Environmental News Update, October 26, 2016

Scroll down to read notes from our member organizations and the community, or view the emailed version of the newsletter.
Intersections 2016 conference is November 10-12, 2016, at the University of Houston Downtown. This will be a blockbuster conference you don’t want to miss. CEC is helping coordinate volunteers for the event. We need help with registration, set-up, and session monitoring. If you help, you get deeply discounted admission. If you are interested in volunteering, please indicate your availability using this Google Form.
CEC, in conjunction with the Houston Green Film Series, is hosting a screening of local environmental films the evening of Wednesday, November 16, 2016. Please mark your calendar. And, if you have (or can produce) a short, local, environmental film, please submit your film for consideration!
- VOTE EARLY! Early voting though Friday, Nov. 4, 2016. Election Day: November 8, 2016. Learn more at www.votetexas.gov.
- Galveston Bay Plan Revision Open House. Help protect and preserve the Galveston Bay Estuary by attending the Galveston Bay Plan Revision Open House on October 26, 2016, from 4PM – 6PM at the Nessler Civic Center in Texas City. The Galveston Bay Estuary Program (GBEP) is one of 28 National Estuary Programs designated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to protect and restore our nation’s estuaries. GBEP is required to maintain a Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan (CCMP) to address priority problems in the Galveston Bay Estuary. GBEP’s CCMP has provided successful stewardship of the Galveston Bay Estuary for more than 20 years, but it is now time to update the Plan. Attend anytime to learn more about the priorities defined in the original  Galveston Bay Plan and Strategic Action Plan, and provide priority rankings for the Galveston Bay Plan revision. Learn more about the project at www.GalvestonBayPlan.org.
- Before the Flood Advance Screening & Panel Discussion. The Administrative Center for Sustainability and Energy Management at Rice University will be hosting an advance screening of the climate change documentary, “Before the Flood†on Oct. 26, 2016, at Rice University’s Sewell Hall 301. Doors open at 6:30 pm with vegan light bits. Film starts at 7 pm. Following the film, a panel discussion will feature Rice Professors Daniel Cohan and Andre Droxler, Houston Climate Protection Alliance co-chair Tim Mock, and 350.org Houston co-chair Sandy Spears. Learn more on SRU’s Facebook page.
- 2016 Prairies & Pollinators Month – Greater Houston. Join the Coastal Prairie Partnership–and over fourteen partners–for a month of special hikes, plantings, and other events. The celebration is from October 7, 2016 to November 12, 2016, at multiple locations around the region. For a full calendar, including details about the following events, visit prariepartner.org
- October 26 – Milkweed Propagation Workshop with Monarch Gateway and Houston Parks & Recreation. 6:30 pm.
- October 29 – Clinton Park Prairie Planting in Houston with Houston Parks and Recreation Department.
- October 29 – Prairie 101 Teachers Workshop at Lawther-Deer Park Prairie
- November 1 – Gulf-Houston Monarch Flyway Strategy Summit
Armand Bayou Nature Center’s Armand Yramategui Conservation Award. Armand Bayou Nature Center invites you to join them in presenting Armand Yramategui Conservation Award to Ms. Emmeline Dodd at a special luncheon Thursday, October 27, 2016 at the Bay Oaks Country Club Bay Oaks Boulevard, Houston, TX 77509. The event check in begins at 11:30 and the luncheon program at 12:00. This year’s keynote speaker is Will Holder, President, Trendmaker Homes.Reservations are required and can be made by calling 281-474-2551 or download the Armand Yramategui Conservation Award registration form. Learn more at http://www.abnc.org/.
- Milkweed Propagation Workshop. October 26, 2016, 6:30pm to 8:30pm. The Houston Parks & Recreation Department’s Natural Resources Management Program is hosting a Milkweed Propagation Workshop at the HPARD greenhouse 6501 Memorial Drive between E. Memorial Loop Drive and Crestwood Drive. The workshop presenter will be Barbara Keller-Willy, Executive Director of Monarch Gateway. Participants will learn how to propagate milkweed and take home milkweed seed to grown on their own. To register, contact kelli.ondracek@houstontx.gov.
