Houston Environmental News Update November 9, 2016
Scroll down to read notes from our member organizations and the community, or view the emailed version of the newsletter, which also includes a listing of green jobs and a community calendar.
In general, the response to the presidential election by people working to improve our environment is that now, more than ever, we need people to be champions and advocates for our environment.
- “[The] steep hill we’ve been climbing has become a sheer cliff. But cliffs are scalable. We may have to trade our walking sticks for ropes, but we will do what is necessary…. at a time when our country is so deeply divided, America needs people who build bridges, not bomb throwers.” – Mark Reynolds, Citizens’ Climate Lobby
- “[We must] band together to keep fighting for change.” – Annie Leonard, Greenpeace
- “We are not licking our wounds, we are preparing for the fights ahead.” – Sierra Club
- “New world we’re living in. From #ActOnClimate to #ClimateAct.” –  Air Alliance Houston
CEC has been connecting our environmental community for over 45 years. We keep YOU connected with this amazing community. Together, we are stronger.
Now, more than ever, each of needs to get involved. If you are already connected–keep up the great work. If you haven’t connected, read on to learn about opportunities to become an advocate for environmental improvements. Please get involved–with CEC or your other favorite environmental organization.
Together, we can do more. And CEC is the organization that works to bring us together. Now, more than ever, you must make a difference.
Rachel Powers
Executive Director
Banner Image Credit: NASA. The upcoming supermoon – on Monday, Nov. 14 , 2016 – will be especially “super” because it’s the closest full moon to Earth since 1948. We won’t see another supermoon like this until 2034.Credit:Â NASA Goddard’s Scientific Visualization Studio.
CEC, in conjunction with the Houston Green Film Series, is hosting a screening of local environmental films the evening of Wednesday, November 16, 2016. Please mark your calendar. And, if you have (or can produce) a short, local, environmental film, please submit your film for consideration!
Intersections 2016. Intersections 2016 is a cross-disciplinary conference of quality of life, health, equity, development and environmental issues facing our growing region. The goal is to foster synergistic thinking and collaboration by bringing different people together, and to demystify the mechanisms for creating sustainable change in Houston. Nov. 10 – 12, 2016. CEC is proud to be a part of this conference presented by Houston Tomorrow. Register at intersections2016.org.
- Buffalo Bayou Partnership Gala: Leafing through the Years. On Thursday, Nov. 10, 2016, join Buffalo Bayou Partnership as they celebrate Buffalo Bayou Partnership’s 30-year anniversary and look forward to its bright future at our annual Gala. Cocktails at 6:30, seated dinner at 8:00 pm, at The Water Works at Buffalo Bayou Park. Learn more and purchase tickets at buffalobayou.org.
- Memorial Park Urban Wild Bridge Bash. Take a walk on the wild side the the Urban Wild young professionals of Memorial Park Conservancy! Join MPC on Nov. 10, 2016, for a night of food, drink, music and fun on Memorial Park’s Living Bridge. Urban Wild is a community-driven Houstonians age 21 and up with a passion for helping the Conservancy make Memorial Park a premier park for all Houstonians. To join Urban Wild or buy a Bridge Bash ticket, visit Memorial Memorial Park Conservancy’s Facebook page.
- Ignite Houston. On Friday, Nov. 11, 2016, from 6-9pm, Ignite Houston is returning as part of the Intersections 2016 conference presented by Houston Tomorrowat UHD. This year we have an incredible lineup of eight speakers sharing a diverse range of ideas in a rapid-fire format. The event will feature local beer from Saint Arnold Brewing Company, ice cream from Fat Cat Creamery and food Oddball Eats. Learn more and purchase tickets on the Ignite Houston facebook page.
EPA Refinery Sector Rule Hearing. The Environmental Protection Agency will hold a public hearing on the reconsideration of the Refinery Sector Rule for which EPA did not provide adequate opportunity for notice and comment. This rulemaking is the result of a lawsuit filed by Air Alliance Houston, Texas Environmental Justice Advocacy Services, Community In-Power and Development Association, and the Louisiana Bucket Brigade, who are collectively represented by Eartjustice.Air Alliance encourages you to attend. This is is our only chance to tell EPA we are concerned about pollution from oil refineries and its impact on our health. This is the only public hearing EPA will hold anywhere in the country, and public comment will be taken for six hours, from 2-8 pm. We’d like EPA to hear from us and our allies in refinery communities throughout the entire hearing, so please sign up to speak today. Learn more at airalliancehouston.org.
