Houston Environmental News Update July 9, 2013
Houston Environmental News Update July 9, 2013
- CEC to Host Global Community Leader Sophany Touch
- Lunch Bunch at Mercer Arboretum
- Summer Science Nights 2013: Catching Wildlife
- My Houston 2040 Monthly Happy Hour
- Ales and Tails II
- Unplugged Adventure: Night Sight
- The Original Classroom Series: Night Flight
- A Walking Tour of White Oak Bayou Construction
- Prairie Restoration Roundup
- Become a Clean Air Champion
- Catalyst Awards Student Competition
- BBB Wise Giving Alliance, Charity Navigator, and GuideStar Join Forces to Dispel the Charity “Overhead Myth.â€
- 2013 Reuse Contest Building Competition.
- TPWD Wildlife Diversity Program – “Shovel-Ready†Conservation Projects.
- Facebook: Japhet Creek Restoration Volunteers|Keep it Clean and Green!
- Eco-Ology Radio Program on KPFT.
- Bat Presentations.
- EPA Seeks Input from Small Entities on New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) and Amendments to Emission Guidelines for Solid Waste Landfills.
- TCEQ Updates HHW Program Resources pages.
- Our connection to mountaintop mining.
- TCEQ Rules Updates
- TV: Texas Parks & Wildlife
- Air Quality Forecast
- Galveston County Public Water Systems Face Restrictions (Elizabeth Koh and Ian Floyd – The Texas Tribune, 7/8/2013)
- New arboreal champion crowned in Greens Bayou watershed (Houston Chronicle, 7/5/2013)
- Keystone XL’s Gulf leg is 80% complete (Jennifer A. Dlouhy – My SA News, 7/5/2013)
- New Scoop.it Page
- NEW! Texas Campaign for the Environment (TCE) seeks Houston Area Program Director
- The Energy Corridor District seeks Intern
- TCEQ seeks Natural Resources Specialist II
- Artist Boat seeks Bookkeeper
- Jesse H. Jones Park & Nature Center seeks Horticultural Coordinator
- H-GAC seeks Air Quality Coordinator
- Uptown Houston seeks Project Manager for Memorial Park
- Memorial Park Conservancy seeks Conservation Director
- Air Alliance Houston seeks Part-Time Administrative Assistant
- Public Citizen (Austin) seeks Project Media Coordinator
- Sierra Club seeks Community Organizer
- Matagorda County seeks Extension Agent – Coastal and Marine Resources
- H-GAC seeks Senior Air Quality Planner
CEC to Host Global Community Leader Sophany Touch. An experienced international community leader will contribute to our local community through a four-month fellowship funded by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs and implemented by IREX. The community leader will apply a global lens to environmental issues facing the greater Houston region through practical work experience at the Citizens’ Environmental Coalition while gaining transferable leadership and management skills he will later will apply back in his home country.
In its second year the Community Solutions Program has matched 58 global leaders with American organizations in more than 20 U.S. States and the District of Columbia. Through hands-on collaboration, more than 55 American organizations will provide their leaders with community development experience in the U.S. in one of four topic areas: tolerance and conflict resolution, women’s issues, environmental issues, and transparency and accountability. Community leaders, with up to 15 years of experience, will volunteer their time and perspectives to finding innovative solutions to local challenges.
Community leader Sophany Touch of Cambodia, has over five years of experience working on projects related to environmental preservation, community development and natural resource protection. As the Community Based Ecotourism (CBET) Community Development Officer at Wildlife Alliance in Chi Phat, Cambodia, he is involved in promoting conservation values throughout the CBET process and activities. At the Citizens’ Environmental Coalition in Houston, Touch will work with local environmental and economic development organizations to help develop local ecotourism programs. He will also participate in efforts relating to food security, climate change, and natural resource conservation.
Learn more about Sophany and the Community Solutions program in the press release. If you are interested in working with Touch this fall or if you know of a garage apartment that might be available to rent from mid-August through November 2013, please contact rachel@cechouston.org or at 713-524-4232.
- Lunch Bunch at Mercer Arboretum. Join Mercer Arboretum for the Lunch Bunch, which meets on the second Wednesday of the month from noon-2pm. Bring a lunch to enjoy while listening to a lecture on a variety of gardening topics. On July 10, 2013, learn about summer-blooming shrubs. More at http://themercersociety.org.
- Summer Science Nights 2013: Catching Wildlife. Katy Prairie Conservancy’s next Summer Science Night is on July 10, 2013 from 6-8pm at the Indiangrass Preserve. Catching animals is tough. They often move quickly, some are slippery, and some are even dangerous. Fortunately, technology can make catching wildlife simple, safe, and fun while providing us with new ways of understanding our wild neighbors. Participants will learn how to ‘catch’ wildlife using game cameras, footprint traps, audio recorders, and even smart phones. Don’t worry – attendees can try catching wildlife with good ole nets as well. http://www.katyprairie.org/Summersciencenights.html.