- HREG Monthly Meeting. On Oct. 27, 2016, at 6:30 pm, join the Houston Renewable Energy Group to hear from two guest speakers. Steve Krebs will be sharing the story of the successful Solarize Houston initiative, in which several of our community members will be installing a total of 109kw on their homes. Lucy Stolzenburg, Executive Director of Texas Solar Energy Society, will tell us how TXSES is promoting solar in Austin. Learn more at houstonrenewableenergy.org.
- STAR Master Composter Program. Thursday through Sunday, October 27 – 29 , 2016, at the Green Building Resource Center. Certified YardWise Master Composters (MC) complete a 20-hour training course by approved MC instructors, as well as 20 hours of volunteer community service in public compost education and awareness (within six months of completing the course). MC training courses will provide at least 16 hours of classroom time to be supplemented with four hours of hands-on training. Learn more and register at greenhoustontx.gov.
- Volunteers Needed for Scream on the Green Join Discovery Green for their annual Halloween festival from on Oct. 28 6-10 pm, at Discovery Green Park, 1500 McKinney St, Houston TX 77010. The festival is presented by United Health Care. If you are able to be a volunteer for Scream on the Green and their other festivals, visit discoverygreen.com/volunteer for more details.
- Clinton Park Prairie Planting. October 29, 2016, 9am to 11am. Join the Houston Parks & Recreation Department’s Natural Resources Management Program in installing locally native plants into a ten acre prairie restoration site at Clinton Park located at 200 Mississippi St. Volunteers will need closed-toed shoes or rubber boots and clothes that can dirty. Gloves and work tools will be provided. To register, contact kelli.ondracek@houstontx.gov.
- Wicked Woods Party Join the Houston Arboretum on Oct. 29, 7:30pm – 11 pm, at the Houston Arboretum & Nature Center, 4501 Woodway Dr. Houston TX 77024. Event is 21+. Four-course menu, libations, and activities included in the price of admission. This event will occur rain or shine. Costumes encouraged! Wear costumes and footwear comfortable enough for guided tromps through the woods. Visit houstonarboretum.org for full details and to purchase tickets. Share the event on social media and check the facebook event page for updates.
AIA Houston Home Tour. The weekend of October 29-30, 2016, the American Institute of Architects (AIA) Houston will hold its 2016 Annual Home Tour featuring nine area homes selected by a jury of industry experts to represent the finest in modern and contemporary residential architecture. The two-day, self-guided tour is open to the public and offers attendees a rare opportunity to walk through and view an impressive assortment of privately-owned residences designed by accomplished Houston architects. See the 2016 Homes, a map, and ticket information at aiahouston.org.
- Armand Bayou’s Creepy Crawlers Join Armand Bayou on Oct. 29, 6:30 – 8:30 pm, at the Armand Bayou Nature Center, 8500 Bay Area Blvd, Pasadena TX, 77507. This family friendly Halloween alternatives will have games suitable for children, including a haunted barn, haystack dive, facepainting, storytelling, games and outdoor activities, including a guided night hike. Visit abnc.org for more information. Reservations required! Call 713-274-2668 to make reservations. No costumes please. Children 3 and under can enter free.
- Every Kid in a Park. The Every Kid in a Park Program (EKIP) is a national initiative to connect youth with nature. By introducing students to public lands in their backyards and beyond at an early age, the innovative Every Kid in a Park Program delivers a nationwide call to action to build the next generation of outdoor stewards of our country’s spectacular and diverse public lands and waters. One of the great benefits for students is that this initiative provides free federal land annual passes to 4th graders and their families after they complete a field trip! The Houston EKIP Partnership brings sites with nature and culture-based field trips together with local teachers. The National Park Foundation has awarded $150,000 to facilitate field trips for 4th grade students from Title I schools in the Houston area to experience public lands and waters in their community during the 2016 – 2017 school year. Learn more, see if your school is eligible, and find out about great field trip opportunities at  http://www.esc4.net/EKIP. CEC is proud to support this project.
