• 713-524-4CEC (4232)
  • info@cechouston.org

Scientific Water Conservation Seminar

Title: Scientific Water Conservation Seminar
Location: The United Way 50 Waugh Drive, 77007
Link out: Click here
Description: We now live in a world of permanent water shortage. The supply of clean water is considered by the Pentagon to be a national security issue. We know those issues well in Texas. OHBA constantly strives to prepare us for a healthy future and this seminar will provide you with tools to reduce your water dependency.


Kurt Thompson, ‘Rethinking Water Use in the Landscape’

Kurt is a nationally recognized water conservation expert serving the Green industry and is an excellent communicator. Kurt will give a dynamic presentation that focuses on reducing landscape water use while maintaining beautiful and essential Greenscapes.

Water conservation and plant health begins and ends in the soil. By acquiring knowledge about how water and nutrients are stored in the soil, what affects the soil water availability has on plant health, and what are the key elements driving plant water use in the soil, water waste can be significantly reduced.

Learn about the soils’ natural properties and begin to understand the soil-plant-water relationship.
Discover how and why water moves through the soil profile and what external forces control these functions.
Determine the different water requirements for different plant types
How you can affect positive change to reduce water use

Gene Barnes ‘Biological Water Conservation’ | OHBA Director

Gene has been involved in landscape water conservation for 39 years, president of Gallion Irrigation, Houston, TX and is doing brilliant work measuring how Organics reduces water use. Gene is doing a study unseen by anyone else in the country. Kurt’s presentation is brought to life by Gene’s startling photographic journey of real world landscapes transformed into water saving stewards. Learn how high water demand landscapes become water efficient through the application of simple Organic biological principles.
Start Time: 16:00
Date: 2012-08-09
End Time: 19:00