- GBF’s Quarterly Membership Meeting: The Importance of Oyster Restoration in Galveston Bay. Bill Rodney, Oyster Restoration Biologist for Texas Parks and Wildlife, and Matthew Abernathy, GBF Conservation Programs Outreach Specialist, will discuss oyster restoration efforts in Galveston Bay. Oysters are not only a well-known delicacy, but also serve as a natural water filtration system, and reefs provide essential habitat for many other estuarine species. Consequently, oyster reef restoration is vital to the health and quality of our coastal waterways. Thursday, July 11, 2013. Networking & business meeting from 6 to 7 pm, program begins at 7 pm. RSVP required.
- My Houston 2040 Monthly Happy Hour. Houston Tomorrow, Air Alliance Houston, and the Citizens’ Transportation Coalition agree that Houstonians can build a better Houston today by thinking about the Houston we may inherit in 2040 and the Houston we want in 2040. Join us on July 11, 2013 from 5-7pm. The topic is “Urban Farming and Eating Local.” As Houston continues to grow, local food sources and urban farming will play an increasingly important role in feeding our region. More at https://www.facebook.com/MyHouston2040.
- Ales and Tails II. Join TWRC Wildlife Center at Saint Arnold Brewing Company for their Ales and Tails Casino Night Fundraiser! This great night will take place on July 13, 2013 from 7-10pm. Enjoy a real Texas Barbecue dinner catered by Pappas, Casino tables, Silent Auction, Prize Drawings and Live Music by The Jeff Band. All profits benefit TWRC Wildlife Center. For more information call 713-468-8972 or go to http://www.twrcwildlifecenter.org/.
- Unplugged Adventure: Night Sight. As night descends on the prairie a zoo of sounds, dark shapes, and even ghostly lights materalizes. What could they be? Joins Katy Prairie Conservancy for a nighttime walking safari of the historic Warren Ranch. Participants will hike along ranch roads using only the moonlight and red-tipped flashlights as guides. Along the way participants are sure to spot wildlife big and small – and always wild! Night Sight will take place from 8:15-9:30pm on July 13, 2013 at Warren Ranch, Rock Hollow Creek. This is a free event! Register at https://events.r20.constantcontact.com/. More at http://www.katyprairie.org/events.html.
- The Original Classroom Series: Night Flight. This summer Environmental Educators Exchange and Get Outdoors Houston! are pleased to offer classes for educators (formal, informal, volunteers, homeschool, etc.) in the best classroom of all – the Great Outdoors! Each of the field experiences are designed to help educators connect with local ecosystems and their cultural, economic, and agricultural stories – all within a context of an adventurous field trip. Three classes will be offered in July about Houston’s really wild night life. Learn about some of our nocturnal neighbors and how they survive in an urban environment. All educators {formal, informal, homeschool, etc.} are welcome. Continuing education credits available. Register for one class ($25) or all three ($60) at https://events.r20.constantcontact.com/.
- Owl Prowl: July 16, 2013, 7-9pm. Join bird expert Mary Anne Weber on an adventurous stroll through the Sims Bayou Urban Nature Sanctuary in search of elusive owls.
- Bat City: July 18, 2013, 7:45-9pm. Join Urban Wildlife Biologist Diana Foss as she reveals the mystery and the marvel of the 300,000 strong Brazilian Free-tail bat colony near downtown Houston and its relationship to the Bayou City.
- Sounds of Summer: July 20, 2013, 7:30-9:30pm. Join native animal expert Jaime González on an auditory adventure as you learn the night sounds of summer in the beautiful Houston Arboretum and Nature Center.
- A Walking Tour of White Oak Bayou Construction. White Oak Bayou has multiple sections of trail being designed and built this year. Bayou expert and former White Oak Bayou Preservation president Kevin Shanley will provide a short walking tour of one key stretch of construction on July 20, 2013 from 9-10pm. Tour participants will discuss how the recent TIGER funding from the city will complete a small section past W. 11th along the bayou corridor and also connect along the roadway to the MKT rails to trails project near 7th Street. If interested, RSVP here.
- Prairie Restoration Roundup. It is time to register for the Prairie Restoration Roundup! Join the best restorationists in southeast Texas for a day of hands-on demonstrations and insightful discussions about restoring prairie to farms, ranches, private residences, parks, and more! Prairie plants are drought resistant, don’t need large inputs of fertilizer, and can be a boon to both cattle and wildlife. The roundup is on July 26, 2013, 9am-3pm at the Texas City Prairie Preserve. Cost is $35 for general public and professionals and $25 for students and Texas Master Naturalists. Registration is required. Register at http://prairiepartner.org/.