- SCA Seeks School Year Conservation crew. SCA Houston Community Programs aim to build the next generation of conservation leaders and environmental stewards by getting local Houston youth out into their community and environment to do hands-on service to the land. The School-Year Program is voluntary and occurs on weekends, from Saturday morning through Sunday afternoon. During the course of the School-Year Program, youth attend five camping weekends at parks and nature areas around Houston. Applicants must be 15-19 years of age and be enrolled in school. Learn more at www.thesca.org.
- Help for nonprofits’ IT/Database/Website Needs. The Executive Service Corps of Houston (ESCH), in partnership with the Bauer College of Business at the University of Houston, is now accepting applications for free IT help from student teams, under the direct supervision of a Decision and Information Science Center (DISC) faculty member and with the mentorship of ESCH Consultants, work on business projects. The CEC has used them for two projects: one for an IT assessment of our office hardware (which came in very handy when our file server failed two weeks later!) and consulting on our website. Learn more and request assistance at eschouston.org.
- The Nature Conservancy’s Brazos Woods Preserve Open Day. Join The Nature Conservancy on October 29, 2016, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. to celebrate the opening of their new Brazos Woods Preserve. Enjoy a walking tour and birdwatching, or just pack a picnic lunch and connect with nature. TNC will have ecologists on hand to highlight the area’s complex natural systems, which include three important river basins and a unique mix of native Texas grasslands, hardwood forests and coastal wetlands. Situated just 60 miles southwest of Houston, Brazos Woods Preserve is part of the Columbia Bottomlands, an integral part of Texas’ history; the area was the site of one of Stephen F. Austin’s first settlements in Mexico-owned Texas. Learn more on The Nature Conservancy of Texas’s Facebook page.
- Transition Houston: Fall Permablitz. Transition Houston will have several projects including water reclamation, garden bed, building a compost bin, and more. Bring yourself and a friend! Morning refreshments will be provided and we’ll have a potluck lunch, so please bring something to share. Learn more and RSVP on the Transition Houston facebook page.
- Urban Harvest’s Lighten Your Footprint Class. What ways are you inspired to make changes in your lifestyle, your neighborhood, workplace or the Houston area that offer more care for the earth, care for people and creates community? This class will be hosted on Oct. 29, 2016, 9:30 am – 11:30 am, at Finca Tres Robles, 257 N. Greenwood St. Houston TX 77011. Through storytelling of active projects in the Houston area, Urban Harvest will discuss and work together on ideas for projects, large or small that you may have envisioned.This workshop is intended to empower those attending  to go forward with their ideas of how to live a more sustainable lifestyle. The instructors have a variety of backgrounds in environmental activism, permaculture designers, equal rights activism, leaders in the local food community, vegetable and fruit tree gardening educators, urban farms and community gardens development and more. Please RSVP at UrbanHarvest.org.
- University of Houston Sustainability Fest: Creative Expressions Contest. Deadline to submit work is Oct. 31, 2016. Sustainability combines social, environmental and economic aspects that challenge us to thoughtfully, justly and responsibly address the longevity and success of all living things on this planet. Contestants may submit a written work or visual art piece that addresses an aspect of sustainability. Written pieces include but are not limited to: poetry, short stories, articles, letters and songs, while visual works include but are not limited to: photography, painting, drawing, sculpture and digital art. Students, faculty and staff are invited to submit their original work to sustainability@uh.edu by Monday, Oct. 31, 2016, at 5 p.m. Please visit www.uh.edu/Sustainability for full information on competition rules. The Sustainability Fest will be Nov. 7, 2016, at University of Houston Butler Plaza, from 11:30 am – 1:30 pm. Attendance to the event is free and open to the public. Learn more on the UH Sustainability Facebook Page.
