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Bolivar Beach Cleanup

Title: Bolivar Beach Cleanup
Location: Bolivar Flats
Link out: Click here
Description: Bolivar Beach Cleanup: September 22
In conjunction with the Texas Adopt-a-Beach program, we are planning a volunteer work day at Bolivar Flats on Saturday, September 22, 2012. We will be focusing on picking up litter and debris from the beach and dune areas as well as along the sides of Rettilon Road. We will meet at the far west end of the beach at the vehicle barrier at 9 AM and work until around 1 PM. These cleanups provide great opportunities to witness the wildlife of Bolivar, the activity of the ship channel, and experience hands on conservation by keeping our beaches clean. Keep in mind beach parking permits are not required during cleanups. Lunch will be provided, so email Danny Lynch (dlynch@houstonaudubon.org) if you are interested in helping us clean up our Bolivar Flats Sanctuary. Please feel free to bring along your friends and family. Hope to see you there.
Date: 2012-09-22

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