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83rd Texas Legislature Regular Session, March 12, 2013

Texas StarCEC is sharing information during the session about what bills our member groups and readers are tracking. More information is available at cechouston.org/category/texas-legislature/.

As of March 12, 2013, 2361 bills have been filed by the Senate (up from 1415) and 4983 bills have been filed by the House (up from 3159). The last day to file bills was March 8, 2013. Learn more at http://www.capitol.state.tx.us/Reports/General.aspx. Other helpful links:

The following are bills (SB=Senate Bill, HB=House Bill, and HJR=House Joint Resolution) which may be of interest to the region’s environmental community and which have been filed in the past week (we’ll catchup on house bills next week):

  • SB 1046: Relating to the requirement that certain municipalities and counties regulate subdivisions in the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the municipality by agreement.
  • SB 1046 : Relating to the inclusion of natural gas as a public facility for a public facility corporation.
  • SB 1081: Relating to the certification of structural engineers; providing for a fee.
  • SB 1086: Relating to the authority to regulate certain water and sewage utilities to ensure public safety in and around certain municipalities.
  • SB 1087: Relating to the authority of a municipality to file a lien for the costs of abatement of a floodplain ordinance violation; providing a civil penalty.
  • SB 1092: Relating to the audit and review of river authorities.
  • SB 1094: Relating to security interests in oil and gas production and its proceeds.
  • SB 1104: Relating to the effect of rules and standards adopted by the Railroad Commission of Texas relating to the liquefied petroleum gas industry on ordinances, orders, or rules adopted by political subdivisions relating to that industry.
  • SB 1107: Relating to the preference given by state and local governmental entities to agricultural products produced or grown in this state.
  • SB 1140: Relating to the state highway fund.
  • SB 1143: Relating to the allocation of state hotel occupancy tax revenue to certain municipalities for cleaning and maintenance of and erosion control for public beaches.
  • SB 1156: Relating to land reclamation projects using tires.
  • SB 1162: Relating to requirements for the purchase or acquisition of a water or sewer system.
  • SB 1163: Relating to requirements for consolidating water and sewer utilities.
  • SB 1164: Relating to powers and duties of the Office of Public Utility Counsel to represent residential and small commercial consumers in certain water or sewer utility service matters before the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.
  • SB 1169: Relating to water conservation.
  • SB 1170: Relating to water shortage reporting by water utilities.
  • SB 1204: Relating to the qualifications of certain electric generation projects for programs designed to encourage the capture and utilization of carbon dioxide for use in enhanced oil recovery.
  • SB 1208: Relating to the creation of a regional food economy and food access task force.
  • SB 1209: Relating to reporting and information availability requirements for persons impounding, diverting, or otherwise using state water; providing a penalty.
  • SB 1212: Relating to the applicability of certain provisions concerning the transfer of exotic species to certain transfers of water that supply populous areas.
  • SB 1214: Relating to certain economic development programs administered [in rural areas] by the Department of Agriculture.
  • SB 1219: Relating to a customer’s right to privacy of smart meter collected data.
  • SB 1227: Relating to the creation of an on-bill repayment program to encourage improvements to real property related to water efficiency; authorizing a fee
  • SB 1230: Relating to the urban land bank demonstration program in certain municipalities.
  • SB 1239: Relating to compensation for excess electricity generated by a retail electric customer’s on-site generation.
  • SB 1240: Relating to the partition of mineral interests of a charitable trust.
  • SB 1249: Relating to plugging, capping, repairing, or completing certain wells.
  • SB 1253: Relating to the relationship between Texas Department of Transportation toll projects and adjoining free roads.
  • SB 1267: Relating to the liability of individuals providing labor or assistance to the Texas Forest Service in the performance of certain fire suppression duties.
  • SB 1268: Relating to recreational vehicles and recreational vehicle parks
  • SB 1271: Relating to the regulation and enforcement of dam safety by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.