- Seed Fling Wingding Family Event Join Baytown Nature Center on Saturday, Nov. 12, 2016, for this family-friendly event to learn more about butterflies and bees in a fun, interactive way. With games, a butterfly costume parade, info tables, guided butterfly tours to throw milkweed seed bombs, and much more. Early Bird Registration (thru Nov. 11) is $9 for children, and $13 for adults. Register for the walk.
- 2016 Prairies & Pollinators Month – Greater Houston. Join the Coastal Prairie Partnership–and over fourteen partners–for a month of special hikes, plantings, and other events. The celebration is from Oct. 7, 2016 to Nov. 12, 2016, at multiple locations around the region. For a full calendar, including details and registration information about the following events, visit prariepartner.org
- Nov. 12 – Putting Down Roots on the Katy Prairie
- Nov. 12 – Native Prairie Plant-A-Thon at Sheldon Lake State Park & Environmental Learning Center
- Plant wildflowers along the Bayou Greenways. For the third year in a row, Houston Parks Board is teaming up with the Houston Parks and Recreation Department for their 10th Annual Lady Bird Johnson Tribute Wildflower Planting. On Nov. 12, 2016, we’re planting hundreds of acres of wildflower meadows along the Bayou Greenways and could use some helping hands. This is a fun and easy volunteer opportunity for all ages. Visit Houstonparksboard.org to learn more about volunteering along the Bayou Greenways and to sign up. Additional volunteer opportunities are available for Houston Parks and Recreation Department’s 10th Annual Lady Bird Johnson Tribute Wildflower. For more information, visit the Houston Parks & Rec website.
- Artist Boat’s Float the Boat. Artist Boat’s annual fundraising event will honor Randi Faust and Carl Herman at the Ashton Villa on Nov. 12, 2016. The event will have live music by Alligator Handshake, silent and live auctions, raffle drawing, curated art auction, masquerade and costume contest, food, wine, and beer, and–most importantly–loads of fun! Learn more at artistboat.org.
- TWRC’s Wild Night for Wildlife. Please join the TWRC Wildlife Center on Nov. 12, 2016, for its annual gala night fundraiser, “Wild Night For Wildlife,†held at the beautiful Sterling Country Club/Houston National Golf Course. The evening will include dinner, Las Vegas show by tribute artist Vince King, entertainment by Carter Blackburn Magic, casino, door prizes, silent auction and more. Proceeds support TWRC Wildlife Center. Come and enjoy a fun evening and help TWRC help save wildlife in need! Learn more at www.twrcwildlifecenter.org.
- SPARK Week. Join the SPARK School Park Program the week of Nov. 14, 2016, at six school parks celebrating dedications and groundbreaking. Details will be posted soon at sparkpark.org.
- Teacher Awards & College Scholarships available from TWA. Through generous funding from the San Antonio Livestock Exposition, Inc. the Texas Wildlife Association Foundation is accepting applications for two funding opportunities awarding teachers and college freshman. The deadline for the Natural Resource-Excellence in Teaching Award is on Dec. 1, 2016. The deadline for college freshmen scholarship applications is on Nov. 14, 2016.
- Leave No Trash Behind Ribbon. Cutting CEC Member organization Artist Boat will co-host a Ribbon Cutting on Nov. 15, 2016, 8:30 am – 9:30 am, 53rd Street and Seawall Blvd, Galveston TX, at the beachside. This will celebrate the installation of six recycling stations on Galveston Island Beaches. This event will join thousands of other communities in celebrating America Recycles Day, an initiative of Keep America Beautiful. Visit gulfofmexico.org for more information.
- 2016 White Oak Annual Meeting The meeting will be on Tuesday, Nov. 15, 6 pm – 8:30 pm, at Houston Heights Fire Station, 107 W. 12th St. Networking from 6 pm to 7 pm, presentation will be given on the Benefits of a Restored Urban Stream from 7 pm to 8 pm, with the general meeting following. Pizza and other refreshments will be served. To attend, please RSVP to Whiteoakbayoupreservationassociation@gmail.com. Visit whiteoakbayou.org for more information.