- Become a Clean Air Champion. No single organization can solve the region’s air quality challenges by itself, but by becoming a Clean Air Champion, H-GAC will work with your organization to measure its positive impact on regional air quality. You’ll also receive recognition for your contributions and enjoy the financial, environmental, and quality of life improvements that come with being a Clean Air Champion. On June 25th, 2013, H-GAC hosted an informational webinar on the Clean Air Champion program. To view the webinar, click here. Some benefits of becoming a Clean Air Champion include: free training and assistance from H-GAC to help implement or enhance your commuter benefits program as well as guidance for implementing clean fleet policies; web-based tools to help you calculate the overall financial, environmental, and traffic improvements you generated by becoming a Clean Air Champion; and more. Learn more at http://www.mysolutionis.com/.
- Catalyst Awards Student Competition. As part of the Houston Tomorrow Catalyst Awards, students are invited to submit short videos explaining big-picture ideas about the Houston region’s future. Submissions will be competing for two $1,000 cash prizes. Submissions must be sent by August 1, 2013. Visit http://www.houstontomorrow.org/ for more information.
- BBB Wise Giving Alliance, Charity Navigator, and GuideStar Join Forces to Dispel the Charity “Overhead Myth.†In a historic move, the leaders of the country’s three leading sources of information on nonprofits – GuideStar, Charity Navigator, and BBB Wise Giving Alliance – penned an open letter to the donors of America denouncing the “overhead ratio†as the sole measure of nonprofit performance. The letter, signed by all three organizations’ CEOs, marks the beginning of a campaign to correct the common misconception that the percentage of charity’s expenses that go to administrative and fundraising costs—commonly referred to as “overheadâ€â€”is an appropriate metric to evaluate when assessing a charity’s worthiness and efficiency. In response to donor expectations and funder requests, the nonprofit sector, which all three organizations provide information to and about, has often erroneously focused too heavily on overhead over the past few decades, which has starved some nonprofits from investing in themselves as enterprises and created what the Stanford Social Innovation Review calls, “The Nonprofit Starvation Cycle.†Read the letter and learn more about the issue at http://overheadmyth.com/.
- 2013 Reuse Contest Building Competition. The City of Houston Solid Waste Management Department (SWD) Reuse Warehouse is coordinating Houston’s participation in the 2013 National Reuse Contest, sponsored by The Reuse People (TRP). Projects built primarily of used building materials and completed within the last year are eligible for submission. Houston entries must be received by August 31, 2013. The three winners, announced September 30, 2013, will automatically be entered in the national contest. To compete, email a photo of your project to Reuse Warehouse Manager Keith Koski at reuse.warehouse@houstontx.gov. For a complete list of rules and participating stores and to see photos of previous contest winners, visit www.TheReUsePeople.org/reusecontest.
- TPWD Wildlife Diversity Program – “Shovel-Ready†Conservation Projects. The Wildlife Diversity Program is offering grants to support “shovel-ready†conservation-related projects. Proposals will be accepted through July 14th, 2013. To be considered for the award, proposal must be received by the deadline electronically to bianca.hernandez@tpwd.texas.gov. Funded projects may address any conservation-related issue, which might include habitat restoration and management, access to wildlife/wildlife viewing, outreach/education, community partnerships, and research. Read more at www.tpwd.state.tx.us/.
- Facebook: Japhet Creek Restoration Volunteers|Keep it Clean and Green! The Japhet Creek Nature Conservancy now has a Facebook page where it will post updates and links related to volunteering for creek clean-up events. If you already have a Facebook account, please go to https://www.facebook.com/ and like the page.
- Eco-Ology Radio Program on KPFT. Tune in to 90.1 FM KPFT every Wednesday morning for a radio program on Eco-Ology! The program is dedicated to local hero’s at the forefront of environmental action, ecology in and for our community, social justice, health, and spirit. Produced by Patricia Greer, HC Clark and Cath Conlon. Technical support provided by Laura Slavin. Explore what is happening in the community and who is doing something about it. Eco-Ology welcomes ecologists, economists, environmentalists, religious and spiritual leaders, peace givers, progressives, conservatives, liberals – everyone who is deeply entrenched in living now and believes a future is possible. Eco-Ology is a coalition of solution based citizens from a variety of environmentally-related organizations, focusing on ecological issues, exposing their interdependent relationship. The next show is on July 10, 2013 from 6-7am. More at http://eco-ology.org/.
- Bat Presentations. The Waugh Street Bridge is home to over 300,000 Mexican Free-Tailed Bats, and every night at dusk you can see them head out from their daytime perches for their nightly excursions. On the 1st, 3rd, and 4th Friday of the month from March thru November, staff from The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department give informational talks twenty minutes before sunset and are available to answer all your bat questions. The next presentation will take place on July 19, 2013, 5-5:30pm, at the Waugh Street Bridge. More at http://cechouston.org/.