- Wilderness Wonders Fall Luncheon 2016. The Woods Project will host their Annual Luncheon on Nov. 1, 2016, at the Junior League, 1811, Briar Oaks Lane, 11:30 am – 1:00 pm. In this centennial of the National Park Service, we invite you to be inspired by The Woods Project students as they share stories about their life-changing summer experiences. Register here.
- All About Water with Ken Kramer & Joe Blanton. On Tuesday, November 1, 2016, join Transition Houston at its monthly meeting, at which the topic will be water. Ken Kramer, former Director for the Sierra Club’s Lone Star Chapter and a specialist in environmental policy and administration. Ken will provide us with details on Texas water conservation and protection efforts including upcoming legislation and privatization efforts in the state of Texas. Joe Blanton, a certified specialist in Backyard Habitats, will also be with us to share his observations and advocacy on why storm water management in the Houston area must begin at home. Learn more and RSVP on the Transition Houston facebook page.
- Avenue CDC’s Art on the Avenue. Showcasing the work of over 250 artists, Art on the Avenue supports local artists and Avenue CDC’s mission of building affordable homes and strengthening communities. At the Preview Party on Thursday, November 3, 2016, guests will have a first look at the art for auction and an opportunity to bid and purchase art prior to the Auction & Party on Saturday, November 5. Celebrating 25 years, Avenue CDC is dedicated to revitalizing Houston’s Northside community and to improving the lives of low- and moderate-income residents. Avenue CDC builds homes and communities where families thrive. Learn more at AvenueCDC.org
- Creating Sustainable Funding For Your Non-Profit. Executive Service Corps of Houston will be hosting a seminar for non-profits, “Creating Sustainable Funding for Your Non-Profit†on Nov. 4, 2016, 10 am – 12 pm at the Ensemble Theatre. In this highly engaging overview of the Benevon Model, attendees will learn how to implement a systematic process for engaging and developing relationships with mission-focused individual donors, make your organization more visible to the community, and how to identify and cultivate individual donors who are passionate about advancing your mission. The event is free to attend. Learn more and register at eschouston.org.
- Bayou Land Conservancy 20th Anniversary Gala Celebrate with Bayou Land Conservancy on Nov. 5, 2016, 6 pm – 10 pm, 1000 Energy Dr. Spring TX 77389. The Gala will feature a silent auction, a presentation by Harris County Precinct 4 Commissioner Jack Cagel, and a locally sourced menu by Chef Rick from The Fresh Fork. Visit bayoulandconservancy.org for complete information, and to purchase tickets.
- Intersections 2016. Intersections 2016 is a cross-disciplinary conference of quality of life, health, equity, development and environmental issues facing our growing region. The goal is to foster synergistic thinking and collaboration by bringing different people together, and to demystify the mechanisms for creating sustainable change in Houston. November 10 – 12, 2016. CEC is proud to be a part of this conference presented by Houston Tomorrow. Register at intersections2016.org.
- SPARK Week. Join the SPARK School Park Program the week of November 14, 2016, at six school parks celebrating dedications and groundbreaking. Details will be posted soon at sparkpark.org.
- Teacher Awards & College Scholarships available from TWA. Through generous funding from the San Antonio Livestock Exposition, Inc. the Texas Wildlife Association Foundation is accepting applications for two funding opportunities awarding teachers and college freshman. The deadline for the Natural Resource-Excellence in Teaching Award is on Dec. 1, 2016. The deadline for college freshmen scholarship applications is on Nov. 14, 2016.
- Energy Corridor Recycles Day. This 8th Annual Recycles Day will be hosted on Nov. 19, 9 am – 2 pm, at the Addicks Park and Ride, 14230 Katy Freeway, Houston TX 77079. Sustainably purge your home/office electronics, textiles, toys and more, plus security shred sensitive documents. Check out the facebook event for updated information and a full list of items that can be recycled. Visit energycorridor.org to learn more about the management district. Email mark@markrklein.com for more information on items that can be recycled.