- Webinar: Combined Heat and Power (CHP) in Breweries – Better Beer at Lower Costs. Presented by HARC’s Gavin Dillingham and Siemens Energy. The U.S. Department of Energy Southwest CHP TAP, in partnership with Siemens Energy, will present CHP in Breweries and Distilleries on Nov. 17, 2016 at 2:00 pm. Learn more at harcresearch.org.
- Energy Corridor Recycles Day. The Corridor’s 8th Annual Recycles Day will be hosted on Nov. 19, 2016, 9 am – 2 pm, at the Addicks Park and Ride, 14230 Katy Freeway, Houston TX 77079. Sustainably purge your home/office electronics, textiles, toys and more, plus security shred sensitive documents. Check out the facebook event for updated information and a full list of items that can be recycled. Visit energycorridor.org to learn more about the management district.
- Call for Donated Auction Items. The Houston Regional Group of the Sierra Club will be hosting their Annual Auction on Dec. 8, 2016. They are seeking auction items to be donated as early as possible. For more information about the auction and how to donate, please contact one of the following: Frank Blake at frankblake@juno.com or 713-528-2896 (central Houston); Art Browning at art.browning@gmail.com or 281-728-6327 (Cypress area), or Lorraine Gibson at 281-384-4104, or raineygib@aol.com (Pearland area). Visit sierraclub.org for more information.
- Call to Action: San Jacinto River Waste Pits Superfund Site. On Sep. 28, 2016, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency proposed removing the dioxin-contaminated wastes from the San Jacinto River Waste Pits Superfund Site. The Galveston Bay Foundation enthusiastically applauds that proposed plan because removal is the only correct and permanent cleanup solution, while no containment alternative can be shown to reliably contain the waste over a long-term basis. However, the battle has not been won just yet and GBF needs your help! The EPA will base their final decision in part on comments it receives during the official public comment period that began on Sep. 29 and ends at midnight on November 28, 2016. GBF encourages you to send your official comments supporting EPA’s plan to remove the dioxin waste TODAY, but be sure to send in your comments by Nov. 28. Visit GBF’s Remove San Jacinto River Toxic Waste webpage to learn more about the issue, learn how to comment, and review sample comments.
- Save the Date: Holiday with the Cranes. As Sandhill Cranes begin to arrive on Galveston Island to roost and forage, the Galveston Island Nature TourismCouncil opens registration for Holiday with the Cranes, Dec. 10 – 11, 2016. Several of the events sell out rather quickly so learn more and sign up soon at www.galvestonnaturetourism.org.
Help for nonprofits’Â IT/Database/
Website Needs. The Executive Service Corps of Houston (ESCH), in partnership with the Bauer College of Business at the University of Houston, is now accepting applications for free IT help from student teams, under the direct supervision of a Decision and Information Science Center (DISC) faculty member and with the mentorship of ESCH Consultants, work on business projects. The CEC has used them for two projects: one for an IT assessment of our office hardware (which came in very handy when our file server failed two weeks later!) and consulting on our website. Learn more and request assistance at eschouston.org. - Houston Green Office Challenge. The 2016 Houston Green Office Challenge has launched! Once again, the City of Houston is challenging commercial building property managers, property owners and office tenants to improve the environmental and economic performance of their business operations. The Houston Green Office Challenge helps participants achieve strategies that reduce energy use, waste and water use, and provides an exciting way for businesses to make Houston a greener place to live, work and play. Learn more at houstongoc.org.
- SCA Seeks School Year Conservation crew. SCA Houston Community Programs aim to build the next generation of conservation leaders and environmental stewards by getting local Houston youth out into their community and environment to do hands-on service to the land. The School-Year Program is voluntary and occurs on weekends, from Saturday morning through Sunday afternoon. During the course of the School-Year Program, youth attend five camping weekends at parks and nature areas around Houston. Applicants must be 15-19 years of age and be enrolled in school. Learn more at www.thesca.org.
