CEC: Environmental Puns & Poetry
Earth Month, Poetry Month, and April Fool’s Day all mixed into one!
You can expect excellent environmental poets (including Jim Blackburn & Chuck Wemple) reading from their work, as well as amateur comedians wrangled by a former, award-wining stand-up comedian (Todd Running), and opportunities for open mike.
Please consider submitting a poem or a pun for inclusion in the event!
Hopefully, the event will not devolve in to bad limericks such as the following:
There once was a big hive of bees
Whose residents pollinated trees.
While going to sup
They were sprayed with Roundup.
Now both are endangered species.
To be held in the wine cellar at Georgia’s Market. Space is limited, so sign up early!
Parking on the street is free after 6 pm. You can also take light rail, as Georgia’s Market is on Main Street, and there are a plethora of bus routes that go through downtown.
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