- Call for Donated Auction Items. The Houston Regional Group of the Sierra Club will be hosting their Annual Auction on Dec. 8, 2016. They are seeking auction items to be donated as early as possible. For more information about the auction and how to donate, please contact one of the following: Frank Blake at frankblake@juno.com or 713-528-2896 (central Houston); Art Browning at art.browning@gmail.com or 281-728-6327 (Cypress area), or Lorraine Gibson at 281-384-4104, or raineygib@aol.com (Pearland area). Visit sierraclub.org for more information.
- Young Adult Sustainability Call for Presenters. The Houston Regional Group of the Sierra Club is reaching out to young people, from high school to college in the Houston area, that have demonstrated dedication and commitment to sustainability. This can include a range of interests from urban park preservation or air and water quality mitigation to environmental activism around global climate change. The Houston Regional Group of the Sierra Club would like to celebrate the ongoing achievements of these young adults. The group is offering a certificate of recognition and a one-year, free membership to the Sierra Club to individuals who make a 7-10 minute presentation about their sustainability efforts at its February general meeting in order to bring together young people from all parts of the city, and all races and economic groups, to see their common interests in sustaining the planet for future generations. If you have any questions, please email Elizabeth Spike at elizabeth.spike@comcast.net or call 713-256-3589.
- Houston Green Office Challenge. The 2016 Houston Green Office Challenge has launched! Once again, the City of Houston is challenging commercial building property managers, property owners and office tenants to improve the environmental and economic performance of their business operations. The Houston Green Office Challenge helps participants achieve strategies that reduce energy use, waste and water use, and provides an exciting way for businesses to make Houston a greener place to live, work and play. Learn more at houstongoc.org.
- Additional Upcoming Events
- 11/7/16:Â 32nd Annual Mayor’s Proud Partners Luncheon, Keep Houston Beautiful
- 11/7/16:Â University of Houston Sustainability Fest
- 11/9/16: Air Alliance Houston’s 2016 State of the Air Luncheon
- 11/10/16:Â BBP Gala: Leafing through the Years
- 11/10/16: Memorial Park Conservancy’s Urban Wild Bridge Bash
- 11/12/16:Â Emancipation Park Rededication Ceremony
- 11/12/16: Artist Boat’s Float the Boat
- 11/12/16: TWRC’s Wild Night for Wildlife
- 11/15/16: Galveston “Leave No Trash Behind” ribbon cutting (Artist Boat)
- 11/15/16: White Oak Bayou Association Annual Meeting
- 3/25/17: River, Lakes, Bays ‘N Bayous Trash Bash®
- 2016 EcoChallenge. Christ the King Evangelical Lutheran Church invites Houstonians to join them in challenging themselves to better care for the environment during the upcoming EcoChallenge. Participants (individuals, families, or groups) choose one action to reduce their environmental impact and stick with it for the two-week challenge period (Oct. 14 – 28, 2016). There are many possible challenges to choose from in the categories of: water, energy, food, transportation, waste, nature, simplicity, and community. Or, you can create your own challenge. Sign up today at www.ecochallenge.org and challenge yourself to become a better steward of the environment.
- Nonprofit Law Institute. Presented by Houston Young Lawyers Association and United Way Nonprofit Connection on Wednesday, November 2, 2016. Manage your legal risk and equip your organization with cutting edge information on emerging legal trends, challenges and issues that relate to your nonprofit operations. The Nonprofit Law Institute allows you to tap into Houston’s best legal minds and identify best practices that will help your nonprofit manage risk. Bring your questions – and your board members. Learn more about the 2016 Nonprofit Law Institute.