  • SB 1273: Relating to creating a commuter trip reduction pilot program for the Texas Department of Transportation.
  • SB 1275: Relating to the Texas Emissions Reduction Plan motor vehicle purchase or lease incentive program.
  • SB 1278: Relating to the appraisal for ad valorem tax purposes of solar energy property.
  • SB 1279: Relating to cost recovery for certain demand-side electric energy resources in the competitive electric market.
  • SB 1280: Relating to attaining reserve capacity margins in power regions to meet expected peak demand.
  • SB 1282: Relating to deadlines for proposals for adoption by certain districts or authorities of desired future conditions of relevant aquifers.
  • SB 1284: Relating to the development and operation of advanced brackish desalination projects.
  • SB 1287: Relating to the operation of all-terrain vehicles and recreational off-highway vehicles; creating an offense.
  • SB 1295: Relating to state agency purchasing.
  • SB 1299: Relating to powers of the West Harris County Regional Water Authority relating to certain wells.
  • SB 1331: Relating to voting eligibility requirements for members of a metropolitan planning organization policy board.
  • SB 1337: Relating to the powers of the governing body of a public utility in certain municipalities.
  • SB 1351: Relating to demand-side electric energy resources in the competitive electric market.
  • SB 1384: Relating to the authority of an independent school district to invest in local water projects.
  • SB 1385: Relating to notification procedures regarding the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.
  • SB 1387: Relating to water well drillers and pump installers; authorizing fees.
  • SB 1394: Relating to the statewide critical infrastructure protection strategy.
  • SB 1395 : Relating to the regulation of dangerous wild animals.
  • SB 1444: Relating to the transfer of responsibility for regulating deer breeding from the Parks and Wildlife Department to the Texas Animal Health Commission.
  • SB 1453: Relating to rates charged and credits granted by certain electric utilities to retail customers with on-site solar generation capacity.
  • SB 1462: Relating to the power of the Railroad Commission of Texas to adopt and enforce safety standards and practices applicable to the transportation by pipeline of certain substances and to certain pipeline facilities.
  • SB 1468: Relating to the qualifications of certain electric generation projects for programs designed to encourage the capture and utilization of carbon dioxide for use in enhanced oil recovery.
  • SB 1478: Relating to the satisfaction of annual renewable energy requirements by certain utilities.
  • SB 1489: Relating to the powers and jurisdiction of a regional mobility authority.
  • SB 1500: Relating to the criteria to be used by the Texas Water Development Board in prioritizing applications for funds for the implementation of water supply projects.
  • SB 1501: Relating to the allocation of state revenue used to provide financial assistance to political subdivisions for water supply projects.
  • SB 1511: Relating to appraisal of land that is available to the public
  • SB 1529: Relating to an exemption from property taxation for certain facilities that convert landfill generated methane into renewable natural gas.
  • SB 1546: Relating to the management and use of the Texas preservation trust fund.
  • SB 1549: Relating to pre-event disaster recovery program administration contracts in certain counties.
  • SB 1554: Relating to the establishment of a matching grant program for rural economic development.
  • SB 1559: Relating to collection of fees for solid waste management in certain counties.
  • SB 1560: Relating to easements used for dune construction and maintenance projects.
  • SB 1561: Relating to the determination of the boundaries of, and the enforcement of the law governing access to, public beaches.
  • SB 1569: Relating to a municipality’s comprehensive plan.
  • SB 1573: Relating to the amount of money authorized to be used for Clean Air Act local initiative projects related to vehicles.
  • SB 1574: Relating to the authority of certain counties and the General Land Office to temporarily close a beach or a beach access point.
  • SB 1579: Relating to the appointment of a watermaster for the Brazos River Basin.
  • SB 1586: Relating to the definition of distributed renewable generation for certain generation systems installed on publicly owned land.
  • SB 1599: Relating to county and municipal land development regulation.
