverages from Saint Arnold Brewing Company and Katz iced coffee will be served until supplies run out. Those who wish to drink beer must be 21 and have a valid ID for a wristband. Due to limited space, pre-registration is required- more information can be found at houstonarboretum.org/events/bbq-beer-bingo. -
Emancipation Park Grand ReopeningÂEmancipation Park, the oldest park site in the City of Houston, is an 11.7 acre jewel located between Houston’s thriving central business district and the world renowned Texas Medical Center. The park is pressing forward with a $33.6 million renovation and construction project and will serve as ground-zero for a variety of programs serving all ages in the areas of education, wellness, fitness, and sports. In addition to programming, Emancipation Park will also host seminars, town hall meetings, conferences, concerts, plays, exhibitions, festivals and the Juneteenth Festival for all to come and enjoy. This upgraded park is certain to take its place among the nation’s most respected parks and green space destinations, so come out and see it for yourself at their grand reopening from June 17-19, 2017. Visit their Facebook Page for more!
Celebrate Dad at Hermann ParkÂ
Celebrate Father’s Day on Sunday, June 18, 2017 from 8:30 to 10 AM with your family in Hermann Park! The morning will begin with a scenic breakfast on Pinewood Cafe’s patio overlooking serene McGovern Lake. Continue the fun with a ride on the Hermann Park Railroad, a fun arts and craft activity and pedal boat ride! Space is limited, so get your tickets before they run out. Visit http://www.hermannpark.org for more information. The Urban Harvest Edible Academy Summer Workshop
The Edible Academy Workshop will be held at Gregory-Lincoln Education Center, 1101 Taft St. and will provide educators, youth garden coordinators and parents with hands-on lessons, techniques and curriculum for using your school garden and Outdoor Classroom as exciting educational tools. Numerous studies show that children will try new foods, make healthier food choices and remain more active when involved in a school garden. The surging interest in school gardens has shown a need for professional development in gardening techniques that merge with standard curriculum. Participants will explore lessons in gardening and culinary arts that support TEKS objectives in the core subjects, making learning memorable and tasty too! On Wednesday, June 21, 2017 at 8:00 AM and Thursday, June 22, 2017, at 3:00 PM, come get your hands dirty and see how we can implement more school gardens!Summer Solstice at the Cistern
Buffalo Bayou Partnership’s young professionals group, Bayou Buddies, and the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston’s Art Crowd invite you to Summer Solstice at the Cistern 105 Sabine St., on Wednesday, June 21, 2017, from 6:30 to 8:30 PM. Enjoy complimentary wine and beer from St. Arnold Brewing Company while DJ Felix spins Summer tunes. Food will be available for purchase from popular food trucks. Make it a summer you won’t forget and get your tickets at http://buffalobayou.org/event/.-
CCFCC Board of Directors MeetingÂ
On Wednesday, June 21, 2017, the Cypress Creek Flood Control Coalition is having their monthly meeting at 7:00 PM, which is held every third Wednesday of the month. These meetings focus on the key mission statement goals and issues listed in their “Charter,” including flood damage mitigation, deforestation and reforestation, preservation of floodplains and related areas, other environmental concerns, and the development of the Cypress Creek Greenway. Join in on the conversation at the Lake Forest Utility District and get more information at http://www.ccfcc.org. Behind the Design of the McGovern Centennial Gardens
Hermann Park Conservancy and Rice Design Alliance are collaborating to bring you a special summer event at the Cherie Flores Garden Pavilion and McGovern Centennial Gardens with guest speaker Doug Hoerr of Hoerr Schaudt, who received the design commission in 2009 for the McGovern Centennial Gardens. Doug along with James Patterson of White Oak Studio, the landscape architect of record, will share highlights of how architecture and horticulture came together in the design of the Gardens. To learn more about this event coming up on Thursday, June 22, 2017, at 7:30 PM, or to purchase tickets, visit their event site.Opossum and Pal Program
The Opossum and Pals Program (or OPP) is a newer addition to Texas Wildlife Rehab Coalition’s onsite animal care programs. Onsite animal care provides relief to our rehabbers when they need a break or go on vacation. It also allows continued placement of animals when rehabbers are at capacity or can no longer accept wildlife for care. The OPP’s primary residents consist mainly of opossums; however, there are also doves that require care and tube-feeding. Other animals may be housed in the program until they are placed with a rehabber or are ready for release back into the wild. No rabies vector species will be allowed in the program. For new volunteers, the next orientation will take place Saturday, June 24, 2017. To register for the orientation or the next OPP, visit https://www.twrcwildlifecenter.org.Rice University Farmers Market
Spring is coming to an end and the Summer heat is rolling in. No worries, the Rice Farmers Market has you covered. The vendors have plenty of fresh fruits and veggies, as well as a few cold treats, to help you get through the warm season in style. Bring a friend and have dinner at Ripe Cuisine- there’ll be so much to see and taste! The Market will be open every Tuesday from 3:30 to 6:30 PM. Save the date for their Summer Fest on Tuesday, July 11, 2017. For more information, check out their Facebook page!Galveston Bay Foundation – San Jacinto River Waste Pits Superfund Site
