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ECONOTES 2012-10-22: Environmental Headlines for the Houston Region


  1. The Efforts Of Beautifying Woodland Park And Bayou (Rod Rice – KUHF News, 10/22/2012)
    A large section of Houston’s second oldest park had been forgotten and lost for decades. Many people didn’t even know it existed. But that’s all changed when five undaunted neighbors became the “Friends of Woodland Park.”
  2. Drought Leads To Change In Tree Canopies (Pat Hernandez – KUHF News, 10/17/2012)
    There is a bumper crop of nuts falling from trees here in the Houston area this fall. Experts say it’s a combination of the trees’ natural cycle and to stress from the drought. They also say while trees learn to adapt, the canopy’s composition will change.
  3. Putting a price tag on where endangered species live (Matthew Tresaugue – Houston Chronicle, 10/20/2012)
    A proposed policy shift regarding the protection of threatened or endangered species calls for an economic analysis to be done at the same time the government designates a territory as essential for the recovery of a plant or animal on the brink of extinction. This change is meant to give the public a better understanding of the potential economic impacts upfront and may produce more exclusions of private and state land from such a designation.