- EPA Seeks Input from Small Entities on New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) and Amendments to Emission Guidelines for Solid Waste Landfills. The Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA) requires EPA to convene a Small Business Advocacy Review (SBAR) Panel for a proposed rule unless the agency certifies that the rule will not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities. The Panel process offers an opportunity for small businesses, small governments, and small not-for-profit organizations (collectively referred to as small entities) to provide advice and recommendations to ensure that EPA carefully considers small entity concerns. For more information on please visit EPA’s website at: http://www.epa.gov/sbrefa/landfill.html
- TCEQ Updates HHW Program Resources pages. The TCEQ has updated its Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) program Web pages. The new pages feature information for both residents and collection organizers on safely managing hazardous household chemical products, such as pesticides, corrosive cleaners, and solvents, as well as other products, like paint, used motor oil, and antifreeze that can be recycled. You can find details about:
- programs available in your city or county,
- general information about HHW, including how to decrease your home usage,
- tips for planning a collection event,
- other program areas and agencies that may impact current HHW managers as well as expanded guidance for programs across the state.
For general inquiries or questions about the program, contact the HHW Program Coordinator at 512-)239-3143 or send us an e-mail:
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- Our connection to mountaintop mining. When you live in an area flatter than a pancake, it is often hard to imagine that your actions could be related to mountaintop mining. However, when we flick on the light or cool off in the a/c, we are indirectly linked to mountaintop mining, according to Appalachian Voices, an organization working to improve the environment and health of communities in Central and Southern Appalachia. Energy providers in our region work with companies that mine in Appalachia. To see your connection to Mountaintop Removal Mining and learn what you can do to help reduce the practice visit: http://ilovemountains.org/my-connection.
- TCEQ Rules Updates. The following items have been filed with the Chief Clerk for the July 26, 2013, Agenda. Learn more at http://www.tceq.state.tx.us/rules/whatsnew.html.
- Pending Proposal, Add Wildfire Hazard Mitigation to the State’s Prescribed Burn Rule, (Rule Project No. 2013-023-111-CE)
- Pending Proposal, Contractual Sales in the Rio Grande Relating to Documents Needed to File, (Rule Project No. 2013-031-303-OW )
- Pending Adoption, Maintenance, Startup, and Shutdown (MSS) for Oil and Gas, (Rule Project No. 2012-030-106-AI)
- Pending Adoption, Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT) and Generally Available Control Technology (GACT) Standards Update, (Rule Project No. 2013-004-113-AI)
- TV: Texas Parks & Wildlife. Broadcast on KUHT Channel 8 at 3:00 PM each Saturday and on cable channels in Baytown, Deer Park, Seabrook, and on HCC. More info on the TPWD website (* indicates a segment about the Houston area).
- Coastal Conflicts
- Parks & Wildlife People: Wildlife Permitting Team
- The Other Big Bend
- Outdoor Info: Shooters Eye & Ear Protection
- The Legend of Old RIP50th Film History: Time For Seafood
- Air Quality Forecast. http://www.tceq.texas.gov/airquality/monops/forecast_today.html. Houston Clean Air Network and Realtime Ozone Mapping: http://houstoncleanairnetwork.com.
- July 9, 2013: Green–Good. Moderate winds and low incoming background levels should help to keep air quality in the “Good” range statewide.
- July 10, 2013: Green–Good. Moderate winds and low incoming background levels should help to keep air quality in the “Good” range statewide.
- July 11, 2013: Green–Good. Moderate winds and low incoming background levels should help to keep air quality in the “Good” range statewide.
ECONOTES Featured News Articles–For dozens of additional headlines, visit the CEC website. (You can let us know about articles, too. E-mail news@cechouston.org).
- Galveston County Public Water Systems Face Restrictions (Elizabeth Koh and Ian Floyd – The Texas Tribune, 7/8/2013)
Galveston County could face water shortages in the next few months as its public water systems begin to feel the stress of the summer heat, though the most likely cuts will be to outdoor watering. The Gulf Coast Water Authority, which serves all of Galveston County except for the city of Friendswood, could potentially run out of water in less than 180 days, according to a Texas Commission on Environmental Quality list of public water systems that have implemented usage limits in municipal areas.
https://www.texastribune.org/ - New arboreal champion crowned in Greens Bayou watershed (Houston Chronicle, 7/5/2013)
After a developer removed a century-old American sycamore in the Heights last month, another tree assumed top honors on the Harris County Tree Registry. It’s likely few people have ever seen the 105-foot giant that stands in the deep woods of the county flood control district’s Greens Bayou watershed. The natural treasure is a distance from any road.
http://www.houstonchronicle.com/ - Keystone XL’s Gulf leg is 80% complete (Jennifer A. Dlouhy – My SA News, 7/5/2013)
The northern leg of TransCanada’s Keystone XL pipeline may be mired in controversy, but the southern portion of the project is almost complete, company officials said Friday. Dubbed the Gulf Coast Pipeline, that southern leg is on track to begin carrying up to 700,000 barrels of oil per day from Cushing, Okla., to Nederland in southeastern Texas by the end of the year.
http://www.mysanantonio.com/ - New Scoop.it Page. The CEC is now maintaining a page on Scoop.it. We are collecting content from news providers about our organization. Visit the CEC’s feed at http://www.scoop.it/t/citizens-environmental-coalition-houston and tell us what you think.