- NOAA’s National Marine Fisheries Service Southeast Region Grant Proposal. Deadline: October 28, 2016. NOAA is now seeking proposals under the Gulf of Mexico Bay-Watershed Education and Training (Gulf B-WET) Program. The full FY17 Federal Funding Opportunity (FFO) can be found at Grants.gov under funding opportunity number NOAA-NMFS-SE-2017-2005000. Applicants should apply through Grants.gov. Applications must be received by 11:59 p.m., Eastern Time on October 28, 2016, to be considered for funding. Please see the FFO for all application details. The Gulf of Mexico B-WET program is an environmental education program that promotes locally relevant, experiential learning in the K-12 environment. Funded projects provide meaningful watershed educational experiences (MWEEs) for students, related professional development for teachers, and help to support regional education and environmental priorities in the Gulf of Mexico. Visit www.sero.nmfs.noaa.gov for more information.
- Creation Care Retreat: What about Justice? Friday, October 28 evening – Sunday, October 30 morning. Lutherhill and Creation Care Team invite you to a weekend of renewal in the beauty of God’s good creation at the Zion Retreat Center in Galveston, TX. The subject of this retreat is environmental justice, and we will explore Biblical justice, and consider how it applies to the world around us. The retreat offers opportunities to study and learn, brainstorm and worship, discuss and reflect, and contemplate and recreate. Most activities on Saturday will take place in Galveston Island State Park, weather permitting. At the park, participants can explore the bay and the beach, walk under the stars at night, see wildlife in the early morning, or simply be at peace in nature. A hands-on outdoor service project in the park will be offered. Let’s rejoice together in God’s good creation! Due to Lutherhill’s generosity, this event is offered at a reduced cost. Space is limited, however, so register early at: www.zionretreat.org. The retreat is open to adults of all ages, and to youth 10+, when accompanied by an adult. Those with an unbreakable commitment on Sunday should feel free to register and attend only Friday – Saturday. http://ctkelc.org
- SEED: The Untold Story. This award-winning film is a feature-length documentary featuring Vandana Shiva, Dr. Jane Goodall, Andrew Kimbell, and Winona LaDuke, following passionate seed keepers protecting our 12,000-year old food legacy. They need to sell 57 more tickets to meet the threshold to show the film at theHouston Merq’E Stadium 23 & Imax theater on December 1, 2016. Learn more, view the trailer, and purchase tickets at http://gathr.us/screening/18300.
- Texas Commission for Environmental Quality Recycling Survey. Deadline: October 31, 2016. Please aid the TCEQ  by participating in a survey for a study on the current and potential economic impacts of recycling, including state and local revenue that may be considered lost because recyclable materials are not recycled. Results will be included in the TCEQ report, “Municipal Solid Waste in Texas: A Year in Review, 2016 Data Summary and Analysis.” The study is required for the Texas House Bill 2763 of the 84th Texas Legislature. Please visit www.tceq.texas.gov for a full summary of the survey. Click here for a direct link to take the survey.
- Japhet Creek Clean-ups. Japhet Creek Nature Conservancy is hosting several creek clean-ups this fall, including  November 12 & 19, 2016. Learn more about how to help at japhetcreek.org.
- NOAA Marine Debris Research Federal Funding Opportunity. Deadline: December 19, 2016. NOAA’s Marine Debris Program is pleased to announce the FY2017 Marine Debris Research Federal Funding Opportunity. Proposals are due December 19, 2016. The announcement can be found on Grants.gov at www.grants.gov.
- TV: Texas Parks & Wildlife. Broadcast on KUHT Channel 8 at 3:00 PM each Saturday and on municipal access cable channels in Baytown, Deer Park, Houston, Texas City, Galveston, Nassau Bay, Pasadena, Seabrook, Sugar Land, and on HCC TV. More info on the TPWD website (* indicates a segment about the Houston area). For a preview, visit TPWD’s YouTube Page.
- Catching Copperheads (Sweeny, Texas) *
- City Camping
- Windy Water