- Additional Upcoming Events
- 3/25/17: River, Lakes, Bays ‘N Bayous Trash Bash®
- SEED: The Untold Story. This award-winning film is a feature-length documentary featuring Vandana Shiva, Dr. Jane Goodall, Andrew Kimbell, and Winona LaDuke, following passionate seed keepers protecting our 12,000-year old food legacy. They need to sell 57 more tickets to meet the threshold to show the film at theHouston Merq’E Stadium 23 & Imax theater on December 1, 2016. Learn more, view the trailer, and purchase tickets at gather.us/screening
- EPA’s EJ 2020 Action Agenda. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today released the Environmental Justice 2020 Action Agenda (EJ 2020), the Agency’s environmental justice strategic plan for 2016 to 2020. EJ 2020 will further integrate environmental justice considerations in all of the Agency’s programs, strengthen EPA’s collaboration with partners, and demonstrate progress on significant national challenges facing minority and low-income communities. EJ 2020 builds on the foundation established by EPA’s previous strategic plan, Plan EJ 2014, as well as decades of significant environmental justice practice by the Agency, communities, and other environmental justice stakeholders. The EJ 2020 Action Agenda has three overarching goals:
- Deepen environmental justice practice within EPA programs to improve the health and environment of overburdened communities.
- Work with partners to expand our positive impact within overburdened communities.
- Demonstrate progress on critical national environmental justice challenges.
Learn more about the plan and download a copy at www.epa.gov.
- Japhet Creek Clean-ups. Japhet Creek Nature Conservancy is hosting several creek clean-ups this fall, including  Nov. 12 & 19, 2016. Learn more about how to help at japhetcreek.org.
- Plan Houston 2016 Plan Survey and Update. In 2015, Houston’s City Council took the groundbreaking step of adopting the city’s first general plan, Plan Houston. The Plan describes a vision and goals for our community and identifies twelve core strategies that represent the City’s approach for achieving the vision. The City of Houston is now actively working towards achieving the community goals laid out in Plan Houston. The next step is to understand the community’s interests so that policy makers can consider them as they develop City priorities for the next budget year. The City’s next fiscal year begins July 1, 2017. Your input, coupled with Plan Houston’s strategic guidance, ensures that the City will use its limited resources in the most effective means possible to improve our community. You can share your thoughts on what the City should be focusing on by responding to a brief survey. Learn more and take the survey at http://planhouston.org/
- Gift of Guidance program. The Social Media Breakfast of Houston (#smbhou) is excited to invite qualified 501c3 organizations in Houston to apply for the 6th annual Gift of Guidance program with the Social Media Breakfast in Houston (SMBHOU). Learn more and apply at docs.google.com.
- Brews for Big Bend.Â
Join the BIg Bend Conservancy on Nov. 15, 2016, at Saint Arnold Brewery for Brews for Big Bend. For the $35 admission fee, you’ll enjoy Saint Arnold’s on tap all evening. Professional photographer Mike Marvins, whose book “Texas’ Big Bend” is a masterpiece of Big Bend imagery, will be on hand to discuss his craft. In addition, he’s donated one of his photos–suitable for framing–to be raffled off.  Submit your own photographs from the Park and see the best images included slideshow presented throughout the evening. Advance ticket sales only – no tickets sold at the door. Buy your tickets at www.bigbendfriends.org.
- NOAA Marine Debris Research Federal Funding Opportunity. Deadline: December 19, 2016. NOAA’s Marine Debris Program is pleased to announce the FY2017 Marine Debris Research Federal Funding Opportunity. Proposals are due December 19, 2016. The announcement can be found on Grants.gov at www.grants.gov.
- Railroad Commission Rule Draft. The Railroad Commission is accepting comments on a draft of its rules in 16 TAC Chapter 1, relating to Practice and Procedure. This is an informal working draft that has not been finalized and has not been submitted to the Texas Register for publication for public comment. Due to some reorganization of several subchapters in Chapter 1, the informal draft presents the rules in their new organization, structure, and wording. The draft is posted on the Commission’s website at the following link: http://www.rrc.texas.gov/legal/rules/draft-rules-for-informal-comment/. Comments must be in writing and emailed to Rules Coordinator atrulescoordinator@rrc.texas.gov. The comment deadline is Friday, January 6, 2017 (5:00 p.m.).
- TV: Texas Parks & Wildlife. Broadcast on KUHT Channel 8 at 3:00 PM each Saturday and on municipal access cable channels in Baytown, Deer Park, Houston, Texas City, Galveston, Nassau Bay, Pasadena, Seabrook, Sugar Land, and on HCC TV. More info on the TPWD website (* indicates a segment about the Houston area). For a preview, visit TPWD’s YouTube Page.
- Flying the Franklins
- Blue Mountain Peak
- Frog Pond