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Urban Harvest Class: Planning the Winter Vegetable Garden

Title: Urban Harvest Class: Planning the Winter Vegetable Garden
Location: University of Houston, Central Campus
Link out: Click here
Description: Planning the Winter Vegetable Garden, at University of Houston, Central Campus

Fall and winter are the easiest seasons to grow vegetables in Houston. Join us and learn about the cool weather vegetables that you can grow this fall. This class will also go over when and where to plant, oil preparation, seed germination and transplanting.
Parking and walking directions for Oberholtzer Hall, All Purpose Room
Ray Sher has a large backyard garden where he grows vegetables for the Urban Harvest Farmer’s Market. He has been growing vegetables since 1991. Ray has taught many gardening classes at Urban Harvest, is a Sage Advice consultant for Urban Harvest and is a co-founder of the Westbury Community Garden.

There are no refunds on classes.

Instructor: Ray Sher

Date: Thu, Nov 8, 2012

Time:6:00 – 8:30 pm

Location: University of Houston, Central Campus, Room Location TBA
Start Time: 18:00
Date: 2012-11-08
End Time: 20:30