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Permaculture Design Course in Austin

Title: Permaculture Design Course in Austin
Location: Austin, TX
Link out: Click here
Description: Austin Permaculture Guild
Where: Austin, TX
When: September 29, Starting date

Permaculture Design Course in Austin
Starting September 29, 2012
PERMACULTURE is a nature-inspired approach to designing human environments. Design that goes AGAINST nature is all around us: in our homes, in our workplaces, in our communities. It’s costing us, and it’s costing the planet. Permaculture gives a toolkit for designing WITH nature — designing our lives and systems to work within ecological limits. To find out more about permaculture, and tap into permaculture resources in the Austin area, a good place to start is Austin Permaculture Guild. We offer a very active email-based discussion group, as well as public events and Permaculture Design Certificate courses.
Our next Permaculture Design Certification course starts September 29. This fall course is filling up fast, so now is a good time to reserve your space.

For details and registration go to austinperm.com
Date: 2012-09-29