GREEN JOBS Tell them you heard about it from us! Job listings can be found at CEC’s Green Jobs page.New
- NEW! Texas Campaign for the Environment (TCE) seeks Houston Area Program Director. Experienced strategically-minded activist wanted for position available with Texas Campaign for the Environment (TCE) and TCE Fund, the state’s leading canvass-based environmental group. This person will work with the Executive Director and other program staffers to develop organizational corporate and legislative strategies, including evaluating and researching specific issues TCE works on at the local, state and federal levels and translating goals into winnable campaigns that motivate canvassers and the public. Experience in planning and executing creative direct actions is important. Currently, the top priority for Houston-area organizing is to stop a plan to do away with curbside recycling and have residents throw recyclables, organics and trash in one bin to be mechanically sorted at a “dirty Municipal Recycling Facility.†TCE needs a good strategic thinker who learns quickly and can work well with diverse stakeholders. This person will lead efforts to translate the success of the canvass operations into effective campaigns that get results by convincing government and corporate decision-makers to take the actions TCE advances. A qualified candidate must be able to identify, recruit and work with a broad spectrum of allies that share TCE’s interests, including community activists and organizations, businesspeople, elected officials and their staff members, and other government officials. This will require engagement outside of normal work hours and beyond the confines of the office. Flexibility and a strong work ethic are a must. If interested, email cover letter, resume, and contact information of two references to robin@texasenvironment.org. The deadline for applications is July 31, 2013.
- The Energy Corridor District seeks Intern. The Energy Corridor District is seeking a paid part time Intern to help with administration and marketing of the Federal Grant Programs. Responsibilities include: assisting District Staff in developing plans; organizing materials and implementing programs to promote the Energy Corridor District community and provide administrative support for the ECD office; promoting JARC Grant bus route to provide route information and seek promotional ridership; and assisting in implementing Energy Corridor CMAQ Grant CarShare Project by planning outreach activity, promoting Car Share Project at business work sites, developing web content, and responding to inquiries. To apply, send your resume and cover letter to jnunez@energycorridor.org or Energy Corridor District / Attn: John Nunez / 14701 St Mary’s Lane Suite 290 / Houston, TX 77079.
- TCEQ seeks Natural Resources Specialist II. The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality is seeking a Natural Resource Specialist II for the Galveston Bay Estuary Program. Responsibilities include: providing technical support for water quality, habitat, and living resources issues associated with managing the Galveston Bay ecosystem; providing Grant, Contract and Budget management support, tracking and reconciliation; researching, evaluating, and summarizing policy, technical, and management results and implications of federal, state, and local initiatives related to habitat, invasive species, non point sources of pollution, ship ballast water, septic systems, aquatic and terrestrial species, and coastal hazards in the Galveston Bay area, in collaboration with the Natural Resources Uses Coordinator and Water and Sediment Quality Coordinator; coordinating development and submission of federal reports, including annual grant work plan and progress reports, and assures timely completion and submission of all required deliverables; and more. The application deadline is July 10, 2013. http://www.tceq.texas.gov/adminservices/employ/jobs.html Job Posting: 13258.
- Artist Boat seeks Bookkeeper. The Bookkeeper is primarily responsible for assisting the Executive Director and Treasurer with the financial management of the organization. The bookkeeper is required to have a formal and strong foundation in accounting, best practices in financial management, and nonprofit accounting. The purpose of this position is to provide the financial management infrastructure to maintain and grow all programs, track and report on all finances regarding grants and jobs, assure educational program staff have the proper support for procurement of materials and equipment needed for programs, assist the Executive Director with financial management of all funds, and process payroll. The Bookkeeper reports to the Executive Director, participates in the board of directors’ finance committee, and maintains a positive roll in communicating with all members of the board of directors and staff. Please submit resume, cover letter, and three references by United States Postal Service to Karla Klay, Executive Director, 2415 Avenue K, Galveston, Texas 77550 by July 15, 2013. Find the full job description at http://www.artistboat.org/.
