• 713-524-4CEC (4232)
  • info@cechouston.org

Urban Harvest Class: Starting a Community/School Garden 2: Implement & Grow

Title: Urban Harvest Class: Starting a Community/School Garden 2: Implement & GrowLocation: Urban Harvest ClassroomLink out: Click hereDescription: Class 2: Implement & Grow – We will review and modify the garden design, set a schedule for ordering materials and set a build date. We will discuss site-specific design implementation, and share important tips for building and maintaining a garden over…

Urban Harvest Class: Starting a Community/School Garden 1: Plan & Design

Title: Urban Harvest Class: Starting a Community/School Garden 1: Plan & DesignLocation: Urban Harvest Classroom Link out: Click hereDescription: Class 1: Plan & Design – This class will explore goals, discuss organizing volunteers and funding, and help you set priorities for your garden. The class will also cover the fundamentals of building a garden, including optimizing bed locations and dimensions,…

Urban Harvest Class: Starting a Community/School Garden 2: Implement & Grow

Title: Urban Harvest Class: Starting a Community/School Garden 2: Implement & GrowLocation: Urban Harvest ClassroomLink out: Click hereDescription: Class 2: Implement & Grow – We will review and modify the garden design, set a schedule for ordering materials and set a build date. We will discuss site-specific design implementation, and share important tips for building and maintaining a garden over…

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