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ECONOTES 2013-04-22: Environmental Headlines for the Houston Region


  1. $3 Million Federal Grant Fueling Texas A&M Chemist’s Dream for Cheaper Natural Gas Cars (Guidry News, 4/16/13)
    When it comes to American consumers’ vehicular preferences, Texas A&M University chemist Hongcai Joe Zhou says the choice often boils down to simple economics more so than availability, environment or altruism. Zhou says a more cost-efficient system will be necessary to drive a nationwide shift from petroleum to cleaner-burning fuels. Zhou’s goal is to solve the technical hurdles related to natural gas storage — answers that bode well for sectors ranging from energy and economics to global relations and preservation.
  2. New polls: Most accept scientific view that Earth’s climate is changing (Bill Dawson – Texas Climate News, 4/17/13)
    Recent opinion surveys continue to find broad public acceptance of the mainstream scientific view that the climate is changing. Those new polls revealed majorities taking climate change seriously and favoring responses to mitigate and adapt to it. There was also some ambiguity, however, in the combined picture that emerged from the surveys regarding views on the seriousness of the threats that climate change poses and what should be done about it.
  3. EPA Announces U.S. Organizations Using the Most Green Power (EPA News, 4/17/13)
    The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)’s Green Power Partnership released an updated list of the Top 50 organizations that are choosing to use electricity from clean, renewable sources. These organizations help reduce carbon pollution and spur growth of clean, American-made energy sources by increasing their use of renewable energy. The City of Houston is #13 on the list. The Monarch School was recognized for long-term purchases of green energy. Four companies in the region were recognized as 100% green energy users: Accredo Packaging, Jacob White Construction Co., Discovery Green Conservancy, and Nicholas Earth Printing.