- Jesse H. Jones Park & Nature Center seeks Horticultural Coordinator. Under the direct supervision of the park superintendent, the horticultural coordinator plans, implements and maintains aspects of Jones Park’s native landscaping, heirloom garden and fruit trees, botanical identification, herbarium and seed collection, and greenhouse growing. This position requires a self-motivated, friendly and patient individual with a can do attitude, willing to work indoors or outdoors in all weather conditions, not afraid to get their hands dirty, and capable of conducting a variety of tasks in the course of a normal day. Responsibilities include growing and maintaining native plants, developing and maintaining the park’s landscape, presenting natural history programs, developing interpretive signage, using communication skills with the general public and volunteers. A four-year B.S. degree in horticulture, natural or environmental science, or comparable experience desired. Work varying shifts including weekends and evenings. The starting salary is commensurate with experience. Contact Darlene Conley Hostetler at 281-446-8588 or DConley@hcp4.net for a full job description and Harris County Precinct 4 employment application. For more information about Jones Park check the website at www.hcp4.net/jones.
- H-GAC seeks Air Quality Coordinator. Provides day-to-day oversight of the Clean Vehicles grant program and support to related programs including the region’s Clean Cities Coalition and H-GAC’s Drayage Loan Program. Supervises both technical and administrative aspects of the program, coordinates program staff, and tracks/analyzes metrics to ensure overall objectives are achieved. Reports to the Air Quality Program Manager, Transportation Department. More at www.h-gac.com/careers.
- Uptown Houston seeks Project Manager for Memorial Park. Uptown Houston, through its tax reinvestment zone (TIRZ), recently incorporated Memorial Park into its service area. Memorial Park is among the largest urban parks in the U.S., and is Houston’s largest inner city park covering almost 1,500 acres. The Memorial Park Project – a twenty-year, $100 million park improvement program – is just now being launched as part of Houston Parks And Recreation Department’s, Memorial Park Conservancy’s and Uptown Houston’s partnership to make vital improvements in Memorial Park. Specifics of the Project will be determined by the proposed master plan for Memorial Park, which will be developed in 2013 – 2014. Responsibilities of the Project Manager for Memorial Park include: to serve as the Project Manager for the master plan and park improvement projects; to manage the execution of the master plan in accordance with its phased construction; To manage day-to-day operational aspects of the planning and construction stages; to manage the procurement of consultants and advisers throughout the planning and construction stages; to identify resources needed and assign responsibilities; and more. To apply, send responses to 1980 Post Oak Boulevard, Suite 1580, Houston, Texas 77056; Attention: Betsy Kirkgard bkirkgard@uptown-houston.com. Include your resume, cover letter, and minimum of 2 references.
- Memorial Park Conservancy seeks Conservation Director. The Conservation Director of Memorial Park Conservancy (MPC) is primarily responsible for restoration and enhancement of Memorial Park’s natural environment through the use of trees and plants that are native to the area. Duties and responsibilities include: developing and maintaining inventory of park forest that identifies trees by species, area of the park and estimated age; planning and implementing plantings and irrigation within the maintained areas of the Park; planning and implementing reforestation where appropriate; working with Houston Parks and Recreation (HPARD), technical experts and consultants to study Memorial Park’s ecology and identify today’s and future requirements and constraints to restore the park’s natural ecology within the context of the long-range Master Planning process; implementing ecosystem management regimes contained in the approved Master Plan; and more. If interested, email cover letter, resume, references and compensation requirements to: Shellye Arnold, Executive Director, Memorial Park Conservancy at sarnold@memorialparkconservancy.org.
- Air Alliance Houston seeks Part-Time Administrative Assistant. Air Alliance Houston is seeking a motivated individual to assist with administrative duties. This is a part-time position with approximately 20 hours per week expected. Air Alliance has a small staff that demands work sharing and flexibility. The administrative assistant will perform a variety of administrative functions including bookkeeping, bill payment, scheduling, updating office procedures and manual, and filing and document retention. Applications will be considered until the position is filled. Interested applicants should send complete resume and cover letter to hiring@airalliancehouston.org. More at http://airalliancehouston.org/.
- Public Citizen (Austin) seeks Project Media Coordinator. Public Citizen (Austin, TX) is seeking a Project Media Coordinator to be a part of the Clean Coastal Commerce Coalition, committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions through a reduction of coal exports. The coalition seeks to get our message out in print, radio, television and online. We are looking for an applicant who is adept at using a multi-media and communications strategy that will provide information to local and national reporters, and maintain a significant presence and following online using new media to advocate for public health and safety, government accountability, and clean and safe energy. This is an opportunity to make a difference. For more information on this job posting go to http://www.citizen.org/Page.aspx?pid=5960.
