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ECONOTES 2012-02-20: Environmental Headlines for the Houston Region


  1. Will Electric Cars Strain the Texas Grid? (Terrence Henry – StateImpact, 02/15/2012)
    Electric vehicles are becoming more appealing as gas prices rise. However, a rising number of electric vehicles will increase the energy demand on an already-strained electric grid in Texas. This reliance on power plants means that although the cars have fewer emissions, they are still using fossil fuel energy.
  2. Drought’s toll on Texas’ urban forest: Up to 5.6 million trees and counting (Texas Climate News, 02/16/2012)
    Last year’s record-setting drought has killed about 5.6 million trees across Texas according to a study of before-and-after satellite imagery. Researchers believe that this count will continue to rise as many trees continue to be affected. Up to a tenth of trees in Texas cities and towns have already been lost.
  3. Flood Control District Backs Off Charting Buffalo (Laurie Johnson – KUHF News, 02/17/2012)
    Charting Buffalo is a project designed to add detention basins to flood-prone areas along Buffalo Bayou. The ideas for the project were revealed to the public recently and drew sharp criticism. Because of the public’s strong reaction, the report was pulled after the first meeting. The remaining meetings were suspended while the project is further reviewed.


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