• 713-524-4CEC (4232)
  • info@cechouston.org

My Houston 2040

Title: My Houston 2040Location: Rudyard’s Upstairs, 2010 Waugh DriveLink out: Click hereDescription: The Idea: Houston Tomorrow, Air Alliance Houston, and the Citizens’ Transportation Coalition agree that Houstonians can build a better Houston today by thinking about the Houston we may inherit in 2040 and the Houston we want in 2040. Each happy hour will include time for networking and socializing,…

Woodlands, Wildlife and Drought Landowner Workshop

Title: Woodlands, Wildlife and Drought Landowner WorkshopLocation: Cat Spring Agricultural Society Hall Link out: Click hereDescription: The event will help educate landowners about woodland resources, identification of critical habitat and possible marketing opportunities, organizers said. It is sponsored by Texas AgriLife Extension Service in Colorado and Austin counties, the Texas Forest Service, Texas Forestry Association and the Houston Zoo. Special…

World Water Day

Title: World Water DayLink out: Click hereDescription: There are 7 billion people to feed on the planet today and another 2 billion are expected to join by 2050. Statistics say that each of us drinks from 2 to 4 litres of water every day, however most of the water we ‘drink’ is embedded in the food we eat: producing 1…

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