- Sierra Club seeks Community Organizer. Sierra Club is looking to hire an experienced community organizer based in Austin, TX to help increase its grassroots power in the region. As a part of the history-making Beyond Coal campaign, s/he will help broaden the coalition to promote renewable energy and move beyond dirty, coal-fired power. This is an outstanding opportunity for an individual looking to enhanced his/her organizing skills and join a powerful, national team. For full details and to apply, please visit: https://ch.tbe.taleo.net/CH15/ats/careers/requisition.jsp?org=SIERRACLUB&cws=1&rid=277
- Matagorda County seeks Extension Agent – Coastal and Marine Resources. The Matagorda County Extension Agent-CMR (CEA-CMR) will work with communities in Matagorda County, Texas, to help them chart a sustainable and resilient path to the future. Matagorda County is subject to damaging tropical storms, including hurricanes. Coastal communities have suffered economically as shrimp and fishing outfits have reduced their fleets in response to lower prices and higher costs. Recreational fishing is a vibrant area, and an excellent natural resource base provides for outstanding hunting and farming. Community vitality and character are major concerns in this county. Matagorda County is not in the immediate growth path of Houston, but future growth, or the lack of it, is a major community concern. The CEA-CMR will be expected to work with communities in Matagorda County by engaging a wide range of university resources in their behalf. The Matagorda CEA-CMR provides leadership for an effective educational program that supports coastal communities, local natural resources, and coastal and marine industries. Responsible for planning, implementing and evaluating an effective outcome-based program that supports identified issues in Matagorda County; responsible for effectively reporting, marketing, and interpreting results of programming efforts. Develops and works with stakeholder-based committees that provide direction for Extension programs. Works with industry and community based organizations to effectively link Extension and coastal marine resources to the community. Understands job responsibilities associated with the position. Send resume and cover letter to John Jacob, jjacob@tamu.edu.
- H-GAC seeks Senior Air Quality Planner. The Senior Planner will serve as a primary staff for Transportation Air Quality Implementation Programs which may include Clean Air Action, Clean Vehicle and/or Commute Solutions activities. Coordinates and supports the efforts of local, state and federal agencies in complying with the various federal and state alternative fuel mandates and trading regulations. This position will support regional efforts to meet attainment of federal air quality standards by assisting in creatively analyzing and promoting transportation-related air quality programs and investigating other potential measures to help reduce ground level ozone. Supervised by Air Quality Coordinator. Reports to Air Quality Program Manager. Read more at www.h-gac.com/careers/.
CEC is sharing information during the session about what bills our member groups and readers are tracking. More information is available at cechouston.org/category/texas-legislature/. The last day of the regular session was Monday, May 27, 2013, followed by a special session for redistricting. On June 12, 2013, the Governor called for additional legislation to be considered during the special session. Learn more at www.legis.state.tx.us.
CEC will provide additional updates from our member groups soon. Websites with updates on environmental legislation:
- ACT Texas Clean Air: www.acttexas.org.
- Texas Bottle Bill www.texasbottlebill.com.
- H-GAC’s Natural Resources Advisory Council: Justin Bower, senior environmental planner, is providing briefings on proposed legislation related to air, water, land use, governance of natural resources, parks and natural areas, and energy issues. The briefings are updated on a weekly basis. Please note, these documents are intended as a summary of legislation and potential impacts, and are not intended to imply a stance or position on any bill. For all questions, contact Justin Bower at 713-499-6653. Briefing Document for All Natural Resources Legislation. (By category: Air Pollution and Climate, Energy, Governance, Land Use, Miscellaneous, Parks and Natural Areas,  Solid Waste, Water and Sewer Utilities, Water Conservation, Water Quality, Water Supply, Wildlife Management.)
- Public Citizen Texas VOX: http://texasvox.org/82nd-legislative-session/
- The Texas Observer is providing non-stop coverage of the 83rd Texas Legislature. Make sure to visit texasobserver.org/texas-legislature each day for its Capitol reporting.
UPCOMING EVENTS If you attend one of these events, please let them know you heard about it here! Visit the new calendar at cechouston.org.
