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Urban Harvest Class: Starting a Community/School Garden 2: Implement & Grow

Title: Urban Harvest Class: Starting a Community/School Garden 2: Implement & Grow
Location: Urban Harvest Classroom
Link out: Click here
Description: Class 2: Implement & Grow – We will review and modify the garden design, set a schedule for ordering materials and set a build date. We will discuss site-specific design implementation, and share important tips for building and maintaining a garden over time. We will also review suitable fruit trees and habitat plants to grow in Houston gardens.

Gary Edmondson is Director of Education for Urban Harvest. He has been assisting in the building of school and community gardens since 2001. He has a large vegetable, fruit and habitat garden at his home.

If you would like this class series to be taught at your site, call Gary Edmondson 713.880.5540. A minimum of ten people are needed and must be scheduled a month in advance. Check the website for additional classes and sites for this series.

There are no refunds on classes.

Instructor: Gary Edmondson

Date: Wed, Jun 27, 2012

Time:6:00 – 9:00 pm

Location: Urban Harvest Classroom, Room 124

Start Time: 18:00
Date: 2012-06-27
End Time: 21:00