Title: Houston Sierra Club CANOE/KAYAK – CYPRESS CREEK
Location: Cypress Creek
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Description: Along its path through the forested areas of northern Harris County, Cypress Creek passes by several parks and other points of interest. As a significant source of drinking water for the Houston region, it also illustrates some of the water quality issues posed by increasing urbanization. The creek responds rapidly to local rainfall, so it will be important to monitor conditions, and it may be necessary to move today’s trip to an alternative location in the event of unusually high or low flows. Participants must provide their own canoe or kayak, life jackets (required), and paddles. The trip leader can help you with advice regarding gear rentals from Houston area outfitters, if needed. Paddling time: 4-5 hours, plus breaks for sightseeing and lunch. Difficulty: moderate to strenuous. Recommended donation to the Houston Sierra Club: $10. Trip size is limited. To register, contact Tom Douglas at baymail@sbcglobal.net or (713) 869-6026.
Date: 2012-04-14