- 3:30 pm Rice University Farmers Market @ Rice University South Stadium Lot
- 6:00 pm Baytown Fit Kids @ Baytown Community Center
- 6:00 pm Chimney Swift Counts @ Pershing Middle School
- 6:30 pm Toad Tuesdays @ Spring Creek Greenway Nature Center
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
- 6:00 am Eco-Ology Radio Program on KPFT @ 90.1 FM KPFT Houston,TX
- 8:30 am Weekly Bird Walk @ Kleb Woods Nature Center
- 9:00 am Wetland Restoration @ Sheldon Lake State Park
- 10:00 am Gator Tales @ Eddie V. Gray Wetlands Education Center
- 10:30 am Aquarium Fish Feeding @ Sea Center Texas
- 11:00 am Urban Harvest Farmers Market @ City Hall
- 11:30 am Houston Food Policy Workgroup @ Upper Kirby Building
- 12:00 pm Lunch Bunch at Mercer Arboretum @ Mercer Arboretum
- 4:00 pm Nature Story Time @ Nature Discovery Center
- 6:00 pm Summer Science Nights 2013: Catching Wildlife @ Indiangrass Preserve
- 7:00 pm Engineers Without Borders monthly meeting @ Rice University Mechanical Lab, Room 253 or 254
Thursday, July 11, 2013
- 8:00 am Katy Prairie Field Day @ KPC’s Indiangrass Preserve
- 12:00 pm Teleconference: Recreational Fishing for Red Snapper in the Gulf of Mexico @ Dial 1-800-857-5151 and use the password: RED SNAPPER
- 3:00 pm Kingwood Farmers Market @ Town Center Park
- 3:30 pm Greens Bayou West Reach Committee Mtg
- 5:00 pm My Houston 2040 Monthly Happy Hour @ Rudyard’s Pub
- 6:00 pm Baytown Fit Kids @ Baytown Community Center
Friday, July 12, 2013
- 7:00 am Armand Bayou Nature Center Bird Survey @ Armand Bayou
- 7:30 am Sierra Walkers @ Nassau Bay Post Office
- 8:00 am Flintridge Work Party
- 8:00 am Grogan’s Mill Farmer’s Market
- 8:00 am Guided Canoe Tour of Armand Bayou @ Armand Bayou Nature Center
- 8:00 am Guided Nature Tour and Free Family Fishing @ Sheldon Lake State Park and Environmental Learning Center
- 8:00 am Pearland Farmers Market @ Zychlinski Park
- 8:00 am Pontoon Boat Cruises @ Armand Bayou Nature Center
- 8:00 am Ultimate Nature Quest Days–Spring Creek Greenway @ Spring Creek Greenway Nature Center
- 8:00 am Urban Harvest Farmers Market @ Eastside
- 8:30 am Anthills Trail Work Party, 8:30 am
- 9:00 am GCBO Birds & Bottomlands Blitz @ Gulf Coast Bird Observatory
- 9:00 am Katy Farmers Market @ La Centerra
- 9:00 am Sugar Land Farmers Market @ Imperial Sugar Land
- 10:00 am BTA Neches River Adventures @ Riverfront Park
- 10:00 am Guided Trail Hike @ Armand Bayou Nature Center
- 10:00 am Volunteer Training @ Wildlife Center of Texas
- 1:00 pm Second Saturday Settlers: Clay Works @ Jones Park
- 3:00 pm Texas Parks and Wildlife on PBS
- 7:00 pm Ales and Tails II @ Saint Arnold Brewing Company
- 8:00 pm Jones Park: Stargazing @ Jones Park
- 8:15 pm Unplugged Adventure: Night Sight @ Warren Ranch – Rock Hollow Creek
Sunday, July 14, 2013
- 8:00 am Guided Nature Tour and Free Family Fishing @ Sheldon Lake State Park and Environmental Learning Center
- 8:00 am Sunday Bicycling @ Jesse H. Jones Park
- 9:00 am HANC Exploring Nature – Phenology Hike @ Houston Arboretum & Nature Center
- 12:30 pm The Farmers Market at Bridgeland @ Bridgeland, Cypress @ Parking lot adjacent to the Activity Center in Bridgeland
- 2:00 pm Jones Park Second Sunday Pickers @ Jones Park
- 2:00 pm Preservation Houston Walking Tours @ Various
Monday, July 15, 2013
- 4:30 am East Reach Committee Mtg – – Tuesday, July 16th, 2013 – 9:30 am – 11:00 am
- 8:00 am Prairie Restoration @ Sheldon Lake Sate Park & Environmental Learning Center
- 3:30 pm Rice University Farmers Market @ Rice University South Stadium Lot
- 6:00 pm Baytown Fit Kids @ Baytown Community Center
- 6:00 pm Chimney Swift Counts @ Pershing Middle School
- 7:00 pm 2013 ORIGINAL CLASSROOM SERIES: Headwaters to Baywaters
ABOUT THIS PUBLICATION This weekly update is brought to you by the Citizens’ Environmental Coalition, established as a 501(c)3 in 1971. CEC is a coalition of over 100 environmental organizations dedicated to fostering dialogue, education, and collaboration on environmental issues in the Houston / Gulf Coast region. Visit the CEC on line at cechouston.org. Do you know of something great going on? News? Events? Accomplishments? Jobs? Let us know! Send submittals to news@cechouston.org. If possible, send information by Friday for inclusion the following Tuesday. We especially like short paragraphs, catchy titles, third person, and links to more information, but we will work with whatever you send us. Calendar items can be submitted up to two years in advance. We are always looking for volunteers to help keep our calendar up to date.
CEC and other leading environmental organizations participate in payroll contribution plans at many Texas workplaces through Earth Share of Texas. Find out how you can support CEC at 800-GREENTX or www.earthshare-texas.org.
CEC agencies receive donations when you choose Green Bank. Visit www.greenbank.com for more information about the program.
Rachel Powers, Executive Director
Page Slocum, Newsletter Editor
(713) 524-4232