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83rd Texas Legislature Regular Session update, April 9, 2013

Texas Capitol StarCEC is sharing information during the session about what bills our member groups and readers are tracking. More information is available at cechouston.org/category/texas-legislature/.

The last day to file most bills was March 8, 2013. The next significant date is April 15, 2013, which is the first day a Senator may place five bills or resolutions on the Intent Calendar. The last day of the regular session is Monday, May 27, 2013. Learn more at www.legis.state.tx.us.

Let us know what you think about the senate bills that have been filed! Take a quick survey to let us know which senate bills are important to you–and why! We’ll let you know what our readers think. Click here to take survey

Here is news from Adrian Shelley of Air Alliance Houston:

  • SB 467 – Hegar – Oppose – Senate floor this week: The “Paralysis by Analysis” bill would single out environmental rulemakings for additional regulatory requirements. Regulatory analyses of bills are already required under the Texas Administrative Procedure Act. This bill would create additional unnecessary requirements that would lead to a lopsided cost-benefit analysis of rules proposed by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ).
  • SB 1727 – Deuell – Support – Senate Natural Resources Committee, Tuesday at 9:00 am. This bill updates the Texas Emissions Reduction Plan (TERP). TERP is a proven, cost-effective means to achieve emissions reductions by funding upgrade or replacement of old, dirty vehicles and equipment. This bill would expand eligibility for the program to include projects that achieve reductions in particulate matter. It also makes changes to update and modernize TERP, extending its effectiveness for years to come.