The Galveston Bay Foundation wants you to be informed about the cleanup of the San Jacinto River Waste Pits Superfund Site (SJRWP) and learn how you can have a voice in the process. In 2011, GBF received a grant from the U.S. EPA to hire scientists from the Houston Advanced Research Center (HARC) to serve as the independent technical advisors and review site cleanup process reports, provide expert input, and communicate their findings to the public in addition to the research and publications already performed and released by the EPA. Thus far, the HARC has released technical reviews on ecological impact assessments, human health risk assessments, remedial alternatives, and several other reports by the EPA since its inception to further serve the Houston-Galveston community. Check out the full report and stay updated at http://galvbay.org.Houston-Galveston Area Council’s Basin Highlights Report
The Houston-Galveston Area Council’s (H-GAC) Clean Rivers Program is one of the most comprehensive and cost-effective water quality monitoring programs in Texas. These waterways lead to one of the most productive estuaries in the United States, generating billions of dollars yearly through commercial fishing, oyster harvesting, recreation, and tourism, as well as provide irrigation for agriculture and contribute to 80% of our drinking water in our region. They have recently released a short Basin Highlights Report which assessed three vital elements of our waterways quality: dissolved oxygen levels, nutrient levels, and bacterial levels. Monitoring results show that across the four basins monitored H-GAC program, dissolved oxygen levels are decreasing, nutrient levels are increasing, and bacteria levels persist. To read up on the full report, please visit http://www.h-gac.com/community/water/rivers/.H-GAC Mobility Report 2016
H-GAC’s 2016 Mobility Report summarizes key economic and transportation performance measures that reflect our progress toward achieving a safe, reliable, multimodal transportation network. As in previous years, performance statistics have been shown for each of the state goals in the 2040 Regional Transportation Plan. These goals include the reduction of congestion and vehicle crashes, asset management and operations, support for regional economic development opportunities, potential impact on the environment, and a determination that projects did not disproportionately and adversely impact minority or low-income communities. Some trends found in this report include travel on the roadway system increased 2% to an estimated 183 million miles per day and corresponds with growth in the region’s population of more than 141,000 people and 16,000 jobs in 2016, in addition to increases in vehicle crashes, incident responses, bus-on time performance, and airport passengers. All in all, the Houston-Galveston region depends on a safe, efficient and reliable transportation system to maintain its economic success and overall quality of life. For additional transportation performance measures, visit the full report at http://www.h-gac.com/taq/regional-mobility-report/ or get your own copy of the publication here.METRO’s Summer of Fun Pass
School’s out, and METRO wants to give you FREE RIDES to where the fun is – ALL SUMMER LONG! The new METRO Student Summer of Fun Pass offers K-12 students the opportunity to travel anywhere METRO goes…any time…any day…FREE. Learn more and sign up at ridemetro.org.EarthShare of Texas 25th Anniversary Round Table Discussion Series
Happy Anniversary to EarthShare of Texas!
To celebrate 25 years, EST is hosting a Round-Table Discussion Series to introduce the public to all of the great work its members have accomplished. From air quality to zebra populations, they have it covered. Learn more at earthshare-texas.org/events. Buying a ticket to the entire series will gain you entry into the following events:- Bats, Birds, and Barbecue- A dinner discussion of wildlife and habitat conservation with a viewing of  the awesome bat emergence at Bracken Bat Cave. July 29, 2017 – Bracken Cave, San Antonio.
- On the Ground Floor of Ground Water: A breakfast discussion divining the future of our most precious resource.   July date tbd Redbud Center.
- The Hot Topic of Climate Change- Greater Houston Environmental Summit Aug 4, 2017 – United Way of Greater Houston–In conjunction with the CEC!
- This Land is your Land: Exploring the terrain of land conservation; Red Bud Center, October 17, 2017.
- And the grand finale picnic with food, games music and more! Â The whole family is welcome!
- TV: Texas Parks & Wildlife
Broadcast on KUHT Channel 8 at 3:00 p.m. each Saturday and on municipal access cable channels in Baytown, Deer Park, Houston, Texas City, Galveston, Nassau Bay, Pasadena, Seabrook, Sugar Land, and on HCC TV. More info on the TPWD website (* indicates a segment about the Houston area). For a preview, visit TPWD’s YouTube Page.- Ocean Office: A few hours scuba diving in the ocean is just another day at the office for a couple of marine biologists.
- Hill Country Haven:Â Brent Ortego has spent a lifetime focused on conservation.
- A Conservation Career: Meet a cancer research who spends his free time exploring caves and conservation at his Hill Country ranch.
- Additional Upcoming Events
- 6/25/17: Farm Life Demonstration
- 6/26/17: Putting a Price on Nature: Should We?
- 6/27/17: Launch of The Story of Buffalo Bayou Park at Brazos Bookstore
- 6/28/17:Â Armand Bayou Nature Center’s EcoKids ClassesÂ
- 6/28/17:Â HNPAT Meeting with Coastal Prairie Partnership
- 6/28/17:Â Party on the Plaza
- 6/28/17: Houston: A Walkable City?
- 6/29/17: Stormwater Wetland Program Volunteer Opportunity
- 6/30/17:Â Monthly Solar Energy System Workshop
- 7/24/17 (deadline): Mayor’s Proud Partners Award application