  • SB 1612: Relating to the authority of certain municipalities to provide water and sewer service to areas within the municipal boundaries without obtaining a certificate of public convenience and necessity.
  • SB 1624: Relating to the establishment of regional water banks by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and the Texas Water Development Board.
  • SB 1625: Relating to standards and procedures for determining whether a person who owns, operates, or manages a pipeline is a common carrier.
  • SB 1631: Relating to water management planning by the Lower Colorado River Authority.
  • SB 1637: Relating to the authority of the Railroad Commission of Texas to determine whether a person who owns, operates, or manages a pipeline is a common carrier.
  • SB 1650: Relating to Internet broadcasts of open meetings held by governmental bodies, including regional tollway authorities, regional mobility authorities, and metropolitan planning organizations.
  • SB 1659: Relating to manufacturers and distributors of only all electric-powered or all battery-powered motor vehicles.
  • SB 1663: Relating to certain water districts that do not provide water and sanitary sewer service to certain users in the districts’ territory.
  • SB 1685: Relating to exemptions from property taxation and sales and use taxation for certain offshore spill response and well containment property used to control pollution.
  • SB 1693: Relating to the management of federal and state funds for the Texas Safe Routes to School (SRTS) program, and other programs directed toward the accommodation of pedestrians, bicyclists, persons with disabilities, children, senior citizens, users of public transportation, and persons of all ages and abilities on separate facilities and in conjunction with motorists on street and highway corridors, hereafter the “All-Ages, Active, Safe, and Economical Transportation in Texas (AASETT)” program.
  • SB 1727: Relating to the use of the Texas emissions reduction plan fund.
  • SB 1730: Relating to comprehensive development agreements of the Texas Department of Transportation or a regional mobility authority.
  • SB 1733: Relating to a study regarding the creation of dunes on the gulf coast for storm surge protection.
  • SB 1749: Relating to the exemption of a water well from certain permitting by and compliance with rules of a groundwater conservation district.
  • SB 1756: Relating to the expedited processing of certain applications for permits under the Clean Air Act; authorizing a surcharge.
  • SB 1760: Relating to the development of brackish groundwater.
  • SB 1763: Relating to permitting requirements of groundwater conservation districts, including permits to transfer water.
  • SB 1778: Relating to funding for certain county transportation infrastructure projects.
  • SB 1779: Relating to ad valorem tax incentives for the recycling of water used in oil or gas drilling or production.
  • SB 1781: Relating to the eligibility for grants for natural gas fueling stations under the Texas natural gas vehicle grant program.
  • SB 1782: Relating to the assessment of damages arising from a condemnation of a pipeline easement.
  • SB 1784: Relating to establishing the Texas Landowner Ombudsman office in the General Land Office.
  • SB 1790: Relating to additional funding for transportation projects, including the issuance of revenue bonds; increasing motor vehicle registration fees.
  • SB 1791: Relating to a county air quality fee imposed at the time of an emissions-related inspection.
  • SB 1794: Relating to a transportation revolving fund for certain metropolitan planning organizations.
  • SB 1801: Relating to the adoption of fire hydrant requirements for a wildland-urban interface in certain municipalities.
  • SB 1811: Relating to the Fort Bend Subsidence District.
  • The following were received by the Secretary of State but were not listed as filed as of 3/8/2013.
  • SB 1819: Relating to the location of a sand mine; authorizing an administrative penalty.
  • SJR 46: Proposing a constitutional amendment prescribing the purposes for which revenue from motor vehicle registration fees, certain motor vehicle-related taxes, and certain revenues received from the federal government may be used.
  • SJR 47: Proposing a constitutional amendment increasing the rate of the state sales and use tax and dedicating revenue derived from that rate increase to repaying certain transportation bonds.
  • SJR 55: Proposing a constitutional amendment appropriating the system benefit fund for the purpose of returning system benefit fund fees to retail electric customers.
  • (Additional bills will be included next week.)